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Salary report: Income of solo self-employed persons in Germany in 2024

01/26/2024 | By: FDS

The solo self-employed play a crucial role in the German economy and are active in various sectors, from creative professions to services. But what will the income of solo self-employed people in Germany look like in 2024? A closer look at the current situation provides insights into the financial reality of these independent entrepreneurs.

The role of the solo self-employed

Solo self-employed persons are sole traders who offer their services without permanent employees. They work in a variety of professional fields such as design, consulting, IT, art and many others.

Remuneration range in Germany in 2024

The income of solo self-employed workers varies greatly and depends on various factors, including the industry, individual skills, market demand and regional location.

Income factors

Sector: The sector in which the solo self-employed work has a significant impact on their income. Industries with higher demand or specialization tend to allow for higher fees.

Skills and qualifications: Individual skills and qualifications influence competitiveness and can have a positive impact on fee structures.

Market demand: The current market demand for certain services can influence income. Trends in the economy and technology play a role here.

Regional differences: The regional location can also have an impact on the level of fees, as the cost of living and demand vary from region to region.

Income components

The income of solo freelancers is made up of various components:

Fees: solo self-employed workers usually receive fees for the services they provide.

Project-based remuneration: Many solo freelancers work on a project basis and receive remuneration for completed projects.

Hourly rates: Some solo self-employed workers rely on hourly-based compensation, especially in consulting or service industries.

Challenges for solo freelancers

Acquiring orders: The continuous acquisition of orders and projects can be a challenge.

Social security: Compared to permanent employees, solo self-employed workers often lack social security, such as health insurance or pension entitlements.

Market demand and trends

Market demand for certain services, particularly in the digital sector, influences the income situation of solo self-employed workers. The trend towards flexible working models also plays a role.


The income of solo self-employed persons in Germany in 2024 reflects the dynamics of the world of work and the diversity of self-employed activities. However, flexibility and personal responsibility go hand in hand with certain challenges. The future of solo self-employment will also be shaped by social and economic developments.

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