
News / Blog: #competitor

How does successful new customer acquisition work in 2022?

10/21/2022 | By: FDS

For many B2B service providers and companies, acquiring new customers is a major challenge. Often, the market environment is very competitive, i.e. there is a multitude of comparable offers and competitors in the respective niche, region or industry. With increasing competitive pressure within the market segment, click prices for online marketing campaigns also rise, resulting in lead costs in the double- or triple-digit euro range.

What is the alternative?

With the help of so-called content marketing, you attract potential prospects and convince them of your offer. This is a marketing strategy that often pays off if you can't compete with the multi-million dollar marketing budgets of international corporations.

What is the alternative?

Collect leads and contact information for later contact

Has the prospect:in moved on your website, you have managed in the optimum case to trigger a direct order. In the vast majority of cases, however, this is not the case and so it is important to at least get the website visitor to at least bookmark your website for a later revisit or to make a request, e.g. to use a demo version, a free consultation or an individual offer.

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More Sales = More Turnover? How to find the optimal Product Price

10/19/2022 | By: FDS

The question of the optimal product price for the own offer drives many founders and entrepreneurs around. If you do not have a comparable product or service, i.e. no direct competition, the price is not formed on the market by competition, but primarily through your pricing and thus according to your internal calculation.

When pricing, always keep in mind: The lower the price, the higher the probability that you will sell to problem customers. Because: You can never please customers with a cheap-is-hungry mentality.

Keep away customers who can't afford your products or services or don't value your time.

Generally, B2B prices must be higher than retail because the volume, i.e., the number of customers you can acquire in a month or year, is much lower.

Customers who look at three- or four-digit product prices with their "consumer glasses" quickly consider you overpriced or usurious and are quickly put off by them, but completely disregard the fact that the cost of acquiring a new B2B customer, the so-called customer acquisition cost, e.g. through high online marketing costs for advertisements or a telephone sales team is usually several hundred euros or dollars. At the same time, the number of potential customers is limited, but the number of competitors fighting for the potential deals is not.

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PR for founders & startups: How can I get started cheaply?

08/26/2022 | By: FDS

Many founders know the problem: You have spent months or even years developing a new product and are now looking for potential customers.

In this case, we have two products to help founders get off to a good start in self-employment: Firstly, our Media & PR database with over 16,000 German-language media for establishing contacts and sending press releases to draw attention to your new product or company, and secondly, our company database, which allows you to find potential customers for your product or services cost-effectively and in a time-saving manner, while at the same time monitoring the market and thus your competitors.

If you do not want to print and send your postal mailings yourself, simply use our lettershop service. You deliver the content of the mailing in pdf format, we take care of the rest - printing, postage and shipping included.

Because of our fair prices, the unit costs per address are more favorable, thus allowing you to send more mailings, e.g. several thousand, quickly and easily, and thus to gain more new customers.

For more information about our media & PR database or company database, please click here. If you have any questions, please contact us via our contact form or by phone.

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How to make yourself independent of expensive search engine advertising

08/01/2022 | By: FDS

Every online store or provider on the Internet who places online advertising knows the problem: search engine click prices can be so high that they cause even the most conservative business plan to collapse. Customers must be found, but from where? A multitude of competitors join you in bidding on the few search engine advertising slots and vie for the attention of potential customers.

For companies in the B2B sector, the situation is aggravated by the fact that you are usually competing in your niche with larger providers with five-, six-, or seven-figure marketing budgets, even nationally or even internationally, and, that the number of search queries is far lower than in B2C, i.e. end-customer business. It is not uncommon for there to be only a few dozen search queries per day to which suitable search engine advertising could be played out at all. Adblockers further reduce this number. The consequence of this scarce demand: high click prices, not infrequently over 3 or 4 euros, to even get a few visitors daily to the - expensively created - website.

The problem: Even with a four- or five-figure marketing budget, you won't get significantly more leads because there simply aren't enough search queries. For keywords that are searched for relatively infrequently and for which you are competing with many competitors, and with a given conversion rate of a few percent (in the best case scenario), you will thus not be able to scale your sales, the number of customers and thus your business.

The alternative? Direct marketing as well as content marketing! We have developed solutions for both alternatives: Our 2022 Company Database for B2B marketing addresses, our Lettershop service, and our Content Creation Tools.

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How to become a part-time self-employed sidepreneur in Germany

07/29/2022 | By: FDS

Many, especially young people, are nowadays playing with the idea of becoming self-employed in addition to their own job and building up their own second leg after work - often with the aim of earning their living independently on a full-time basis in the future and achieving financial freedom in the not-too-distant future.

Even against the backdrop of constantly rising prices such as rents and energy costs and a high inflation rate, this is not a bad idea. Moreover, it has never been easier to initially build up a side income online via the Internet and with little start-up capital, and bit by bit a four to five-figure monthly cash flow.

This is made possible not only by consulting services, which you can offer your customers as an expert in the respective market niche, but also by selling or promoting your own or other people's digital products such as online courses, manuals or ebooks.

Such margins are often significantly higher than for physical products due to lower manufacturing costs. Since there are no rents for warehouse space or offices, there is more money left over from sales for marketing and thus scaling the business model.

We have been running our own websites, affiliate & online portals for over 20 years, since 2000, and have the expertise to identify and build data-driven successful business models.

If you too want to build a second leg on the Internet, position yourself as an expert in your niche or launch your own affiliate program, contact us today. Our databases will help you identify the right niche for you, keep track of your competitors, and establish contacts with media and press representatives for greater media visibility.

You are interested in building a side income and distribute our products within our affiliate program? Here you will find all the information:

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