
News / Blog: #germany

Germany as a start-up nation: What makes the country so attractive for founders?

02/14/2024 | By: FDS

In recent years, Germany has developed into one of the most attractive destinations for company founders. With a flourishing start-up scene, a strong economy and a solid infrastructure, the country attracts entrepreneurs from all over the world. But what are the factors that make Germany so attractive as a start-up nation? In this article, we take a look at the reasons behind its success.

1. Research and innovation

Germany is known for its excellent research and innovation landscape. The country is home to some of the most renowned universities and research institutions in the world, producing talented minds and forward-thinking ideas. This culture of innovation provides a solid foundation for the creation of innovative start-ups in various industries.

2. Strong economy and market access

Germany is Europe's largest economy and offers an enormous single market and easy access to other EU countries. This creates opportunities for start-ups to market their products and services to a large and affluent target group. The country's strong economy also offers the opportunity for cooperation with established companies.

3. Venture capital and investors

The German start-up scene is supported by a growing number of venture capitalists and investors. In addition to national and international venture capital firms, there are also government funding programs and venture capitalists in Germany that provide financial support to start-ups. This willingness to invest has helped to promote the establishment and growth of companies.

4. Excellent education and skilled workers

Germany prides itself on its highly qualified workforce. The country's education system is characterized by high standards, and many universities offer special programs and resources for aspiring founders. The availability of qualified professionals in the fields of technology, engineering and business makes Germany particularly attractive for start-ups.

5. Supportive ecosystems

Germany has thriving start-up ecosystems in cities such as Berlin, Munich, Hamburg and Frankfurt. These cities offer co-working spaces, incubators, accelerators and networks that make it easier for founders to access resources, mentors and business partners. These supportive ecosystems promote collaboration and knowledge sharing in the start-up scene.

6. Legal framework conditions

Germany has a transparent and stable legal framework for companies. Founding a company is relatively straightforward, and there are clear rules and regulations for the management. This creates trust and legal certainty for founders and investors.

7. Sustainability awareness

Germany has a strong culture of environmental awareness and sustainability. Start-ups that develop innovative solutions in the fields of renewable energies, recycling, mobility and environmental protection find a particularly supportive environment and support from investors and government programs.


Germany has become one of the top destinations for start-up founders thanks to its strong economy, culture of innovation, willingness to invest and support for start-ups. The combination of a solid infrastructure and a rich talent pool makes the country particularly attractive for start-ups from all over the world. With a vibrant start-up scene and favorable framework conditions, Germany is undoubtedly well on its way to further strengthening its position as one of the world's leading start-up nations.

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Berlin, Munich, Hamburg: The top cities for start-ups in Germany

01/02/2024 | By: FDS

Germany has developed into one of the leading locations for start-ups in Europe in recent years. The dynamism and diversity of the German start-up scene is impressive. But while start-ups are being founded in many cities across the country, three cities in particular stand out: Berlin, Munich and Hamburg. In this article, we take a look at these top cities for start-ups in Germany and their unique qualities.

1. Berlin - The capital of start-ups:

Berlin is undoubtedly the heart of the German start-up scene. The city is known for its vibrant entrepreneurial culture and cosmopolitan flair. Founders will find a wide range of support options here, from incubators and accelerators to funding opportunities and talent.

Advantages of Berlin:

Great variety of start-up events and networking opportunities.

Access to international markets and investors.

A thriving ecosystem of tech companies and creative industries.

2. Munich - Innovative power in the south:

Munich has developed into an important hub for technology and innovation. The city is known for its first-class universities and research institutions, making it an ideal location for technology-oriented start-ups.

Advantages of Munich:

Access to first-class talent and research facilities

Strong presence of large technology companies that offer partnership opportunities.

A high quality of life that attracts skilled workers.

3. Hamburg - Port city for creative start-ups:

Hamburg is an important center for creative and media companies. The city offers a unique combination of entrepreneurship and cultural diversity, which makes it particularly attractive for start-ups in the media, advertising and entertainment sectors.

Advantages of Hamburg:

Influential media landscape and advertising industry.

Access to investors and companies from various industries.

Cultural diversity and quality of life.

Other up-and-coming cities:

In addition to these top cities, there are also other up-and-coming start-up hotspots in Germany. These include cities such as Cologne, Frankfurt, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf, which are seeing a growing number of start-ups and a diverse business landscape.


The German start-up scene is vibrant and diverse, and Berlin, Munich and Hamburg are the prominent cities that are the driving force behind this development. Each city has its own unique assets and strengths that make it attractive to different types of start-ups. Ultimately, the choice of location depends on the individual needs and goals of each company. Germany offers a wide range of opportunities for innovative founders looking for a suitable location for their start-up.

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Ranking Data Science Studies - At which university can you study in Germany?

