
News / Blog: #promotion

Earn 10000 euros and more per month with a handful of customers - thanks to correct positioning

02/26/2024 | By: FDS

It is possible to earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers if you apply the right positioning. This can be achieved through an effective pricing model and by offering a wide range of services.

The pricing model can be designed to add value to customers and make them feel that they are getting something for their money. This can be done by offering different packages with different prices and services to give customers a wider range of options.

The range of services should be broad so that customers have a wide selection from which to choose. To achieve this, different combinations of the different services can be offered.

To attract more customers, it can also be helpful to launch online campaigns to draw attention to the offer and the company. This can be done by using different social media channels, email marketing and other forms of online advertising to reach more people.

Another important step to attract more customers is to create a stronger brand awareness. This can be done by taking various steps such as creating a website, developing a professional logo, and designing promotional materials that represent the company.

In this way, companies can achieve a positioning that allows them to attract more customers and earn more than 10,000 euros per month with a handful of customers.

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The press release - tips, examples & sample press release

02/07/2024 | By: FDS

A press release is an important tool for sending a message to a broad public. The press release aims to arouse the interest of media representatives and generate broad public attention. Press releases are usually short and informative and contain information about a company, event, product or topic.

Tips for writing a press release:

1. Choose a topic of interest: Choose a topic that will appeal to a wide audience and has the potential to receive a lot of media attention.

2. Use a clear and concise headline: The headline should grab the reader's attention and summarize the content of your press release.

3. Write an interesting and informative text: Write an informative and interesting text that contains the most important information and facts. Make sure that your press release is easy to understand and reader-friendly.

4. Use the right language when writing the press release: Avoid being overly promotional or too informal. Use neutral, professional language.

5. Use an appealing layout: use clear and appealing formats to make your press release appealing. Avoid cluttering the press release.

6. Include contact information: add your contact information at the end of your press release so journalists and media representatives can contact you.

Example press release:

[Company name] releases new product

[Company name] is pleased to introduce the new product [product name]. The product offers a unique combination of [product description].

The [product name] product is a unique solution designed specifically for [target audience]. With [product name], users can [benefits of the product].

[Company Name] has posted a variety of information and resources about [Product Name] on its [Website], including [Product Details]. Additional information can also be requested directly from [contact person].

[Company Name] is pleased to offer a unique solution that will help [Target Audience] achieve their goals.

Sample Press Release:

[company name] is celebrating [anniversary].

[Company name] is celebrating its [anniversary/anniversary] today [date]. Since [year], the company has provided [services/products] to serve [customers/market]. Since then, [company name] has become a major player in the industry.

Over the years, [company name] has achieved many successes, including [achievements]. The company offers its customers a unique combination of [services/products] and strives to continuously improve its services.

[Company Name] would like to celebrate the [anniversary/anniversary] by offering a [special offer/discount] to its customers. This offer is valid for a limited time and can be accessed on [website].

[Company Name] is pleased to celebrate the [anniversary/anniversary] and thanks its customers for their loyalty and support.

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Which advertising measures lead to success

12/15/2023 | By: FDS

1. An appealing website: An engaging, user-friendly website is an essential component of successful promotional efforts. It should introduce the brand, its products or services, and provide users with easy access to them.

2. Content marketing: content marketing is one of the most effective promotional activities available. It involves creating and publishing high-quality content that promotes the brand, products or services.

3. Social media marketing: social media marketing is another effective promotional activity. It involves using social media to share content and connect with potential customers.

4. Search engine optimization (SEO): SEO is a promotional activity that aims to improve a website's ranking in search engine results. This is achieved by using relevant keywords and other optimization techniques.

5. Email marketing: email marketing is an effective advertising measure that allows companies to contact their customers directly. This can be in the form of newsletters, subject lines, promotional messages, etc.

6. Offline advertising: offline advertising is another effective advertising measure. This can be in the form of billboards, radio or television commercials, flyers, advertisements, etc.

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How to become a relevant player in your market or niche

12/12/2023 | By: FDS

1. Define your niche: before you can become a relevant player in your market or niche, you need to know what type of product or service you offer and what types of customers you want to reach.

2. Familiarize yourself with the industry: If you want to become a player in your market, you need to know what trends and developments are taking place in your industry. Find out about the latest developments and familiarize yourself with the key players.

3. Develop a strategy: develop a strategy to achieve your goals. Define your competitive advantage and create a plan to achieve your goals.

4. Build a network: One of the most important ways to become a relevant player in your market or niche is to build a network. Look for partners that you can work with to improve your business.

5. Invest in your business: Invest in your business by investing in new technology, employees, and promotional efforts. This will help you stand out from your competitors and make your business a relevant player in your market or niche.

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Copywriting: Texts that sell. How to write advertising copy

12/12/2023 | By: FDS

Write your advertising copy in such a way that it attracts the reader's attention. Keep the language simple and easy to understand. Avoid technical jargon and long sentences. Write briefly and concisely. Remember that you want to capture the reader's interest and get them to buy your products.

Use a clear structure for your advertising copy. Start with an introduction where you greet the reader and give them the essential information about your product. This is followed by the details, where you describe the benefits and features of your product and how it can help the reader. Conclude your text with an invitation for the reader to buy your product.

Use engaging images and videos to support your promotional copy. These can help you draw the reader's attention to your product and focus their attention on the benefits your product offers.

Use words that appeal to the reader. Avoid using too many superlatives. Instead, use words that appeal to the reader in an emotional way.

Have your ad copy reviewed before you publish it. Your copy should be clear and error-free. Also check if it appeals to the reader in a certain way and if it draws the reader's attention to the product.

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