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What are no-go's in search engine advertising or online marketing?

08/09/2023 | By: FDS

No-go's in search engine advertising or online marketing are certain practices that should be avoided because they violate either search engine guidelines or general marketing principles. Here are some examples of no-go's:

Misleading advertising: placing misleading ads or promising deals that cannot be delivered is unacceptable. Advertising should be transparent and honest.

Keyword stuffing: The excessive and unnatural use of keywords in ads or on landing pages is penalized by search engines. Content should be relevant to users and easy to read.

Lack of landing page relevance: The landing pages that the ads link to should be closely related to the products or services being advertised. A mismatch between ad text and landing page can lead to poor user experience.

Copyright infringement: using copyrighted content without having the necessary rights or permissions is not allowed. This includes images, text, brand names and logos.

Poor user experience: cluttered or slow websites, pop-up ads, auto-playing videos, or other elements that detract from the user experience should be avoided.

Spam and unsolicited communications: sending unsolicited emails, text messages, or other forms of communication without the recipients' consent is considered spamming and is unprofessional.

Neglect of data protection regulations: The handling of personal data must comply with applicable data protection laws. It is important to respect the privacy of users and adequately protect their data.

It is important to note that the exact no-go's may vary depending on the platform, search engine or online marketing channel. It is advisable to carefully read the guidelines of the respective platform and stay up to date to avoid violations.

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Where can I submit press releases?

08/03/2023 | By: FDS

There are several ways to submit press releases. Here are some of the most common options:

Contacting media outlets directly: you can send your press release directly to local, regional or national newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations. Search the websites of these media houses for information on submitting press releases or contact their editors for instructions.

Press portals and PR services: there are several online platforms that specialize in press release distribution. Some popular press portals include "Press Portal", "OTS - Original Text Service" or "PR Newswire". On these platforms, you can upload your press release and distribute it to a wide audience of journalists, bloggers and other interested parties.

Social media platforms: Use your social media profiles to share your press release. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and other platforms can be used to increase the reach of your message and reach potential prospects.

Industry-specific websites and forums: If your press release pertains to a specific industry or niche, you may consider sending it to industry-specific websites, forums or online communities. These platforms often focus on specific topics or industries and reach a specialized audience.

Before submitting your press release, make sure it is well-written, informative and relevant. Write a short, concise headline and include any relevant information journalists will need to cover your news. Also be aware of any specific requirements or guidelines from the platform or media outlet in question.

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Statistical methods: A guide to their application

07/11/2023 | By: FDS

Statistical methods are an important part of many areas of science and everyday life. Whether testing the effectiveness of a new drug treatment, examining the relationship between different variables, or making decisions based on data, statistical methods help us extract relevant information from data and draw informed conclusions.

Here is a summary of some of the most important statistical methods and how they can be applied:

Descriptive Statistics: Descriptive statistics is a basic approach to analyzing data in which the data is described by statistical measures such as mean, median, standard deviation, and range. These measures help to understand the distribution of the data and identify trends.

Inferential Statistics: Inferential statistics allows us to infer a population from a sample. It uses probability and hypothesis testing to make inferences about the entire population based on data drawn from a sample.

Regression Analysis: Regression analysis is a method of studying the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. It helps to quantify the influence of different factors on a dependent variable.

Time Series Analysis: Time series analysis is a method of examining data collected over a period of time. It helps to identify trends, seasonal patterns, and random fluctuations in the data and to make predictions about future trends.

Multivariate Analysis: Multivariate analysis includes a variety of methods for examining data that consists of multiple variables. It helps to identify and understand complex relationships between different variables.

The application of statistical methods requires an understanding of the underlying mathematical concepts and the proper interpretation of results. It is important to note that statistical methods are only as good as the quality of the data on which they are applied. Careful data collection and analysis are therefore essential to obtain accurate results.

In today's world, we have access to ever-increasing amounts of data that can be analyzed by computer programs and machine learning algorithms. Combined with the right statistical methods, we can gain valuable insights from this data and make informed decisions.


Statistical methods are an indispensable tool for analyzing data and gaining insights.

I hope this article has been able to provide some insight into the importance of statistical methods and their application in online marketing. By collecting data and applying statistical methods, you can make decisions on a solid basis and optimize your marketing strategies. It is important to understand the underlying mathematical concepts and interpret the results carefully in order to draw meaningful conclusions.

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How to Get Media Attention - A Guide

06/19/2023 | By: FDS

For companies and organizations, media attention can be an important factor for success. If you want to present yourself as an expert in your field or want your company to be in the spotlight, the right media presence can help to increase your awareness and promote your business.

But how do you get into the media? Here are some steps that can help you get media attention:

Identify your target media

Before you begin, you should consider what media works best for you. It's important to research your target media to find out what type of content they publish and who their target audience is. Identify the media that best suits your business and make sure you have the contact information for the relevant editors or journalists.

Develop a message

A clear and compelling message is key to attracting media attention. Before engaging with the media, you should make sure you have a clear and memorable message. Think about what makes your business unique and why the media might be interested.

Write a press release

A press release is an important way to get your message across to the media. A well-written press release should get your message across clearly and concisely, and contain all the relevant information a journalist needs to cover it. Make sure your press release is well structured and includes all important information in the first few paragraphs.

Send your press release

Once your press release is created, you should send it to your target media. Make sure you send your press release to the right contacts and that you send a personalized email with a short introductory text highlighting the key points. Also, do not send out your press release too often, as this could attract negative attention from the media.

Offer expertise

Another way to get media attention is to offer your expertise. If you are an expert in your field, you can offer your expertise to the media and serve as a source for future stories. Make sure you state your expertise clearly and concisely and that you provide clear contact information for media representatives.

Use social media

Social media is another way to get media attention. Use your social media to spread your message and showcase your expertise. Use relevant hashtags and mention media companies

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What are common sources of errors in web development?

06/06/2023 | By: FDS

1. Inconsistent Responsive Design: Responsive design helps websites to be attractive and easy to use on different devices and screen sizes. If your design is not consistent, it can lead to poor user experience.

2. Confusing Navigation: Use simple and clear navigation to guide your visitors through your website. If your navigation is confusing, it can cause your visitors to get lost and leave the site.

3. Non-optimized images: Images are an important part of modern web design. Make sure that the images you use are optimized for optimal size and quality. This will ensure that your page loads quickly.

4. Lack of search function: a search function in your website is a must. It allows your visitors to quickly find the information they are looking for. If you don't have a search function, visitors may not find the information they are looking for and leave the site.

5. Invalid links: Links to non-existent pages or to invalid URLs are not only annoying, but can also cause visitors to leave the site. Make sure that all links you use point to valid pages.

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