
News / Blog: #sales

What is sales data?

08/28/2023 | By: FDS

Sales data refers to the information collected, processed and analyzed in connection with a company's sales process. This data provides insights into the performance and effectiveness of a sales team, as well as customer interactions and the sales process as a whole. Sales data can come from a variety of sources, including sales activity, customer data, orders, sales figures, revenue and more.

Here are some examples of sales data:

Customer data: Information about existing and potential customers, such as contact details, company details, purchase history, and preferences.

Sales activity: Data about sales activities, such as calls, emails, meetings, and presentations conducted by sales representatives.

Orders: Information about products or services ordered by customers, including product type, quantity, price, and time of delivery.

Sales activity data.

Sales figures: Data about the number of products sold or services completed over time.

Revenue data: Information about revenue generated from sales activities.

Sales Channels: Data about which channels (online stores, physical stores, affiliates, etc.) are used to process sales.

Sales performance: Information about the revenue generated from sales activities.

Sales performance: data that measures the performance of sales teams and reps, such as close rates, conversion rates, and revenue per sales rep.

Sales analytics: the analysis of sales data to identify trends, patterns, and opportunities that can help the company optimize its sales strategies.

Sales data plays a critical role in executive-level decision making. They enable companies to monitor, adjust, and optimize their sales strategies to increase customer satisfaction, drive revenue, and identify growth opportunities.

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The transformation of the PR software industry in 2023: Sales figures and provider focus

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

The public relations (PR) industry has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, with PR software playing a central role in addressing its changing needs. In 2023, the PR software market has evolved to offer a wide range of solutions for businesses. We take a closer look at revenue figures and the vendor landscape to understand the dynamics of this emerging sector.

Market Overview: Revenue figures and trends

The PR software market is witnessing a remarkable revenue growth in 2023, as organizations are increasingly turning to these technologies to optimize their communication strategies. According to data from market research firm Statista, global PR software revenue was approximately $4.8 billion in 2020. This revenue is expected to rise to over US$7 billion by 2025, highlighting the high growth potential of this sector.

Formative trends in 2023 include:

Artificial intelligence and automation:

An increasing number of PR software vendors are integrating AI and automation to increase efficiency in data analysis, content development and media contact identification. This is leading to increased demand for such solutions.

Real-time analytics: Companies are increasingly demanding real-time analytics capabilities to respond quickly to current events and trends. This has driven the development of tools that provide real-time data and offer quick insights into the performance of PR campaigns.

Integration of Social Media: The importance of social media in PR communications has led to increased integration of social media data into PR software. This allows companies to better manage their online reputation and more effectively engage with their target audiences.

Social media integration is a key component of PR software.

Vendor landscape: diversity and competition

The vendor landscape in PR software is extremely diverse, with numerous companies developing innovative solutions to meet the diverse needs of customers. There are established companies as well as emerging startups that are intensifying competition.

Leading vendors in 2023 include:

Cision: With a wide range of tools, including media monitoring, influencer identification and real-time analytics, Cision is a key player in the industry.

Meltwater: Meltwater stands out for its comprehensive media monitoring and analytics, covering traditional media and social media.

PR Newswire: This provider focuses on press release dissemination and offers tools to monitor media coverage.

TrendKite (now part of Cision): TrendKite stands out by using AI to identify trends in media coverage.

Prezly: Prezly is known for its tools for managing media contacts and creating engaging online press releases.

The number of vendors in the PR software industry has grown steadily, indicating the increasing interest in these technologies. While established companies dominate, innovative startups have the opportunity to gain market share through unique solutions and approaches.

The PR software market is growing rapidly.

The PR software market in 2023 is characterized by rising revenue figures and a diverse vendor landscape. Companies are increasingly turning to these technologies to improve their PR strategies and succeed in a changing media landscape.

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Successful strategies to increase sales for online stores and retailers

08/17/2023 | By: FDS

The digital landscape of e-commerce offers online stores and retailers numerous opportunities to increase their sales. With growing competition and ever-changing consumer preferences, proven strategies are essential to ensure sustained success. Here are some effective approaches online retailers should consider:

1. Website and user experience optimization:

The foundation of successful e-commerce lies in a user-friendly website. Fast loading times, clear navigation and mobile optimization are essential to convert visitors to customers. A smooth shopping process builds trust and minimizes shopping cart abandonment.

2. High-quality product presentation:

Pictures are worth a thousand words, especially in e-commerce. Invest in high-resolution product images to present products in an appealing way. Complement these images with detailed product descriptions to help potential customers fully understand the products.

Product descriptions are a great way to help customers understand the products.

3. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

Visibility in search engine results is critical. By optimizing your product pages for relevant keywords, you can generate more organic traffic and attract potential customers to your website.

4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

Targeted ads on platforms like Google Ads or social media can precisely target your audience. Strategic budget management and relevant ad content can help you attract qualified leads.

5. Personalization and recommendations:

Modern technologies like artificial intelligence enable personalized product recommendations. By analyzing your customers' behaviors and preferences, you can make targeted recommendations and boost conversion rates.

6. Offers and discounts:

Limited special offers and discount promotions awaken the incentive to buy. By giving customers a sense of urgency, you encourage them to pounce immediately.

7. Customer ratings and reviews:

Positive reviews and feedback from satisfied customers are trust indicators. They provide reassurance to potential buyers and can increase the likelihood that they will make a purchasing decision.

