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Self-employed in german - Two variants

08/31/2023 | by Patrick Fischer, M.Sc., Founder & Data Scientist: FDS

The two variants "selbstständige" and "selbständige" are different spellings of the same German term for a person who works independently or runs his own business. Both spellings are correct, and this is simply a spelling issue.

"Selbstständige" is the spelling according to the old German spelling system, while "selbständige" was proposed after the 1996 reform of German spelling. The reform has meant that some words that were previously written separately can now be written together. This also affects the word "selbstständig" or "independent."

Both spellings are valid, but the overwhelming preference and usage tends to be for the new spelling "self-reliant." It is important to note, however, that consistent usage within a text is recommended.

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