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Additional Media and Communication Theories in Academia

05/22/2024 | By: FDS

In addition to the theories mentioned earlier, there are many other important concepts and models that are taught in the field of media and communication studies. Here are some more theories with their respective authors or creators:

Reception Aesthetics

Reception aesthetics focuses on the active role of media audiences in interpreting and constructing meaning from media content. A prominent figure associated with this theory is Hans Robert Jauss.

Symbolic Interactionism

Symbolic interactionism is a sociological theory that focuses on the importance of symbols in human interaction. It was developed by George Herbert Mead and has also found application in media research.

Agenda-Building Theory

The agenda-building theory extends the agenda-setting theory and examines the process of how media agendas and public agendas interact. It was further developed by Maxwell McCombs and Donald Shaw.

Media Convergence

The theory of media convergence explores the merging of media content and technologies. Henry Jenkins is a notable researcher in this field who emphasizes the significance of media convergence in the digital age.

Postcolonial Theories

Postcolonial theories analyze the impact of colonialism on media and culture. Edward Said is a key author in this area who coined the term "Orientalism."

These additional theories and approaches offer further perspectives and insights into the diverse world of media and communication studies, contributing to the development of a comprehensive understanding of the media landscape and communication processes.

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