11/24/2023 | By: FDS

There are various universities and colleges in Germany that offer degree courses in data science or related disciplines. Choosing the best institution often depends on individual interests, the desired degree (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.) and personal preferences. Here are some renowned educational institutions that offer degree programs in Data Science:

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU): LMU Munich offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science" and "Data Science for Society."

Technical University of Munich (TUM): TUM offers a Bachelor's degree in Data Engineering and Analytics as well as Master's programs such as "Data Engineering and Analytics" and "Data Science."

University of Potsdam: The University of Potsdam offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science" and "Data Engineering."

University of Mannheim: The University of Mannheim offers a Bachelor's degree in Data Science and Business Analytics. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Business Analytics" and "Data Science."

University of Passau: The University of Passau offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" and "Data Science for Society."

Humboldt University of Berlin: This university offers the Master's degree program "Data Science"

University of Stuttgart: The University of Stuttgart offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. At Master's level, there are programs such as "Data Science and Artificial Intelligence" and "Data Science."

Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences: Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science.

University of Tübingen: Here there is a Master's degree program in "Applied Data Science."

Hochschule Heilbronn: Heilbronn University offers a Bachelor's degree program in Data Science and Business Analytics.

The educational institutions mentioned above are just a few examples, and there are many more universities and colleges in Germany that offer data science or similar courses. It is advisable to check the specific programs, curricula and requirements at each institution to make the best choice for your Data Science studies. Also consider the possibility of finding out about current rankings and evaluations of degree programs.

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Ranking Media Studies - Which university should you study at in Germany?

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

There are various universities and colleges in Germany that offer degree programmes in media studies. Choosing the best institution often depends on individual interests, the degree you are aiming for (Bachelor's, Master's, etc.) and personal preferences. Here are some renowned educational institutions that offer media studies programmes:

University of Cologne: The University of Cologne offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Cultural Studies. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Cultural Studies" and "Media Studies and Media Practice."

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU): The LMU Munich offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media and Communication. At Master's level, there is a degree programme in "Media and Communication."

Free University of Berlin: The Free University of Berlin offers a Bachelor's programme in Journalism and Communication Studies. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Culture and Media Studies" and "Media Studies."

University of Potsdam: The University of Potsdam offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Studies. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Culture" and "Media Studies."

University of Tübingen: The University of Tübingen offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Studies. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Studies" and "Media Convergence."

University of Hamburg: The University of Hamburg offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media and Communication. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Studies" and "Journalism and Communication Studies."

University of Bayreuth: The University of Bayreuth offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Studies and Communication Research. At Master's level, there are programmes such as "Media Studies" and "Digital Media."

Technical University of Ilmenau: This university offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Technology and, at Master's level, "Media Technology."

Philipps University Marburg: This university offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Studies and at Master's level "Media Studies: Digital and Audiovisual Media."

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: This university offers a Bachelor's degree programme in Media Culture and, at Master's level, "Media Culture - Transcultural Communication and Cooperation".

The educational institutions mentioned above are just a few examples, and there are many more universities and colleges in Germany that offer media studies or similar degree programmes. It is advisable to check the specific programmes, curricula and requirements at each institution to make the best choice for your media studies degree. Also consider the possibility of finding out about current rankings and evaluations of degree programmes.

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Unsolicited application as a freelancer by e-mail - Prohibited or permitted in Germany?

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

In Germany, the question arises as to whether it is permitted to send unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email. While freelancers offer their services independently, there are still legal and data protection-related aspects to consider. This article sheds light on the situation.

In a changing world of work, more and more people are turning to self-employment as freelancers. Acquiring work themselves is often essential, and speculative applications are a common method of reaching potential customers or clients. But what happens when these applications are sent by email?

Legal basis for unsolicited applications as a freelancer

The good news is that unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany. Freelancers are self-employed and are not bound by the same labour law regulations as employees. This means that they are largely free to offer their services and contact potential clients.

However, it is important to bear certain legal aspects in mind:

1. Data protection: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also relevant for freelancers. When contacting us by email, the data protection regulations must be observed. This means that personal data (e.g. the recipient's contact details) may only be used for the stated purpose (the application) and the recipient's consent to the processing of their data may be required.

2.Opt-out and objection: Every unsolicited application by email should include an option to simply unsubscribe (opt-out). The recipient must be able to refuse to continue receiving messages. It is important to respect these wishes in order to avoid legal problems.

3. Imprint: The email should include a full legal notice that complies with legal requirements. This includes details such as the sender's name and address as well as a contact option.


Initiative applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany as long as the legal provisions and data protection regulations are observed. Self-employment offers freelancers the opportunity to proactively search for new assignments and offer their services. Nevertheless, it is advisable to find out about the current laws and regulations and seek legal advice if necessary in order to minimise potential risks.

Freelancers should take care to appear serious and professional, as first impressions are often crucial. A well-thought-out unsolicited application can pave the way to new business opportunities and make self-employment a success.

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