
News / Blog: #guide

Press & Public Relations for Startups and Entrepreneurs - How to Pitch Properly

11/16/2022 | By: FDS

Many founders:ins and startups wonder what they need to do to get media attention and coverage.

In our step-by-step guide for founders:ins and startups, we show you how to find thematically and geographically relevant & appropriate media and create media-rich press releases.

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Data Science and Privacy - Is the Revolution Over Before It Starts?

09/06/2022 | By: FDS
No, the revolution is far from over. A lot has happened in recent years to improve data protection regulations for data science and data analytics. Various guidelines and rules have been introduced to ensure the protection of personal data. These include the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the General Data Protection Regulations (ADB), and the Automated Decision Making Directive. Despite these advances, there is still much work to be done to ensure that data privacy is effectively safeguarded in the data science industry. Organizations should be aware that they are responsible for protecting personal data and must implement privacy measures in their data analytics and models. It is also important that companies take advantage of the opportunities provided by new laws and policies to protect their data analytics and models. So it's clear that the revolution is far from over. However, it is progress that many companies and regulators are implementing data protection measures for the data science industry. This progress will help make data analytics and models more secure and trustworthy, and protect user privacy.
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Writing a press release step by step - A guide

08/01/2022 | By: FDS

Writing a press release step by step - A guide

1. Think about a good idea for your press release: develop a topic that is relevant to your company, provides interesting information and attracts readers.

2. Focus on the most important facts: Try to capture the essence of the message in one sentence, and use the rest of the press release to add more information.

3. Use an introductory headline: Write a headline that piques the reader's interest and reflects the topic of the press release.

4. Compose the body of the text: Follow the structuring rules of a press release to ensure that all information is complete. Follow a simple structure that includes an introduction, details, quotes and a call-to-action.

5. Don't forget to include your contact information: Include your contact information at the end of the text to prevent journalists from not reaching out to you.

6. Proofread and publish your article: Check your article for spelling and grammatical errors and make sure it is interesting and informative. Then publish your press release on your website, blog, or through a press release service.

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The Sky is the Limit - How to successfully scale your business

07/04/2022 | By: FDS
This book provides a comprehensive and practical guide on how to successfully scale your own small business. It contains a number of different strategies on how to build and design your business to grow sustainably and become increasingly successful. Topics covered include: developing a scaling strategy, finding the right business culture, implementing processes and systems, leveraging technology and social media, developing an effective marketing plan, and much more. In addition, the psychological side of entrepreneurship will also be addressed. Useful tips and tricks for dealing with the challenges of entrepreneurship are also provided. At the end of the book, the most important points are summarized again and some more useful resources for further research are presented.
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Successful PR Work 2023 - A Step-By-Step Guide for the Media & PR Database

12/16/2021 | By: FDS

In this guide, we show you how to take the first steps in our media & PR database and find suitable media for your request. In doing so, we introduce you to the most important functions and best search strategies.

Read the quick guide & documentation of the most important functions here

Read the full post

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