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How much does my monthly marketing budget on Google Ads need to be to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers?

03/10/2023 | By: FDS

The size of the monthly Google Ads marketing budget needed to generate a significant number of inquiries or customers depends on several factors, such as the industry, competitors, goals, and target audience.

However, as a rough guide, you can assume that you need a budget of at least a few hundred euros per month to make any noticeable impact at all. For a stronger presence and more inquiries/customers, a higher budget is recommended, which can amount to several thousand euros depending on the industry and competition.

However, it is important to note that the budget alone is not decisive, but also the quality of the ads and keywords as well as the targeting and bidding strategy play an important role. Careful planning and monitoring of the campaign can help to use the marketing budget effectively and achieve a higher return on investment.

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