
News / Blog: #selbstständigkeit

What are avoidable mistakes when setting up your own business?

03/14/2023 | By: FDS

Here are some avoidable mistakes that can be made when building a self-employment business:

Unclear vision: without a clear vision and goal, it can be difficult to have a clear focus and steer the business in the right direction.

Lack of business planning: poor business planning can lead to unclear goals, insufficient funding and lack of direction.

Lack of market analysis: a lack of market analysis can lead to a business not understanding its target audience or what needs it should be meeting.

Lack of financial planning: inadequate financial planning can lead to an unexpected financial shortfall that can threaten the survival of the business.

Lack of legal advice: a lack of legal advice can cause a company to miss the necessary steps to comply with laws and regulations and potentially face legal difficulties.

Lack of marketing strategy: a lack of marketing strategy can result in a business struggling to reach its target audience and attract customers.

Lack of self-discipline: without self-discipline and self-motivation, it can be difficult to succeed in the long run.

By avoiding these mistakes and carefully planning and implementing your self-employment, you can increase the chances of success and build a profitable business.

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Don't waste time - How to successfully start your own business

01/13/2023 | By: FDS

1. Set clear goals for yourself: Define what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. Clear goal setting is the key to starting your self-employment successfully.

2. Build a network: Networks are an important source of information, customers and new business opportunities. Build a network by making contacts and networking with other entrepreneurs online and offline.

3. Find a mentor: a mentor is someone who can help you get the most out of your self-employment. Find a mentor who has had similar experiences and can help you succeed.

4. Create a business plan: A business plan is an important step in planning and ensuring your success. Create a business plan that includes your goals, strategy and timeline.

5. Focus on your business model: define your services, pricing and target markets. Develop a business model that will make your business profitable and help you establish yourself for the long term.

6. Get support: It is important to get support. Get support from family, friends, and experts to successfully start your self-employment.

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Who are our products & services aimed at?

09/02/2022 | By: FDS

Who are our products aimed at? Who is the target group of Fischer | Data Science.?

There are around 15,000 startups every month in Germany alone. All founders of new businesses & startups that have a supra-regional focus need, in addition to their own website for the optimal start into self-employment, tools that save them valuable time, e.g. for research, so that they can concentrate on their core work (i.e. product development, marketing/sales, PR/public relations). This is where our products come in.

In addition, more established companies and organizations such as foundations and associations or societies also have a constant need to maximize their media presence as well as data around for fundraising to achieve their goals.

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Start-up costs - What does it cost to start your own business?

08/08/2022 | By: FDS
The costs involved in becoming self-employed depend greatly on the type of self-employment. There are some general costs associated with any business, such as the cost of registering a business, business fees, insurance, and possibly a preparatory course. In addition to these costs, there may be other costs depending on the type of business, such as a website, logo, business card printing, furniture and equipment. Since every business is different, it can be difficult to determine exact costs. However, it is safe to assume that on average you should expect to pay around 500 to 2000 euros.

This article is part of our online course, Module: Marketing

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