
News / Blog: #framework

German start-up association calls for better framework conditions for start-ups

08/16/2023 | By: FDS

On August 15, 2023, the CEO of the German start-up association, Miele, expressed his wish for increased political attention and improved framework conditions for the local start-up scene. The German government, he said, should give the industry more priority, particularly to promote innovative strength and future orientation. Compared to countries such as the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and France, Germany is still at a disadvantage when it comes to framework conditions for startups. Areas such as immigration of skilled workers, digitization and access to capital are better developed in other European countries.

The competition for talented professionals is particularly demanding, and German startups often lose out. The industry focuses on start-ups with innovative business ideas and great growth potential. These start-ups are characterized by young founders and employees who focus on a digital orientation from the outset. Overall, the association is calling for better support from the political side to strengthen Germany's position in the European startup competition.

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What is a web framework?

02/21/2023 | By: FDS

A web framework is a collection of tools, libraries, and components that help developers build, test, and manage web applications. Web frameworks provide a structure and common foundation on which developers can build their applications, rather than having to start from scratch each time.

A typical web framework provides a set of features and tools, including a web server, route management, template engines, a database access layer, authentication and authorization, caching, and more. It can also include specialized libraries and tools for building APIs, processing user data and integrating with third-party services.

Web frameworks exist for many different programming languages, including Python, Java, Ruby, PHP and JavaScript. Popular examples of Python web frameworks include Django, Flask and Pyramid, while Java developers often use Spring, Struts and Play.

Using a web framework can help reduce the time and effort required to build web applications, as developers can focus on writing application code rather than infrastructure. In addition, a web framework can help improve the security, reliability, and scalability of web applications.

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What is a business framework?

12/09/2022 | By: FDS
A business framework is a framework that helps companies develop and implement strategies and processes. It is a flexible system that helps organizations comply with industry standards, meet regulatory requirements, and achieve their goals. For example, a business framework may include a set of policies and procedures to support the development and implementation of a business plan. It may also include a guide for developing internal control policies and procedures. A business framework can help organizations identify, assess, and manage risks to ensure the success of the business.
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What is a PHP framework?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A PHP framework is a software library that helps developers develop web applications. It contains a set of existing classes and functions that help developers create scripts. For example, PHP frameworks can help developers develop user interfaces, connections to databases, security mechanisms, and much more.
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08/10/2022 | By: FDS

One of our recipes for success is the constant development of our knowledge and skills.

After taking a deep dive into the Symfony ecosystem over the last few months and after reviewing thousands of blog posts, pdf's and videos on the topic of symfony in all versions, we are happy to henceforth offer you even faster project implementation with the PHP framework Symfony 5 using tools we developed ourselves.

Are you looking for a capable & experienced team to migrate your project and take it to the next level, or would you like us to implement your own ideas in a timely manner?

We look forward to hearing from you at or via our contact form.

Do you have questions/comments/suggestions? Please use our contact form

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