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Advised and sold - Why self-proclaimed experts and coaches will run you down

01/05/2024 | By: FDS

There are many self-proclaimed experts and coaches who try to run people through advice and sales. These individuals often offer a variety of services designed to help people achieve their goals. These services range from financial advice to personal development to career counseling. They promise that their services will help people improve their lives, but it is important to note that many of these "experts" do not have the qualifications or knowledge to actually help.

Experts and coaches are mainly trying to make money by giving advice and selling, rather than giving truly useful information. They may try to get people to buy a product or service they don't really need through a sales pitch. They may also try to get people to spend more money than they actually can to get a particular service or product. This type of "advising" can be harmful, as it does not help people achieve their goals, but instead entices them to pay more than they actually can.

It is therefore important to carefully check if the services from an expert or coach are really useful. One should always do an in-depth research before considering any consultation or sale. Pay attention to the qualifications of the expert and make sure that they have experience and knowledge to really help you achieve your goals. This way, you can ensure that you don't fall victim to a scam.

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