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Women in starting a business: opportunities and challenges

11/10/2023 | By: FDS

The role of women in business start-ups has changed significantly worldwide in recent years. More and more women are deciding to set up their own companies and turn innovative ideas into reality. Nevertheless, they still face particular challenges. In this article, we take a look at the opportunities and obstacles that women face when starting a business.

Opportunities for women in business start-ups:

Creativity and diversity: Women often bring a unique perspective and creativity to the business world, which can lead to innovative solutions and new business ideas.

Networking: Participating in networks and events for women in business can provide valuable contacts, mentoring opportunities and resources.

Funding programmes and support: There are an increasing number of funding programmes, grants and financial support specifically for female founders to help them enter the corporate world.

Digitalisation: Digitalisation has made it possible for women to set up businesses online and operate globally, which reduces geographical barriers.

Challenges for women in starting a business:

Financing: Access to capital and investment can be more difficult for women than for men. Women often receive less venture capital and have less access to bank loans.

Gender stereotypes: Gender stereotypes and prejudices can put women at a disadvantage in the business world. They are sometimes not taken seriously or perceived as less competent.

Work-life balance: Balancing work commitments and family obligations can be a major challenge for women, especially mothers.

Lack of female role models: The lack of visible female role models in leadership positions can prevent women from imagining that they can go far in the corporate world.

Success stories from female founders:

Sara Blakely (SPANX): Sara Blakely founded the company SPANX and revolutionised the world of underwear. She is now one of the youngest billionaires in the world.

Whitney Wolfe Herd (Bumble): Whitney Wolfe Herd founded the dating app Bumble and created a platform that gives women more control over their online dating experiences.


Frauen spielen eine zunehmend wichtige Rolle in der Unternehmensgründung und bringen frische Ideen und Innovationen in die Geschäftswelt ein. Trotz der Herausforderungen, denen sie gegenüberstehen, gibt es zahlreiche Chancen und Unterstützungssysteme, die Frauen auf ihrem Weg zur Selbstständigkeit nutzen können. Die Förderung der Gleichberechtigung in der Unternehmensgründung ist nicht nur ein Gewinn für Frauen, sondern auch für die Wirtschaft insgesamt, da sie zu mehr Vielfalt und Innovation führt.

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