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Personnel selection: A-Player, B-Player and C-Player in Recruiting and HR Management

02/14/2024 | By: FDS


A-players are employees who are known for their performance and skills. They have a strong work ethic and are highly motivated. They are very competent and have a high level of dedication and commitment. They also have a high level of accountability and are able to solve complex problems. They are very creative and have a wide range of skills. These employees are able to accomplish the goals and objectives of their organization.


B-players are employees who have a good basic understanding and some skills. They are able to complete tasks, but not as efficiently as A-players. However, they are able to solve individual parts of a problem. They are creative, but not as innovative as A-players. These employees are able to deliver short-term results, but long-term success is not expected.


C-players are employees who have a basic understanding, but not the skills to work efficiently. They can complete simple tasks, but complex tasks are not possible. They cannot solve complex problems. These employees are able to solve individual parts of a problem, but cannot solve the entirety of a problem. They are unable to accomplish the goals and objectives of their organization.

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