
News / Blog: #inquiries

What are avoidable mistakes when building customer relationships?

04/12/2023 | By: FDS

There are many avoidable mistakes companies can make when building customer relationships, and some of them include:

Failure to focus on customers:

When companies fail to listen to or understand their customers' needs and wants, they can have difficulty building long-term, meaningful relationships.

Failure to communicate: When companies do not take appropriate steps to communicate with their customers or listen to their concerns, they may have difficulty building trust and loyalty.

Missing personalization: if companies do not address their customers' individual needs and preferences or provide personalized offers or services, they may have difficulty building long-term relationships.

Missing consistency: If companies do not serve their customers consistently and reliably or do not make continuous improvements in their offerings and services, they may have difficulty building or maintaining customer relationships.

Missing appreciation: When companies do not adequately appreciate their customers or provide them with special offers or services, they may have difficulty building trust and loyalty.

Failure to respond: If companies do not respond quickly enough to customer inquiries or complaints, or do not take appropriate action to resolve problems, they may have difficulty building or maintaining customer relationships.

Failing to follow up: If companies do not follow up with their customers after a purchase or interaction, or do not take appropriate steps to collect feedback or integrate customer feedback into their strategies, they may have difficulty improving their offerings and services and building customer relationships.

It is important to be aware of these avoidable mistakes and take appropriate steps to minimize or avoid them in order to build and maintain long-term, meaningful customer relationships.

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What are avoidable mistakes when starting an online business?

04/06/2023 | By: FDS

Lack of market analysis: Before starting an online business, you should conduct a comprehensive market analysis to ensure that there is a need for your product or service. If you skip this step, you could end up starting a business that has no market or doesn't fill a need.

Lack of audience analysis: it's important to know who your target audience is so you can target your online business accordingly. If you do not engage with your potential customers, you may end up offering a product or service that is not tailored to their needs and interests.

Lack of a business plan: Without a well thought out business plan, it will be difficult to successfully launch and operate your online business. A business plan will help you determine your goals and strategies, plan your costs and revenues, and identify potential risks.

Lack of investment in marketing: just because you've created an online business doesn't mean it will grow on its own. You need to invest in marketing to reach your target audience and get your brand known. If you don't, you may end up with a great product or service, but no customers.

Lack of focus on customer service: customer service is just as important in online business as it is in brick-and-mortar retail. You need to make sure your customers are happy and that you respond quickly and effectively to their inquiries and complaints. If you don't take care of your customers, you can quickly get a bad reputation and lose customers.

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How do I get more media requests?

03/30/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some tips that can help you get more media requests:

Build relationships: Build relationships with journalists, editors and other relevant people in the media. Participate in networking events, attend conferences and events, and make contacts.

Update your online presence: regularly update your website, blog and social media profiles to ensure they are current and relevant. Make sure your contact information is easily accessible so journalists can reach you easily.

Be proactive: Actively introduce yourself to journalists and editors and offer to serve as an expert on your topic. Write specifically to relevant media to offer your story or topic.

Offer news and information: Make sure you have relevant and timely news and information available for journalists. Share important data, statistics, case studies or success stories that may be of interest to the media.

Be quick: When contacted by a journalist, respond quickly and professionally. Keep your response to the point and make it easy for journalists to work with you.

Use a PR agency: if you don't have the time or resources to do your own PR, you can hire a PR agency to help you get your story and your company in the media.

By implementing these tips, you can increase your chances of journalists taking notice and considering you for future media inquiries.

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What must a Press Kit contain?

03/21/2023 | By: FDS

A press kit is an important part of media relations and is used to provide important information and resources to journalists and other members of the media. Here are some important elements to include in a press kit:

Executive Summary: A brief summary of your company or organization that includes key information.

Press Releases: Current press releases about important events or news.

Company History: A summary of the history of your company or organization and how it has evolved over the years.

Biographies of Key People: Biographies and photos of key people in your company or organization, such as the CEO or other executives.

Facts and Statistics: Current facts and statistics about your company or organization that are relevant to your reporting.

Product descriptions: Descriptions of your products or services, including photos or videos.

Press Images: High-quality photos or videos of your company, products or services, and executives and other key people.

Contact information: Contact information for your press office or media inquiries contact.

Awards: A list of awards or honors your company or organization has received.

Quotes: Quotes from key people in your company or organization that are relevant to the coverage.

A well-organized Press Kit can help journalists and other members of the media access your information more easily and raise awareness of your brand or organization. Make sure your Press Kit is updated regularly to include the latest information.

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How much does my monthly marketing budget on Google Ads need to be to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

The size of the monthly Google Ads marketing budget needed to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers depends on several factors, such as the industry, competitors, goals, and target audience.

However, as a rough guide, you can assume that you need a budget of at least a few hundred euros per month to make any noticeable impact at all. For a stronger presence and more inquiries/customers, a higher budget is recommended, which can amount to several thousand euros depending on the industry and competition.

However, it is important to note that the budget alone is not decisive, but also the quality of the ads and keywords as well as the targeting and bidding strategy play an important role. Careful planning and monitoring of the campaign can help to use the marketing budget effectively and achieve a higher return on investment.

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