
News / Blog: #customer

What is a market niche?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A market niche is a small segment of a larger market that is tailored to a specific product or service. A company can focus on a market niche to meet specific customer needs that are not being met by other companies. It can also be a valuable strategy to protect a company from competitors.
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What is a sales agency?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A sales agency is a company that serves to market and distribute products and services to a specific customer base. They provide a range of services including market research, product development, production, packaging and distribution. They have a dedicated sales team that assists with sales promotions and handles the marketing and distribution of the product.
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What is market positioning?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Market positioning is a strategy used by companies to determine the position of their products compared to the products of their competitors. It involves analyzing the characteristics and position of the products compared to competitors and establishing a position in the market that focuses on unique values and characteristics that distinguish the product from others. The goal is to increase awareness and demand of the product among customers.
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What is added value?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
Added value is a term that can be used in a variety of ways, but generally describes a benefit to buyers or consumers. Value added can also be defined as the difference between the price a buyer pays and the value they receive for the product or service. Added value can be achieved through cost reduction, an improved product, a better service, a better experience, or better customer service.
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What is a business consultancy?

12/06/2022 | By: FDS
A management consulting firm is a professional service that helps companies develop and implement strategies, processes, and technologies. Business consultants provide advice and support in the areas of strategy development, process management, organizational development, finance and accounting, marketing, human resources, information technology, corporate culture, and customer service. They work with executives, entrepreneurs, and investors to help companies strategically plan and implement goals.
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