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New startups in Germany 2023 - What is the state of the German startup scene?

10/31/2023 | By: FDS


The start-up scene in Germany has seen impressive development in recent years. Supported by funding programmes, a growing venture capital industry and an increasing acceptance of entrepreneurship as a career path, the country has seen an increasing number of start-ups. But what will it look like in 2023? What trends and developments are shaping the German start-up scene?

1. Continued upswing despite pandemic

Despite the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected economies worldwide, the German start-up scene has held up surprisingly well. In 2022 there was already a strong upswing, and in 2023 this momentum seems to be maintained. Many founders have used the pandemic as an opportunity to develop innovative solutions to the changing needs of society.

2. Digitisation and technology as drivers

Digitisation and technology remain important drivers for start-ups in Germany. In particular, e-commerce, digital health services, fintech and artificial intelligence continue to be highly interesting fields for young entrepreneurs. The German government has stepped up its efforts to improve the digital infrastructure and promote innovation in these areas.

3. Sustainability and social responsibility in focus

A remarkable trend in the German start-up scene is the increased focus on sustainability and social responsibility. More and more start-ups are focusing on environmentally friendly technologies, social projects and ethical business management behaviour. Sustainability is no longer just a trend, but an integral part of many business models.

4. Increasing internationalisation

German start-ups are increasingly striving beyond national borders and internationalising their business models at an early stage. Globalisation offers access to a broader market and investment opportunities. German founders are willing to engage in global competition and offer their products and services worldwide.

5. Support from investors and funding programmes

The German start-up scene benefits from a growing number of investors and funding programmes. Both private and state funders support promising start-ups. This support helps to overcome financing hurdles and accelerate the growth of young companies


The German start-up scene continues to present itself as lively and dynamic in 2023. The pandemic has put the flexibility and innovative strength of the start-up community to the test, but at the same time it has also opened up new opportunities. The focus on digitalisation, sustainability and internationalisation shows that the German start-up scene is ready to face the challenges of the future and drive the country's economy forward. Support from investors and funding programmes plays a crucial role in this and is expected to continue growing. Germany remains a promising place for anyone pursuing the dream of starting a business.

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