
Knowledge Base

A good PR photo should meet these criteria

03/06/2024 | By: FDS

1. It must be a professional, high quality photo.

2. It should be a photo that stands out from the rest and leaves a memorable impression.

3. It should be a photo that fulfills the purpose of the PR photo: to attract the public's attention.

4. It should be a photo that can be easily resized for use in different media.

5. It should be a photo that is well composed and well lit.

6. It should be a photo that is tailored to the audience it is aimed at.

7. It should be a photo that conveys a positive message and connects with the brand.

8. It should be a photo that responds to the current zeitgeist.

9. It should be a photo that leaves an emotional impression.

10. It should be a photo that is legally sound.

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