
News / Blog: #data

What is data sourcing?

08/15/2023 | By: FDS

Data acquisition refers to the process of collecting information or data from various sources. This process is critical in many fields, including science, research, business, technology, and more. Data can come from a variety of sources, such as surveys, measurements, observations, experiments, social media, public records, sensors, business data, and many others.

Data sourcing typically involves several steps:

Determine the goal: Clearly define what type of data you need and why. What questions do you want to answer? What hypotheses do you want to test?

Source selection: Identify the appropriate sources from which to obtain the data you need. These can be structured databases, unstructured text, images, audio, or other types of information.

Data collection: collect data according to your target specifications. This can be done through manual data entry, web scraping, sensors, surveys, or other methods.

Data cleaning: Review the collected data for errors, outliers, missing values, and inconsistent information. Clean the data to ensure it is suitable for analysis or application.

Data integration: If you are collecting data from multiple sources, it may need to be integrated in order to analyze or use it in a coherent form.

Data processing: this step involves transforming the raw data into a form suitable for analysis or applications. This may involve aggregation, transformation, normalization, or other methods.

Data analysis: perform analysis to extract patterns, trends, or insights from the collected data. This may include statistical analysis, machine learning, or other techniques.

Communicating results: usually prepare and present the findings or results obtained to make them available to other people or systems.

The quality of data acquisition and processing has a direct impact on the accuracy and reliability of the conclusions that can be drawn from the data collected. It is important to be careful and methodical in order to obtain meaningful results.

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Soon no startup will be able to get by without AI and data analysis

08/11/2023 | By: FDS

The tech landscape in Germany has changed rapidly in recent years, and technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and data analytics play a central role. According to a recent survey of 203 tech startups commissioned by the digital association Bitkom, these technologies have proven to be indispensable for the success of startups. The results impressively show that startups that rely on AI and data analytics are not only ahead of the game, but are also the ones shaping the innovations of the future.

The current status quo: AI and data analytics dominate

A look at the statistics makes it clear just how entrenched AI and data analytics now are in the startup world. More than half of the startups surveyed (53 percent) are already using Big Data and data analytics to optimize their business processes and gain deep insights into their target groups. Even more impressive is the prevalence of AI, which is being used by 49 percent of startups to develop smart solutions and products.

It gets even more exciting when you look at the startups' future plans. Almost 40 percent of the companies surveyed are planning to introduce AI in the near future. The situation is similar for Big Data and Data Analytics, where 31 percent of the startups are discussing or planning their use. These figures underscore not only the current importance of these technologies, but also their future relevance for the startup landscape.

Startups leading the way: AI and data analytics in the overall economy

Comparing the use of AI and data analytics in startups with the overall economy, the pioneering role of young companies becomes particularly clear. While only 15 percent of companies in the overall economy use AI, 49 percent of startups already rely on this technology. Similar proportions are also evident in data analysis: In the overall economy, 37 percent use these technologies, while the figure for startups is 53 percent.

Bitkom President Dr. Ralf Wintergerst highlights the importance of this development, saying, "The fact that so many innovative founders are using AI and Big Data to develop new products and services is a positive sign. Startups will play an important role in making these technologies more accessible to smaller companies and SMEs."

The symbiosis of AI and data analytics

One notable aspect of this development is the close relationship between AI and data analytics. AI requires data to learn and make intelligent decisions. At the same time, AI enables more efficient analysis of big data, which in turn enables deeper insights and better business decisions. This interaction highlights the need for an integrated approach to implementing AI and data analytics.

Emerging technologies and their relevance to startups

The survey also provides insights into emerging technologies that could become more important in the coming years. The Internet of Things (IoT) is already being used by a quarter of startups, while nearly 30 percent are discussing or planning integration. 5G technologies have also piqued the interest of startups, with 17 percent in the planning or discussion phase.

Also exciting is the growing discussion about technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and blockchain. Currently, 8 percent of startups are using VR/AR, while an impressive 22 percent are discussing its use. Similarly, while 5 percent of startups are already using blockchain, 22 percent are planning to use the technology.

In summary, the survey highlights the changing nature of the German startup scene. AI and data analytics have evolved from emerging trends to indispensable tools that determine the course of business development. With their agile approach and willingness to integrate new technologies, startups are at the forefront of this movement that will undoubtedly shape the future of business.

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What are no-go's in marketing?

08/10/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in marketing are certain approaches or strategies that should generally be avoided because they can have a negative impact on a company's image. Here are some examples of no-go's in marketing:

Deception and Misleading: Consumers should not be deliberately deceived or misled. False claims about a product or service can undermine customer trust and lead to legal consequences.

Spamming: Mass mailing of unsolicited commercial messages, whether by email, text message or phone call, is an unprofessional and unethical marketing practice. It can damage relationships with potential customers and tarnish a company's reputation.

Inappropriate targeting: It is important to carefully analyze the target audience and develop appropriate marketing strategies. Inappropriate targeting based on prejudice or discrimination, for example, can lead to negative reactions and damage the company's image.

Inappropriate targeting can lead to negative reactions and damage the company's image.

Ignoring customer feedback: Customer feedback is valuable to companies because it provides insight into their needs, wants and complaints. Ignoring or dismissing customer feedback can make customers feel unheard or disrespected and turn away from a company.

Personal Data Breach: Inappropriate handling of customers' personal data, for example through unauthorized disclosure or insecure storage, can destroy customer trust. Companies should always comply with applicable data protection laws and ensure that customers' privacy is protected.

Failure to provide transparency: a lack of transparency can affect customer trust. Companies should clearly communicate what information they collect, how it is used, and the benefits or risks associated with a product or service.

This list is not exhaustive, but it provides an overview of some important no-go's in marketing. It is advisable to follow ethical principles and best practices for long-term successful and trustworthy marketing.

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What are no-go's in search engine advertising or online marketing?

08/09/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in search engine advertising or online marketing are certain practices that should be avoided because they violate either search engine guidelines or general marketing principles. Here are some examples of no-go's:

Misleading advertising: placing misleading ads or promising deals that cannot be delivered is unacceptable. Advertising should be transparent and honest.

Keyword stuffing: The excessive and unnatural use of keywords in ads or on landing pages is penalized by search engines. Content should be relevant to users and easy to read.

Lack of landing page relevance: The landing pages that the ads link to should be closely related to the products or services being advertised. A mismatch between ad text and landing page can lead to poor user experience.

Copyright infringement: using copyrighted content without having the necessary rights or permissions is not allowed. This includes images, text, brand names and logos.

Poor user experience: cluttered or slow websites, pop-up ads, auto-playing videos, or other elements that detract from the user experience should be avoided.

Spam and unsolicited communications: sending unsolicited emails, text messages, or other forms of communication without the recipients' consent is considered spamming and is unprofessional.

Neglect of data protection regulations: The handling of personal data must comply with applicable data protection laws. It is important to respect the privacy of users and adequately protect their data.

It is important to note that the exact no-go's may vary depending on the platform, search engine or online marketing channel. It is advisable to carefully read the guidelines of the respective platform and stay up to date to avoid violations.

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Marketing addresses in the lettershop - What you should look out for when buying

07/24/2023 | By: FDS

- Make sure that the addresses are up-to-date and correct.

- Check that the addresses correspond to the desired target market.

- Verify that addresses have sufficient information for an effective campaign.

- Check that the addresses are part of a database that is updated regularly.

- Make sure that the addresses are cost-effective and offer good value for money.

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