
News / Blog: #networks

Retain and retain customers - Respond to customer needs

01/30/2024 | By: FDS

1. Provide good customer service: Satisfy customers and provide surprising services when appropriate.

2. Build customer relationships: Establish a personal relationship, maintain regular contact, and respond to their needs.

3. Offer rewards: Reward customers for their loyalty by offering them special discounts or special offers.

4. Solicit customer feedback: ask customers for their feedback to find out what their needs are and what improvements they would like to see.

5. Encourage customer engagement: Activate customers on social networks and invite them specifically to participate in discussions and activities.

6. Personalize products: Offer customers relevant products and services that meet their individual needs.

7. Inspire customers: Inspire customers with new and innovative ideas to provide them with a unique experience.

8. Improve communication: Provide customers with easy, fast and reliable communication.

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Lead sources in B2B - where to get your next customers

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Social media channels

2. Search engine marketing

3. E-mail marketing

4. Direct marketing

5. Online advertising

6. Content marketing

7. Telemarketing

8. Trade fairs and events

9. Networks and contacts

10. Competing companies

11. Directories and yellow pages

12. Presentations

13. Customer recommendations

14. Offers to potential customers

15. Media coverage

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90% aller Gründer scheitern - Wie Sie es vermeiden

01/16/2024 | By: FDS

1. Plan: Create a realistic business plan that clearly defines your intentions and goals. This plan should also outline your financial needs.

2. Finance: avoid investing more money than necessary in your business. Be realistic about your financial possibilities.

3. Networks: use your contacts and networks to get support and advice from experienced entrepreneurs.

4. Customer needs: find out what your customers want and try to deliver it.

5. Flexibility: be ready to adapt to new trends and technologies to give your business a competitive edge.

6. Marketing: invest in sophisticated marketing to make your company known.

7. Cost Control: Stay on top of your costs and try to keep them as low as possible.

8. Stay Focused: Stay focused and concentrate on achieving your goals.

9. Quality: focus on the quality of your work and products to gain satisfied customers.

10. Continuity: find a balance between change and continuity to make progress.

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The best press release is useless if it is not disseminated

01/12/2024 | By: FDS
The best press release is useless if it is not distributed. Therefore, it is important that you send it to a wide audience. To do this, you can send the press release to daily newspapers, online media, news agencies, and radio and television stations. You can also create a press kit that includes the press release and other information about your company, service or product. You can send this folder to journalists and bloggers to attract attention. To increase the visibility of your press release, you can also publish it on your website, social networks and other press services.
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Press & Public Relations - Everything you need to know

01/02/2024 | By: FDS

Press and public relations is one of the most effective ways to market and present a company, organization or individual. It is an important part of marketing communications and can be done through all media channels, including print, radio, television and social media. It can also help build relationships with potential customers and create a strong public presence.

Press and public relations can be considered a form of referral marketing in some cases, as it aims to reach audiences that may not be directly connected to the company. It is an inexpensive and effective way to market your brand and business without having to spend large sums of money.

A press and public relations campaign can be done in a number of ways. For example, a company can create a press kit that includes information about itself, its products and services, and its mission. The press kit can then be sent to various media organizations to ensure that the message about the company gets out to the public. Another way to conduct press and public relations is by setting up a press release. A press release is a statement directed to media organizations that a company or individual releases to provide information about a special event, product or service.

Another important aspect of press and public relations is setting up social media accounts to maintain a strong presence on various social networks. These accounts can be used to share company news, product information and other important information.

In order to have a successful press and public relations campaign, companies must ensure that they build a strong brand and that their reputation remains intact. A good reputation is critical to how the company presents itself to the public and can help attract potential customers.

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