8. Cross-selling and upselling:

Use the opportunity to offer complementary products (cross-selling) or recommend upgrades (upselling). This can increase the average order value and lead to higher revenue.

9. Loyalty programs:

Reward regular customers with loyalty programs, exclusive offers and discounts. This builds customer loyalty and can lead to repeat purchases.

10. Social media presence:

Active presence on social media allows you to build a closer relationship with your target audience. Share relevant content, interactions and announcements to increase brand awareness.

11. Mobile App:

A user-friendly mobile app can optimize the shopping experience on mobile devices and improve customer engagement. Features such as push notifications for special offers can attract customers.

12. Email marketing:

Regular email marketing campaigns keep customers informed about new products, offers, and news. Personalized emails can increase engagement.

13. Abandoned Cart Recovery:

Implement mechanisms to remind customers who have abandoned their cart via email or notification. Often, targeted reminders can encourage completion of the purchase.

14. Customer service:

First-class customer service contributes to customer satisfaction and can encourage word-of-mouth referrals. Quick response times and effective solutions are critical in this regard.

15. International Expansion:

Expansion into new markets can expand the customer base. However, localization of content and adaptation to cultural differences are important.

In the fast-paced world of e-commerce, it is critical to apply a combination of these strategies that best fits your target audience and business model. Continuous adjustments and an open attitude to change are keys to sustainable growth and success.

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Online retailing in times of recession: e-commerce sales decline and overcoming the inflation challenge

08/16/2023 | By: FDS

The global pandemic not only brought health effects, but also triggered far-reaching changes in the economy and consumer behavior. Online retail in particular experienced an unprecedented boom during the COVID-19 pandemic, as consumers increasingly used digital shopping options. In Germany, however, the economic situation has changed, and the country is now facing a recession that poses new challenges for the e-commerce sector. In addition, inflation of up to 10% is adding additional burdens.

From boom to bust: e-commerce in recession

During the pandemic, the trend toward online shopping continued at an accelerated pace. Many consumers increasingly used online platforms for safety and convenience, which led to a surge in e-commerce sales. Companies that already had established online presences benefited from this shift and saw significant sales growth.

However, the tide has turned as Germany is now going through a recession. With economic uncertainty, online retail demand is down. Consumers have become more cautious in the face of financial worries and uncertainty, especially when it comes to non-essential spending. This change in attitude has led to a noticeable decline in e-commerce sales.

Challenges in times of inflation

The economic situation is further complicated by inflation of up to 10%. These price increases affect the purchasing power of consumers and could lead them to be even more cautious with their spending. For online retailers, this creates several difficulties:

Price pressure: Inflation may increase the cost of goods and services, putting pressure on online retailers' margins. They may be forced to avoid price increases in order to remain competitive.

Customer behavior: In times of inflation, consumers may pay more attention to deals and discounts in search of bargains. This can lead to increased competition and a challenge for customer loyalty.

Logistics issues: price increases may also affect logistics and shipping costs, which could impact online retailers' profitability.

Opportunities and adjustments in the e-commerce sector

Despite the challenges, recession and inflation also present opportunities for online retailers:

Creativity in product design: companies could offer products that are in high demand during times of crisis and inflation, such as affordable alternatives or durable goods.

Efficient supply chains: Optimized logistics and efficient supply chains can help reduce costs and alleviate pressure from rising prices.

Customer intimacy: An increased focus on customer communication, customer-focused solutions and personalized offerings can strengthen customer loyalty.


The e-commerce sector has moved from a boom to a period of challenges as Germany faces recession and noticeable inflation. The adaptability of online retailers will be critical in coping with the new economic realities. Companies that act flexibly, develop innovative strategies and focus on consumer needs in these uncertain times could emerge stronger from the crisis and consolidate their position in the long term.

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What are no-go's in sales?

08/08/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in sales are behaviors or practices that should be avoided because they can have a negative impact on the sales process and customer relationships. Here are some examples of no-go's in sales:

Aggressive Selling: Pressuring or aggressively persuading customers to buy a product or service can lead to negative reactions and damage customer trust:

Aggressive selling can lead to negative reactions and damage customer trust.

Unprofessional appearance: An ill-prepared, unprofessional demeanor can give the impression that you don't care about the customer's needs. This includes inappropriate language, poor choice of dress, or lack of knowledge about one's product or service.

Unprofessional appearance.

Inadequate product knowledge: Customers expect salespeople to have extensive knowledge about the products or services they offer. If sales staff cannot provide sufficient information or make false statements, this creates uncertainty and can lead to rejection.

Inadequate knowledge of the product or service offered.

Unreliability: Failure to meet commitments or deadlines, late deliveries or lack of communication with customers are no-go's in sales. Reliability is an important factor in building trust and long-term customer relationships.

Missing customer focus: a sales representative should be responsive to the customer's needs and requirements and provide customized solutions. If the focus is only on selling and there is no real customer focus, this will frustrate the customer and lead to rejection.

Poor communication: clear and effective communication is critical in sales. If a salesperson has difficulty articulating their thoughts clearly, listens poorly, or does not adequately address a customer's questions or concerns, it can lead to misunderstandings and affect trust.

These are the no-go's.

These no-go's should be avoided in order to succeed in sales and build good customer relationships. Instead, salespeople should focus on professionalism, customer orientation, reliability and clear communication.

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