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How PR software increased the turnover: A field report

10/18/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital business world, effective PR strategies are crucial to increase brand visibility and gain customer trust. As a business owner, I have experienced how PR software has had a significant impact on our sales. In this guest post, I will share how implementing PR software has revolutionised our businesses and increased our sales.

The starting point

A few years ago, we were running a medium-sized business with a promising product range. Despite our commitment and high-quality products, we were struggling to reach our target groups efficiently. Our PR efforts were limited to manual media relations and the results were limited. We realised that we needed a modern solution to streamline our PR strategy.

The introduction of PR software

The decision to implement PR software was a turning point for our company. We chose a comprehensive PR platform that offered us the following benefits:

1. Targeted media outreach: PR software allowed us to target the right media contacts, identify journalists who matched our industry and target our messaging.

2. Efficient press release distribution: We were able to efficiently create press releases and send them to relevant media representatives. This enabled us to distribute our news faster and more widely.

3. Media monitoring: The software allowed us to monitor coverage of our brand in real time. We were able to see how our messages were being received and respond quickly to feedback.

4. Analytics and reporting: We gained detailed insights into the performance of our PR campaigns. This helped us to continuously optimise our strategy.

The results

The impact on our sales was impressive. Here are some key results:

1. Increased visibility: Our presence in the media increased significantly, resulting in broader visibility of our brand. Potential customers took notice of us.

2. Confidence building: Positive media coverage helped us gain the trust of our clients. We were perceived as an expert in our industry.

3. Increase in sales: With the improved visibility and strengthened image, we saw a significant increase in sales. Customers who became aware of us were more likely to buy our products.

4. Increased efficiency: Automating PR tasks allowed our team to work more efficiently and focus on strategic tasks.


Implementing PR software has revolutionised our PR strategy and increased our sales. The ability to conduct targeted media relations, perform real-time media monitoring and analyse the performance of our PR activities has been critical to our success. PR software is not only a tool to increase efficiency, but also a way to gain the trust of clients and drive long-term growth. For companies looking to optimise their PR strategy, implementing PR software can be a worthwhile investment.

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