
News / Blog: #expert

How to Get Media Attention - A Guide

06/19/2023 | By: FDS

For companies and organizations, media attention can be an important factor for success. If you want to present yourself as an expert in your field or want your company to be in the spotlight, the right media presence can help to increase your awareness and promote your business.

But how do you get into the media? Here are some steps that can help you get media attention:

Identify your target media

Before you begin, you should consider what media works best for you. It's important to research your target media to find out what type of content they publish and who their target audience is. Identify the media that best suits your business and make sure you have the contact information for the relevant editors or journalists.

Develop a message

A clear and compelling message is key to attracting media attention. Before engaging with the media, you should make sure you have a clear and memorable message. Think about what makes your business unique and why the media might be interested.

Write a press release

A press release is an important way to get your message across to the media. A well-written press release should get your message across clearly and concisely, and contain all the relevant information a journalist needs to cover it. Make sure your press release is well structured and includes all important information in the first few paragraphs.

Send your press release

Once your press release is created, you should send it to your target media. Make sure you send your press release to the right contacts and that you send a personalized email with a short introductory text highlighting the key points. Also, do not send out your press release too often, as this could attract negative attention from the media.

Offer expertise

Another way to get media attention is to offer your expertise. If you are an expert in your field, you can offer your expertise to the media and serve as a source for future stories. Make sure you state your expertise clearly and concisely and that you provide clear contact information for media representatives.

Use social media

Social media is another way to get media attention. Use your social media to spread your message and showcase your expertise. Use relevant hashtags and mention media companies

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Press relations for (solo) self-employed and freelancers - how it's done

06/15/2023 | By: FDS

As a solo self-employed or freelancer, it can be a challenge to publicize your work and services and reach potential clients. One effective way to do this is through targeted public relations. Here are some steps you can take as a solo self-employed or freelancer to do press outreach:

Create a list of relevant media: research relevant media outlets that are relevant to your target audience and business. Create a list of contact information for journalists or editors responsible for publishing articles in these media outlets:

Write a press release.

Write a press release: write a press release about your business, services or a specific project you are working on. Make sure your press release is clear and concise, and includes important information such as your name, company and contact information.

Send the press release: send your press release to the contacts on your list. Use a personal salutation and make sure you've spelled the recipient's email address correctly.

Send your press release to the contacts on your list.

Take follow-up action: If you don't get a response to your press release, take follow-up action. Call editors or send a friendly email to ask if they received your press release and if they need more information.

Use social media: Share your press release on your social media channels to increase reach. Use relevant hashtags to reach potential customers.

Offer expertise: Offer your expertise as a resource for journalists. If journalists need information on a topic related to your area of expertise, it could be an opportunity to get mentions in the press.

Supply your expertise as a resource for journalists.

Use opportunities: Take advantage of opportunities such as events or conferences to showcase your work and connect with journalists or editors.

Use press opportunities.

Press relations can be an effective way to get known as a solo self-employed or freelancer and reach potential clients. With a little effort and creativity, you can draw media attention to you and your business.

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How can I promote and sell complex products or products that require explanation?

05/24/2023 | By: FDS

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but requires a focused strategy. Here are some steps that can help you:

Target audience analysis: analyze your target audience and understand their needs and requirements. Also consider how they prefer information and how they respond to different marketing methods.

Storytelling: an effective way to promote complex products is to use storytelling techniques. Tell stories that focus on your product and show how it can solve your target audience's problems and needs.

Use of videos: Videos are a great medium to explain complex products. You can create step-by-step guides or tutorials to demonstrate your product. Using animations or infographics can help illustrate complicated technologies or processes.

Expert opinions: Use expert testimonials to persuade your target audience. Publish testimonials or case studies that show how your product can solve problems and add value.

Customer feedback: Show feedback from satisfied customers to convince potential customers of your product. Use platforms like social media to collect and share customer feedback.

Personal contact: Offer potential customers a face-to-face consultation or demo to help them understand your products and answer questions.

Content marketing: create relevant content that appeals to your target audience and provides useful information. Use blogs, infographics, podcasts, or white papers to explain complex topics and engage potential customers.

Promoting and selling complex products or products that require explanation can be challenging, but with the right strategy and a well-thought-out plan, you can succeed.

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Wie pflegt man Pressekontakte zu Journalist:innen erfolgreich?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Die Pflege von Pressekontakten zu Journalist:innen ist für Unternehmen und Organisationen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Eine erfolgreiche Pressearbeit hängt stark von der Qualität der Beziehungen zu Journalist:innen ab. Hier sind einige Tipps, um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen:

Verstehen Sie die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen: Um Pressekontakte erfolgreich zu pflegen, ist es wichtig, die Bedürfnisse der Journalist:innen zu verstehen. Versetzen Sie sich in ihrer Lage und überlegenen Sie, welche Informationen und Geschichten für sie von Interesse sein könnten.

Bieten Sie Mehrwert: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie den Journalist:innen stets aktuelle und relevante Informationen und Geschichten bieten, die ihnen einen Mehrwert liefern. Überlegen Sie, wie Sie mit Ihrer Expertise und Ihren Erfahrungen dazu beitragen können, dass eine Geschichte spannender und informativer wird.

Pflegen Sie regelmäßigen Kontakt: Um eine dauerhafte Beziehung aufzubauen, ist es wichtig, regelmäßigen Kontakt zu halten. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie auf aktuelle Entwicklungen oder Ereignisse reagieren und den Journalist:innen bei Bedarf schnell und effektiv Informationen zur Verfügung stellen.

Zeigen Sie Interesse: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie sich für die Arbeit der Journalist:innen interessieren. Verfolgen Sie ihre Artikel und Beiträge und zeigen Sie Interesse an ihrem Arbeitsfeld und ihren Schwerpunkten.

Seien Sie transparent: Es ist wichtig, dass Sie immer transparent und ehrlich kommunizieren. Wenn es einmal Schwierigkeiten oder Probleme gibt, ist es besser, diese offen anzusprechen und gemeinsame Lösungen zu finden.

Nutzen Sie verschiedene Kanäle: Verwenden Sie verschiedene Kanäle, um mit den Journalist:innen in Kontakt zu treten. Dazu können z.B. E-Mails, Telefonate, soziale Medien oder persönliche Treffen gehören. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die Kanäle wählen, die für die jeweilige Kontaktperson am besten geeignet sind.

Bedanken Sie sich: Zeigen Sie Ihre Wertschätzung, indem Sie sich bei den Journalist:innen bedanken, wenn sie eine Geschichte über Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Organisation veröffentlicht haben. Bedanken Sie sich auch für ihre Zeit, wenn Sie mit Ihnen gesprochen oder an einer Veranstaltung teilgenommen haben.

Indem Sie diese Tipps befolgen, können Sie Pressekontakte erfolgreich pflegen und eine positive Beziehung zu Journalist:innen aufbauen.

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What is a Chapter (Scrum)?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

In Scrum, the word "chapter" usually refers to a group of people with similar skills and interests who work within an organization and meet regularly to share and develop their knowledge and skills. Chapters are often used as part of a larger framework, such as the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), to improve collaboration and coordination among teams.

A chapter can consist of developers, designers, QA experts, or other specialists, and typically works in a specific area of expertise. For example, members of a chapter may share their experiences and best practices, work together on new technologies, or organize training to expand their knowledge and skills.

In Scrum, the chapter is not directly involved in Scrum events, but serves as a community and support for Scrum team members. However, Scrum team members can be members of a chapter and participate in the activities and discussions to enhance their knowledge and skills.

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