
News / Blog: #machine-learning

Data Science Jobs - How and where to get started?

04/07/2023 | By: FDS

Starting a career in Data Science can vary depending on your background and experience. Here are some ways to get started in the field:

Degree in a relevant field: A bachelor's or master's degree in computer science, statistics, mathematics, physics, or another related field can be a good starting point for a career in Data Science.

Data Analysis and Programming Skills: Experience in data analysis, programming, and working with statistical methods are essential for a career in Data Science. It is advisable to gain experience working with Python, R, SQL, and other relevant tools and technologies.

Internships and Volunteering: Internships and volunteering in Data Science projects or with companies can help gain practical experience and skills.

Online courses and certifications: Online courses and certifications in data science and related fields, such as data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, can help gain knowledge and skills.

Networking: connecting with professionals and others in the industry can help identify potential job opportunities and gather information about the industry.

Some of the most common entry-level positions in data science include data analyst, data scientist, business analyst, and machine learning engineer. Most companies offering data science positions are looking for applicants with a combination of technical skills and an ability to interpret data and turn it into business results.

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Data Science - Is the Future in Data?

04/03/2023 | By: FDS

Data Science is a growing and forward-looking industry in which the analysis and processing of data is playing an increasingly important role. Data is generated, collected and stored in almost every industry and business sector. Businesses, governments, healthcare organizations, and other institutions collect and analyze data to make decisions, identify trends, and improve their business processes and services.

Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that combines methods from mathematics, statistics, computer science, and other fields to gain insights from data. It involves processing and analyzing data, building predictive models, and identifying patterns and trends.

Data science is also important for the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning, as these technologies must be trained on large amounts of data. In the future, companies and organizations that are able to use data effectively will have a competitive advantage and drive innovation.

Overall, it is certain that the future is in data and Data Science will play a critical role in processing and analyzing data.

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Python in Data Science - Why it is indispensable

03/15/2023 | By: FDS

Python is an indispensable tool in Data Science today and has established itself as one of the leading programming languages for Data Science and Machine Learning. Here are some reasons why Python is so important for Data Science:

Simplicity and Flexibility: Python is an easy language to learn and provides a clear and consistent syntax that enables rapid development and prototyping of Data Science applications. Python is also flexible and can be used for a variety of applications and problem solving.

Wide range of libraries and frameworks: Python has an extensive library of data analytics and machine learning tools, including NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Keras, which allow developers to quickly and easily build and train sophisticated models.

Community support: Python has a vibrant developer community that provides a variety of resources, tutorials, forums, and libraries. This makes it easy to get started with data science development and allows developers to quickly respond to questions and problems.

Integration capability: Python can be easily integrated with other tools and platforms, including SQL databases, Hadoop, and Spark, making it a versatile tool for data analysis.

Growing demand: Python is one of the fastest growing programming languages and is being used by a growing number of companies and organizations to develop data science applications and machine learning models.

In summary, Python is an indispensable tool in Data Science due to its simplicity, flexibility, large libraries, community support, integration capabilities, and growing demand.

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Why you can't get around Python

03/06/2023 | By: FDS

Python is one of the most widely used programming languages in the world and is popular with developers and businesses alike. Here are some reasons why you can't avoid Python:

Simple syntax

Python has a simple, easy-to-understand syntax that makes it easy to learn, even for beginners. The clear syntax also makes it easier to read and understand code, which makes it easier to collaborate with other developers.

Wide range of applications

Python can be used in many areas, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and many more. This versatility makes Python one of the most important programming languages in the world today.

Diverse libraries and frameworks

Python has a large number of libraries and frameworks that make it easy for developers to create complex projects quickly and efficiently. Libraries like NumPy and Pandas are essential in data analysis and machine learning.

Large developer community

Python has a large and active developer community that is constantly developing new libraries, frameworks, and tools and making them available to the community. This community promotes the exchange of ideas and knowledge and contributes to the continuous improvement of Python.

Companies rely on Python

Python is used by many large companies such as Google, Amazon, Netflix, and IBM. These companies use Python in a variety of areas, from data analysis to web application development. When large companies use Python, it is a sign that it has a strong future.


Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is used in many fields. With a simple syntax, a large number of libraries and frameworks, a large developer community, and a wide range of uses, Python is a programming language you can't go around.

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Smart campaigns in Google Ads - to switch or not?

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

Smart campaigns are a relatively new feature in Google Ads that make it easier for businesses of all sizes to run more effective ads. Smart campaigns are designed to help businesses make the most of their advertising budget by automatically combining different audience targeting methods and ad formats to achieve the best possible results. In this article, we'll take a closer look at what smart campaigns are and how they can help your business.

What are smart campaigns?

Smart campaigns are a type of Google Ads campaign where an algorithm automatically creates ads in different formats, such as text ads, display ads, and video ads, and then places them in different places on the web based on user behavior and interests. The goal is to give ads greater reach without requiring companies to manually optimize their campaigns.

How do smart campaigns work?

The concept of smart campaigns is based on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). Google uses the data it collects from users to determine the behavior and interests of people who are most likely to be interested in a company's products or services. Google then uses this information to automatically create ads in various formats and place them in relevant locations across the web.

To launch a smart campaign, companies must define their goals, target groups and budgets. Google then uses the available information to create a campaign that is right for the business. Once the campaign is running, Google automatically optimizes the ads by testing different ad formats and targeting methods to achieve the best performance.

What are the benefits of smart campaigns?

Smart campaigns offer businesses a variety of benefits. These include:

Time savings: smart campaigns allow businesses to automatically optimize their ads, saving time and resources.

Effectiveness: smart campaigns use AI and machine learning to create and place ads that are most likely to deliver the best possible results.

Reach: Smart campaigns can create and place ads in multiple formats and on multiple platforms, providing greater reach.

Simplicity: smart campaigns are easy to set up and manage, which is especially beneficial for small businesses.


Smart campaigns offer businesses an effective and time-saving way to run their ads on Google Ads. By leveraging machine learning and AI, businesses can automatically optimize and target their ads to the right audiences. This can lead to increased effectiveness, reach, and simplicity.

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