
News / Blog: #success

Contemporary press relations with new PR software - Send press release

10/14/2022 | By: FDS

Press releases are an essential part of successful public relations. With the new PR software, companies can now conduct up-to-date press relations and send press releases quickly and efficiently.

By using the new PR software, companies can create and send press releases quickly and easily. The software has features that greatly simplify the process of creating and distributing a press release by automating it. It is possible to save media contacts to facilitate sending press releases to selected media. It is also possible to create and send a series of press releases to increase the visibility of the company in a specific area.

The new PR software also features a user-friendly dashboard that allows users to easily access all key features and tools. In addition, users can create press releases in various formats and publish them to different media channels.

The new PR software enables companies to manage and send their press releases more efficiently. It provides the ability to quickly and easily create, publish and distribute press releases. Companies can also save media contacts to facilitate access to specific media channels. With the dashboard, users can access all key features and tools and manage their press releases in the best possible way.

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Media monitoring - How expensive is it and for whom is it worthwhile?

10/12/2022 | By: FDS

The idea of monitoring mentions of one's own company on all channels sounds tempting. After all, measuring the success of sending out a press release can be quite useful.

For this purpose, there are a number of providers who monitor the media market on a daily basis with crawlers and specifically search for your company name in the monitored media sources.

For this survey and analysis service, which often includes the automated preparation in simple dashboards, often thousands of euros per year are due.

The easiest and most practical way or work around for the vast majority of companies is to simply create an Altert on Google News that will notify you when your company name is mentioned in an article, because - if it's not there today it's not relevant. With the ability to set the time period, for example, to one year, and the number of search results to 200, you can quickly copy the URLs to the articles, along with the teaser text, into a spreadsheet, and most importantly, for free.

Some providers already charge several thousand euros per year just for depositing these so-called press clippings (=links to the articles) - in addition to the costs of media monitoring or press clippings, which provide the URLs to be deposited.

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Successful startup marketing - These are the success factors

09/01/2022 | By: FDS

1. Create a clear and meaningful brand profile.

A startup should create a clear and meaningful brand profile that allows customers to clearly perceive and identify with it. To do this, startups should develop a unique selling proposition that sets them apart from the competition.

2. Strengthen your presence on social media

Social media is an essential part of modern marketing. Startups should expand their presence on key platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn to create a strong connection with potential customers.

3. Create a content marketing program

Content marketing is an important part of marketing. Startups should develop a content marketing program to produce relevant and engaging content to reach their target audience.

4. Create an email marketing strategy

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to reach and convert customers. Startups should develop an email marketing strategy to connect with customers and keep them updated on products and services.

5. Invest in paid advertising

Paid advertising, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads, can help startups generate more traffic and customers faster and more efficiently. Invest in Paid Advertising to increase your visibility and grow your audience.

6. Be strategic about networking

Networking is an important part of marketing for startups. Startups should strategically build networks to connect with potential customers and partners.

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Doomed to Fail - Why Business Ideas Without Execution Are Worth Nothing

08/27/2022 | By: FDS
Business ideas without execution are worth nothing because they do not deliver results. Without execution, you can't tell if an idea is good, bad or mediocre. It is difficult to predict whether an idea will be successful or not, but without execution it is impossible to know whether it will work or not. Business ideas are only as valuable as the execution behind them. They need a clear goal, a strategy, and most importantly, execution. Only then can they lead to success.
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Profit distribution as a founder - Why the best investment is the investment in your own company

08/27/2022 | By: FDS

It is important to understand that a business, like any other investment, carries financial risks. However, as the founder of a business, you are in a unique position to manage your company in a way that promises you the greatest success. Investing in your own business allows you to benefit from the profits that the business generates.

Investing in your own business is one of the safest investments you can make. There are many benefits to investing in your own business, but one of the biggest is that you have direct influence over the earning power. You can run your business in a way that makes the most profit for you. This means that every time your business makes a profit, you benefit directly from the earnings.

Another great benefit of investing in your own business is the control you have over the distribution of profits. You can decide how much money you want to distribute and what type of profits you want to receive. This allows you the opportunity to reinvest your profits selectively and develop your business to generate even more profits.

Finally, profit distributions can also be used as a form of reserve for future investments. This means that if you make further investments, you can rely on the profit distributions to fund your investments. This can be a great advantage as it gives you more financial flexibility without having to make further investments.

Overall, investing in your own business is one of the safest investments you can make. Investing in your own business allows you to directly benefit from the profits that your business generates. It also allows you to maintain control over the distribution of profits, and it gives you the opportunity to develop your business to generate even more profits.

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