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How do you become an IT expert?

10/19/2023 | By: FDS

Becoming an IT expert requires extensive training, practical experience and continuous development of your skills. Here are the steps that can help you get on the path to becoming an IT expert:

Basic education in computer science or related fields:

Start with a solid foundation in computer science, information technology or a related field of study. A bachelor's degree is often recommended.

Broad understanding of IT fundamentals: Learn the basic principles of information technology, including hardware, software, networking and data management.

Programming and development: Acquire programming skills even if you do not want to become a developer. An understanding of programming can be beneficial in many IT fields.

Specialisation: Choose a specialisation within IT that matches your interests. Examples of specialisations include network administration, systems administration, database administration, cloud architecture, cybersecurity, software development or artificial intelligence.

Practical experience: Gain hands-on experience by working on projects, completing internships or working in IT positions to develop your skills.

Certifications: Consider obtaining industry-specific certifications to validate your expertise. There are many IT certifications that focus on different specialties.

Continuing education: Stay abreast of the latest technology developments by following current trends and technologies in IT. Attend trainings, seminars and conferences. Professional ethics and data protection:

Understand the ethical standards of the IT industry and the need for data protection. Comply with data protection guidelines and regulations.

Network: Network with other IT professionals, attend industry events, meetups and online communities to expand your knowledge and make professional connections.

Self-study: Set learning goals for yourself and study independently to deepen your skills and expertise.

Applications and career development: Apply for IT positions that match your specialisation and plan your career development to achieve your professional goals.

Crisis management and problem solving: Develop skills to identify and solve IT problems. Rapid response to disruptions and emergencies is often critical.

Project management: Learn the basics of project management to efficiently plan and execute major IT projects.

Global awareness: In a globally connected IT world, an understanding of international aspects of information technology is an advantage.

Remember that the IT industry is broad and offers many different specialisations. Your choice will depend on your interests and career goals. The willingness to continuously learn and the ability to adapt to new technologies are key skills to succeed in the IT industry and become an IT professional.

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