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Ranking Data Science Studies - At which university can you study in Germany?

11/24/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

There are various universities and colleges in Germany that offer degree courses in data science or related disciplines. Choosing the best institution often depends on individual interests, the desired degree (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.) and personal preferences. Here are some renowned educational institutions that offer degree programs in Data Science:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU): LMU Munich offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science" and "Data Science for Society."

Technical University of Munich (TUM): TUM offers a Bachelor's degree in Data Engineering and Analytics as well as Master's programs such as "Data Engineering and Analytics" and "Data Science."

University of Potsdam: The University of Potsdam offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science" and "Data Engineering."

University of Mannheim: The University of Mannheim offers a Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Business Analytics. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Business Analytics" and "Data Science."

University of Passau: The University of Passau offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" and "Data Science for Society."

Humboldt University of Berlin: This university offers the Master's degree program "Data Science"

University of Stuttgart: The University of Stuttgart offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" and "Data Science."

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science.

University of Tübingen: Here there is a Master's degree program in "Applied Data Science."

Hochschule Heilbronn: Heilbronn University offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Business Analytics.

The educational institutions mentioned above are just a few examples, and there are many more universities and colleges in Germany that offer data science or similar courses. It is advisable to check the specific programs, curricula and requirements at each institution to make the best choice for your Data Science studies. Also consider the possibility of finding out about current rankings and evaluations of degree programs.

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