
News / Blog: #data-science

Data Science and Privacy - Is the Revolution Over Before It Starts?

09/06/2022 | By: FDS
No, the revolution is far from over. A lot has happened in recent years to improve data protection regulations for data science and data analytics. Various guidelines and rules have been introduced to ensure the protection of personal data. These include the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the General Data Protection Regulations (ADB), and the Automated Decision Making Directive. Despite these advances, there is still much work to be done to ensure that data privacy is effectively safeguarded in the data science industry. Organizations should be aware that they are responsible for protecting personal data and must implement privacy measures in their data analytics and models. It is also important that companies take advantage of the opportunities provided by new laws and policies to protect their data analytics and models. So it's clear that the revolution is far from over. However, it is progress that many companies and regulators are implementing data protection measures for the data science industry. This progress will help make data analytics and models more secure and trustworthy, and protect user privacy.
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Who are our products & services aimed at?

09/02/2022 | By: FDS

Who are our products aimed at? Who is the target group of Fischer | Data Science.?

There are around 15,000 startups every month in Germany alone. All founders of new businesses & startups that have a supra-regional focus need, in addition to their own website for the optimal start into self-employment, tools that save them valuable time, e.g. for research, so that they can concentrate on their core work (i.e. product development, marketing/sales, PR/public relations). This is where our products come in.

In addition, more established companies and organizations such as foundations and associations or societies also have a constant need to maximize their media presence as well as data around for fundraising to achieve their goals.

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Become a Data Scientist - Study Data Science or not?

08/24/2022 | By: FDS

Many students and high school graduates ask themselves what, in view of the future, would be a good and thus above all sustainable career choice.

If there is a fundamental interest and talent in the topics of IT, software, programming and statistics and mathematics, a number of possible courses of study could be listed.

Whoever finds the profession of a programmer or data engineer too one-sided should look into the job description of a data scientist.

In contrast to pure programmers, the profession of a Data Scientist combines planning, programming and statistical analysis and can therefore definitely be considered more diversified.

Currently, Data Scientists are highly demanded professionals in the labor market. However, whether labor demand in Data Science will continue to exceed supply remains to be seen.

Because in addition to the traditional route of studying, e.g., computer science or business information systems or bachelor's and master's degree programs directly in the field of Data Science, there are an increasing number of fast-track courses and private training programs designed to impart the skills in demand on the market in a compact or condensed format.

The increasing number of available Data Scientists, the further globalization and flexibilization and the increasing acceptance regarding the possible elimination of the need for a degree, could lower the salary level again, seen in the long term. At the same time, simpler tasks in the day-to-day work of a Data Scientist will be able to be partially or completely taken over by algorithms due to automation and advances in the field of artificial intelligence / AI.

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Editorial addresses cheap - How many are there and at what price?

07/25/2022 | By: FDS

Whether a freshly founded startup or already established company: Just about every company has an interest in bringing news worth reporting to the press, in this way directing the media focus on its own products or services, ultimately with the aim of reaching potential customers for more revenue and sales.

To this end, there are a wide variety of providers on the market with different prices and approaches. From free press portals to journalist databases costing tens of thousands of euros as subscription solutions, everything is represented on the market.

Fischer | Data Science. is completely committed to the Pareto principle. This states that 80% of the achievable effect can already be achieved with 20% of the money or time invested. Conversely, this means that each additional euro invested or each additional hour of work invested potentially brings less and less additional return or has less and less effect - regardless of how many more resources are actually used. In other words, in order to achieve the last 20% of the possible result, a multiple must be invested.

A journalist database with tens to hundreds of thousands of contact data of journalist:inside for several thousands of euros per year to be constantly maintained editorially with considerable personnel expenditure will not bring the average customer therefore in proportionally more mentions in the press and/or media articles.

At those costs, which otherwise usually already the dispatch of a single press release causes, we offer you the access to our media & PR database 2022 with over 16,000 editorial addresses in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. In contrast to more expensive solutions, we have automated the collection and maintenance process to the greatest possible extent - thus saving expensive personnel costs that would drive up the product price. Maximum impact with minimum effort.

For all information on the 2022 Media & PR Database, please visit the product page at

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Reaching decision-makers - We show you how to find and establish decision-maker contacts

07/22/2022 | By: FDS

You want to find potential customers and buyers for your products or services and need relevant contacts for this?

With our company database 2022 we make it easy for you to find potential corporate customers or suppliers among all 3 million German companies, to identify contact persons as well as decision makers in a time-saving way, in order to convince them of your offer in the next step. Thanks to integrated search functions for LinkedIn, Xing as well as Google, you save valuable time during research and store contact data centrally in one place for later export and contacting.

Generate more new leads for your sales team - with the 2022 Company Database, the sales, acquisition & marketing tool from Fischer | Data Science.

You can find all information about our 2022 company database at

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