
News / Blog: #steps

How self-publishers get reviews and get your books reviewed in the media

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

As a self-publisher, it can be difficult to get reviews and media coverage for your books, but there are some steps you can take to increase your chances:

Publish a professionally designed book: make sure your book has a professional layout and is error-free. If your book is poorly formatted or contains many spelling errors, it is unlikely to receive positive reviews.

Create a press release: write a press release about your book and send it to relevant media outlets such as literary blogs, book reviewers, and book pages on social media. Make sure your press release includes all the important information about your book and offers a brief excerpt of the plot or theme.

Look for reviewers: search online for book bloggers, literary critics, or book clubs that review books in your genre. Contact them politely and ask if they are interested in your book and if they would be willing to read and review it.

Offer free review copies: Offer free review copies to book bloggers, literary critics, and book clubs to encourage them to read and write about your book.

Participate in social media groups and forums: there are many social media groups and forums for book lovers where you can share your book and receive reviews and feedback. However, be careful not to be too pushy or over-promote.

Build a readership: If you build a loyal readership, those readers can help get your book noticed in the media by talking about it and recommending it.

Take advantage of advertising opportunities: If your budget allows, you can also consider running paid advertising to promote your book and attract the attention of potential readers.

By taking these steps, you can increase your chances of getting reviews and media coverage for your book and making it known to a wider audience.

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Finding and addressing potential customers and decision-makers - This is how you get to your acquisition at decision-maker level

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

Addressing potential customers and decision makers requires a targeted and strategic approach. Here are some steps you can take to get to the decider level:

Identify your target audience: Determine exactly who your target audience is and who are the decision makers in your target market. You can do this by analyzing your existing customers, conducting industry studies, or gathering information from social media and other online sources.

Create a list of potential customers: Based on your target group analysis, create a list of potential customers and decision makers. Make sure you have a phone number, email address, and the decider's full name for each contact.

Use different contact channels: An effective way to reach potential customers and decision makers.

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How to have storytelling take your PR to the next level

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

Storytelling is a very effective way to take your PR to the next level. By telling stories that present your brand or company in a positive light, you can capture the interest and attention of your target audience and get your message across more effectively. Here are some steps you can take to improve your PR through storytelling:

Identify your target audience: before you tell a story, you need to understand who your target audience is and what they are interested in. Try to take your audience's perspective and consider what kind of stories might appeal to them.

Find your story: think about the story you want to tell and how it relates to your brand or business. For example, you can tell a success story about how you overcame a particular challenge or how your products improved the lives of your customers.

Create a connection: to capture your audience's interest, you need to connect with their lives. Use emotion to bring your story to life and get your message across.

Use different media: you can tell your story in different ways, such as text on your website, video on YouTube, or a social media post. Choose the medium that best fits your story and your audience.

Be authentic: Avoid overdramatizing or exaggerating your story. Be authentic and honest so your audience trusts you and your brand.

By following these steps and incorporating storytelling into your PR strategy, you can more effectively convey your message and gain the interest and attention of your target audience.

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How to write a press text?

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

A press release or press article should be written in a clear and concise style that draws the reader's attention to the essentials. Here are some basic steps that can help you write a press release:

Subject line: The subject line should summarize the content of the press release in one sentence and make the reader want to read on.

Introduction: the introduction should present the main point of the press release in a clear and concise sentence.

Body: The body should present the facts and details of the press release in short paragraphs. Avoid going into too much detail or using too many technical terms that may be incomprehensible to the reader.

Quotes: Quotes from executives or experts can add credibility to the press release and help the reader better understand the importance of the information.

Summary: A brief summary at the end of the press release can help recap the key points and give the reader a clear idea of what the press release is about.

Contact information: At the end of the press release, you should include contact information such as name, phone number and email address so that journalists or interested parties can contact you if needed.

It is important to also write the press release in an appropriate format, such as block sentences with enough space between paragraphs to ensure good readability. Also avoid too many exclamation points or advertising language that may put off the reader.

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How and where to publish an e-book?

03/13/2023 | By: FDS

There are several ways to publish an e-book. Here are some steps you can follow to publish your e-book:

Write your e-book: before you can publish your e-book, you need to write it first. During the writing process, you should also think about the formatting and layout of your e-book.

Convert your e-book to the right format: There are several file formats that are suitable for e-books, such as EPUB, MOBI, or PDF. Check which formats are supported by the different e-book platforms where you want to publish your book.

Decide on an e-book platform: There are several e-book platforms where you can publish your e-book, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, Apple iBooks, Kobo, or Google Play Books. Consider which platforms your target audience is most likely to be on and which platforms best meet your needs.

Create an account and upload your e-book: Register on your chosen platform and upload your e-book. Make sure you provide all the necessary information, such as book title, description, author name and cover image.

Determine the price of your e-book: Think about the price you want to charge for your e-book. Compare the prices of similar books and consider the fees charged by the platform.

Market your e-book: Once your e-book is published, you should promote it to a wider audience. Use social media, email marketing, and other marketing strategies to promote your book.

By following these steps, you can successfully publish your e-book and reach a larger readership.

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