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Studying Data Science: A look at the course content

11/17/2023 | By: FDS

In an era where data has become one of the most valuable commodities, the study of data science has become one of the most sought-after disciplines. This article takes a closer look at the study of data science and provides insights into the exciting topics that students explore.

Mathematical basics

The Data Science degree programme often begins with a comprehensive introduction to mathematical fundamentals. This includes statistics, linear algebra, calculus and probability theory. This knowledge forms the foundation for later data analysis and modelling

Programming and data analysis

One of the key skills of a data scientist is programming. Students learn to master programming languages such as Python or R in order to collect, process and analyse data. They are familiarised with data wrangling techniques to transform raw data into a suitable form for analyses.

Data visualisation

Data visualisation is an important aspect of data science. Students learn how to present data in charts, graphs and interactive visualisations. This helps to recognise and communicate complex patterns and findings from the data more easily

Machine learning and artificial intelligence

A central focus of the Data Science degree programme is machine learning. Students deal with various ML algorithms and techniques to create predictions and models. This includes supervised learning, unsupervised learning, deep learning and more.

Big data and databases

The processing of large amounts of data, also known as big data, is an essential part of data science. Students learn how to store and retrieve data in distributed systems and how to use tools such as Hadoop and Spark.

Data ethics and data protection

Given the sensitivity and volume of data collected, ethics in data processing is of great importance. Students deal with issues of data ethics, data protection and the legal aspects of data processing

Practical projects

During their studies, students often work on real-life projects. These can be case studies, competitions or research projects in which they apply their knowledge and skills in practice.

Professional preparation and internships

Many data science programmes integrate career preparation courses and offer the possibility of internships in companies to give students practical experience in the industry. This facilitates the transition into the professional world.


The Data Science degree programme offers a wide range of course content that enables students to explore and shape the world of data. With a strong foundation in maths, programming and data analysis, graduates are well placed to succeed in areas such as business intelligence, data analytics, machine learning and many other career opportunities. Data science is not only one of the most sought-after disciplines, but also a key to shaping the future.

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