
News / Blog: #content-marketing

Why B2B suppliers and service providers have a hard time generating inquiries via their own website these days, and what alternatives there are

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digitized business world, online presence and lead generation are critical for B2B vendors and service providers. Yet many companies face the challenge of generating inquiries through their own website. This article explores the reasons behind this problem and presents alternative approaches to attract qualified leads.

1. Overwhelm due to the multitude of websites:

The Internet is flooded with websites of B2B vendors and service providers. Customers have a seemingly endless choice, making it difficult to stand out from the crowd. Often, websites are not optimized enough to convert visitors into paying customers.

2. Lack of search engine optimization (SEO):

Poor visibility in search engine results can prevent potential customers from finding the website in the first place. Without a targeted SEO strategy, valuable leads are lost.

3. Complex offerings and opaque content:

B2B products and services can often be complex. If the website fails to convey this information clearly and understandably, visitors will lose interest and look elsewhere for solutions.

4. Lack of personalized targeting:

Websites that fail to capture visitors' needs and interests and provide them with personalized content may have a hard time establishing an emotional connection and building trust.

5. Competition from third-party platforms:

Third-party platforms such as LinkedIn, Xing, and business directories offer B2B companies the opportunity to showcase their services to a wide audience. As a result, they compete directly with their own website for the attention of the target group.

Alternatives to lead generation via one's own website:

1. Content marketing:

By creating and sharing high-quality, relevant content, B2B providers can position themselves as experts and attract potential customers. Blog posts, case studies, white papers, and videos are just a few examples of content that can build trust and convert visitors into leads.

2. Social Media Marketing:

A targeted presence on social media platforms allows companies to engage their target audience directly and build relationships. Interactive content and targeted advertising can capture the attention of potential customers.

3. Influencer marketing:

Working with influential people or companies in the industry can increase a B2B vendor's credibility and reach. Recommendations from trusted sources can pique the interest of potential customers.

4. Webinars and virtual events:

Hosting webinars and virtual events allows B2B companies to showcase their expertise live and engage directly with audiences.

5. Collaborations and partnerships:

Collaborating with other companies can lead to mutual benefits by gaining access to the partner's customers and thus generating new potential leads.


Generating inquiries through your own website can be challenging for B2B vendors and service providers, but there are numerous alternative ways to attract qualified leads. A smart combination of content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing and the use of webinars or partnerships can increase reach and significantly improve the chances of successful lead generation. Companies should regularly review their marketing strategies to find the best approaches for their individual goals and position themselves successfully in the highly competitive B2B landscape.

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How can I promote and sell complex products or products that require explanation?

05/24/2023 | By: FDS

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but requires a focused strategy. Here are some steps that can help you:

Target audience analysis: analyze your target audience and understand their needs and requirements. Also consider how they prefer information and how they respond to different marketing methods.

Storytelling: an effective way to promote complex products is to use storytelling techniques. Tell stories that focus on your product and show how it can solve your target audience's problems and needs.

Use of videos: Videos are a great medium to explain complex products. You can create step-by-step guides or tutorials to demonstrate your product. Using animations or infographics can help illustrate complicated technologies or processes.

Expert opinions: Use expert testimonials to persuade your target audience. Publish testimonials or case studies that show how your product can solve problems and add value.

Customer feedback: Show feedback from satisfied customers to convince potential customers of your product. Use platforms like social media to collect and share customer feedback.

Personal contact: Offer potential customers a face-to-face consultation or demo to help them understand your products and answer questions.

Content marketing: create relevant content that appeals to your target audience and provides useful information. Use blogs, infographics, podcasts, or white papers to explain complex topics and engage potential customers.

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but with the right strategy and a well-thought-out plan, you can succeed.

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What is a PR service?

04/10/2023 | By: FDS

A public relations service is a range of services provided by companies or agencies to support clients' public relations (PR) efforts. PR service providers help companies, organizations or individuals improve their public perception and build a positive relationship with their target audience.

Typical PR services include:

Media relations: PR service providers help clients place their messages in the media by creating press releases and press texts and forwarding them to relevant journalists and media representatives.

Crisis communication: In the event of crises or negative events, PR service providers help their clients develop and implement measures to minimize or avoid damage to the company's reputation.

Content marketing: PR service providers help develop and distribute informative and entertaining content (e.g., blog articles, videos, social media posts) to enhance brand image and increase reach.

Event planning: PR service providers can also assist with event planning and execution (e.g., press conferences, product launches, galas) to increase brand awareness and strengthen relationships with target audiences.

The services and offerings of PR services can vary depending on the provider and customer needs. As a rule, PR service providers work closely with their clients to develop and implement individual PR strategies tailored to the client's goals and needs.

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What is organic lead generation (OLG)?

04/06/2023 | By: FDS
Organic lead generation (OLG) refers to the practice of attracting potential customers in a natural and non-paid way by creating content and offers that are relevant and interesting to them. Unlike paid lead generation, which involves placing ads to drive traffic to a website, organic lead generation uses strategies such as search engine optimization (SEO), content marketing and social media engagement to drive traffic to the website and attract potential customers. The goal is to generate high-quality leads by convincing potential customers of your products or services, rather than flooding them with advertising.
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Finding and addressing business customers - this is how it works

04/04/2023 | By: FDS

It is important for every business to acquire and retain customers. In the B2B area, however, the challenges are often even greater than in the B2C area. It's not just about finding potential customers, but also about convincing them of your products and services. Here are some tips on how your company can successfully find and approach business customers.

Target group analysis: Before you approach potential customers, you should be clear about your target group. Which industries and companies are best suited for your products or services? What needs do these companies have? A thorough target group analysis is essential in order to target your sales activities.

Data Analysis: Data science and analytics can help you identify potential customers and understand their needs. With the help of data, you can refine your target group analysis and develop more targeted approaches. Various tools are available for this, such as CRM systems or web analytics tools.

Content Marketing: With relevant content you can attract the attention of potential customers and convince them of your company. A well-directed content marketing strategy can help your company be seen as an expert in your field. This can also lead to potential customers approaching your company on their own.

Networking: Networking is an important part of B2B sales. It's about making connections and nurturing relationships. Use industry events and conferences to exchange ideas with potential customers and business partners.

Personalization: A personalized approach is often crucial for success in the B2B sector. Show your prospects that you care about their business and their needs. A personalized approach can help capture the prospect's interest and build a positive relationship.

All in all, there are various ways to successfully find and address business customers. A combination of targeted data management, content marketing, networking and personalization can help attract potential customers and build long-term business relationships.

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