
News / Blog: #database

How to reduce the initial response time of the server?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

The server's initial response time is the time it takes for the server to respond to a request after it is sent by the client. A fast initial response time is critical to the user experience and performance of a website or application. Here are some ways to reduce the server's initial response time:

Using a fast server: a fast server with high processing power and sufficient memory can help reduce the initial response time.

Optimizing database queries: if your website accesses a database, make sure your database queries are optimized to minimize response times.

Use of caching technologies: Caching is a method of storing frequently used data on the server to reduce the number of database queries. Using caching technologies can help reduce the initial response time of the server.

Minimizing file size: minimizing the size of files such as images, CSS files, and JavaScript files can reduce page load time, which in turn reduces the server's initial response time.

Use of content delivery networks (CDNs): A CDN is a network of servers that stores a copy of your website in various locations around the world. By using CDNs, users can access your website faster because they can load a copy of the website near their location.

Use of HTTP caching headers: HTTP caching headers can help reduce the number of requests to the server by instructing the browser to store local copies of resources. This reduces the server's initial response time because the browser does not have to send a request to the server each time.

By implementing these steps, you can reduce the initial response time of your server and improve the performance of your website or application.

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You find journalist databases too expensive? Discover the PR software Alternative 2023 now!

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Journalist databases can be a useful resource for companies and PR professionals to connect with journalists and media outlets and get media coverage. However, there are also some drawbacks and challenges to consider when using journalist databases.

Outdated information: One of the main problems with journalist databases is that they often contain outdated information. Journalists frequently change jobs, change roles within the organization, or leave the industry altogether. It is difficult to quickly and accurately capture these changes and update them in the database. As a result, contact information stored in the database may be outdated and may lead to contacting the wrong people.

Incomplete information: Another challenge of journalist databases is that they often contain incomplete information. Journalists often have different interests, expertise, and preferences, and it is difficult to capture all of this information in one database. As a result, the database may not contain all the important information about the journalist, making it more difficult to plan an effective media strategy.

Lack of quality control: another problem with journalist databases is that they often do not have sufficient quality control. The databases can be used by anyone to add contacts to journalists, and there is no verification that the contact information is correct or that the journalist is actually relevant to one's cause. As a result, contact information in the database may be inaccurate or irrelevant, which can lead to a waste of time and resources.

Cost: Journalist databases can be very expensive. Depending on the vendor and the scope of services, the cost of an annual license can be several thousand dollars. For smaller companies and organizations with limited resources, this can be a barrier and cause them to forgo the use of journalism databases.

Data protection: Finally, journalist databases can also pose a challenge in terms of data protection and compliance. Protecting personal data is an important issue, and organizations must ensure that they comply with data protection regulations when storing and processing personal data in a database. If a database is not managed properly, it can lead to legal issues and image damage.

So, overall, there are some drawbacks and challenges to using journalism databases. It is important to consider these issues when deciding whether or not to use a database, and to ensure that they should only be understood as part of a broader media strategy.

Our approach: Our Media & PR Database 2023 contains direct links not only to the website URL, but also to the respective imprint of a medium, with the help of which you can always find current contact persons and journalists (m/f/d) on the website of the media provider quickly yourself. We pass on the cost savings compared to keeping this personal data directly to you in the form of the lower product price. You can find all information about the Media & PR Database 2023 in the menue at /media.

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CSV vs. JSON - What is the difference?

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

CSV and JSON are both file formats for storing and transferring data, but they have different structures and uses.

CSV stands for "Comma Separated Values" and is a text-based format consisting of rows of data separated by commas. Each row usually represents a record, with columns corresponding to the various attributes of the record. CSV files are commonly used to store large amounts of table data or to import and export data between different applications.

JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation" and is a text-based format used to transfer data between applications. JSON data is arranged in a structured and hierarchical form that allows you to create complex data models. JSON data consists of key-value pairs enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. JSON is widely used for data exchange between web applications, APIs, and databases.

Overall, it can be said that CSV files are suitable for simple data exchange, while JSON is used for transferring structured and hierarchical data relevant to applications and APIs.

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Free press portals - We know them all

02/22/2023 | By: FDS
Are you looking for a way to publish your press releases on free press portals? No problem! In our Media & PR Database 2023 you will find dozens of press portals where you can also publish your press releases free of charge.
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What is a hash table?

02/21/2023 | By: FDS

A hash table is a data structure in computer science that is used to retrieve data quickly. It is a special type of associative array that uses a key value to access the value of an element.

A hash table consists of an array in which each element contains a key and an associated value. The key is used to calculate the index at which the element is stored in the array. This index is calculated using a so-called hash function that converts the key into an integer value.

When a new element is inserted into the hash table, the hash function is first applied to the key to calculate the index at which the element is stored in the array. If there is already an element stored at that index that has the same index, a so-called collision resolution procedure is applied to store the new element at a different location in the array.

When an element is to be retrieved from the hash table, the hash function is again applied to the key to calculate the index where the element is stored in the array. Since the hash function maps the keys to unique indexes, the element can be retrieved in constant time, regardless of the size of the hash table.

Hash tables are often used to implement databases, as a cache or as part of algorithms such as the search algorithm or the sorting algorithm.

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