
News / Blog: #programmers

Will ChatGPT Replace Programmers?

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

With the development of AI technology and the increasing use of Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), the question arises as to whether Chat will eventually completely replace GPT programmers. However, the answer is not that simple.

Chat GPT is an artificial intelligence technology trained on large amounts of data to simulate human-like interactions. It can also be used to automate and simplify certain tasks. Some experts believe that one day Chat GPT will be able to perform certain programming tasks, such as writing code based on specific needs.

However, it is important to note that programming is a creative process that requires critical thinking, decision making, and problem solving. These skills are essential for programmers and cannot simply be taken over by a machine. Programming also requires an in-depth knowledge of computer architecture, software design, algorithms, and other technical concepts that an AI may not be able to fully understand.

Furthermore, Chat GPT can only act within the data and concepts it has learned. It may not be able to come up with innovative solutions or new approaches that could be developed by an experienced programmer.

However, it is also important to note that Chat GPT can be a useful tool to help programmers automate certain tasks. For example, they can use Chat GPT to generate code snippets, implement specific algorithms, or run automated tests. This can save programmers time and effort and allow them to focus on the more complex aspects of their work.

Overall, Chat is unlikely to completely replace GPT programmers. Instead, it will likely serve as a useful tool to help and support programmers in specific tasks. Human intelligence and creativity is irreplaceable and will continue to play an important role in programming and other fields.

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Freelancer Portals - Job Acquisition for Programmers and Data Scientists

01/06/2023 | By: FDS

Job acquisition is a process that helps companies find and attract qualified programmers and data scientists. The process includes an application procedure that takes into account customer-specific requirements and the company's needs, as well as a procedure that the company uses to select potential candidates.

The first step is for companies to clarify the requirements for programmers and Data Scientists. The company needs to develop an understanding of what it expects from candidates. This typically includes technical skills, but also experience, soft skills and other competencies.

Then, companies need to figure out the best places to find qualified Programmers and Data Scientists. This can be a combination of online job boards, in-person networking, and industry events. Companies need to make sure their ads and job postings are attractive to the target audience.

The next step is for companies to identify candidates and send them cover letters. It is important that the cover letter is personalized and relevant. Companies should ensure that the cover letter is customized for each candidate to increase the chances of a response.

The final step is for companies to interview candidates and screen them for suitability. It is important that the company develops a process to evaluate candidates using a combination of technical tests and in-person interviews. This allows the company to identify the best personnel.

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Programmers urgently sought - Salary 2022 - What you can earn

08/03/2022 | By: FDS

More and more bootcamps and fast-track courses for programmers in spé are springing up like mushrooms. The demand for qualified and talented programmers, web developers and data engineers on the labor market seems unbroken. This fact is also reflected in the salaries paid. It is not uncommon for graduates, e.g. with a bachelor's degree in computer science, to expect starting salaries beyond 50,000 euros gross per year. With a few years of professional experience, six-figure annual salaries can also be earned, especially in corporate groups, medium-sized companies or large agency groups - quite even without management responsibilities.

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