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What is a no-go when starting a business?

08/07/2023 | By: FDS

A startup "no-go" refers to an action, decision or condition that should generally be avoided because it has the potential to jeopardize the success or sustainable development of a business. Here are some examples of startup no-gos:

Inadequate market analysis:

If you don't have enough information about the market, the target group and the competitive situation, you run the risk of offering a product or service that does not have sufficient demand or is already saturated by other companies.

Inadequate financial planning: inadequate financial planning can result in not having enough capital to start the business or keep it going for the first few months or years. It is important to create a realistic budget and have adequate capital to cover unforeseen expenses.

Poor team management: an ineffective or inappropriate team can severely impact the success of a business. It's important to hire the right people with the right skills and attitude and create a collaborative and productive work environment.

Ignoring the legal framework: not paying attention to legal issues can lead to significant legal problems. It is important to be aware of all relevant laws and regulations, such as tax rules, business formation rules, labor laws, and intellectual property.

Failure to comply with legal requirements can lead to significant legal problems.

Failure to focus on customers: failing to pay sufficient attention to the needs and wants of customers can result in the company being uncompetitive. Customer feedback should be taken seriously in order to continuously improve products and services.

Missing flexibility: A lack of flexibility can lead to a lack of competitiveness.

Failure to be flexible: A rigid business plan or inability to adapt to changing market conditions can hinder the growth and development of the business. It is important to be flexible and ready to respond to change.

Neglect of marketing: even the best product or service will not be successful if people do not know about it. A poor marketing strategy or neglect of it can lead to low awareness, weak sales, and a lack of customer loyalty.

Marketing is the most important part of a business strategy.

It is important to note that the above items should not be considered absolute no-go's, but potential risk factors that should be avoided or minimized to maximize the chances of success when starting a business. Every business is unique, and there are no hard and fast rules that apply to all situations.

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List of media contacts - This will get you into the media

07/20/2023 | By: FDS

A media contact list can be an important part of your PR strategy and help you get media exposure. Here are some steps you can follow to create a list of relevant media contacts:

Identify the relevant media: Think about which media are relevant to your company or industry. This can be industry publications, local or national newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations, and online publications.

Research Journalists: Research journalists writing about your industry, products or services. Check out their recent articles and the topics they cover. This will help you find out which journalists are best suited for your story.

Gather Contact Details: Gather journalists' contact details, including their email address and phone number. You can find this information from their articles, their website, or from other sources like LinkedIn or Twitter.

Add details: Add more information about your contacts, such as their position, their publication, or the area they are writing about.

Maintain your list: Maintain your list regularly by adding new contacts and removing contacts that are outdated or no longer relevant.

Use a press distribution service: Some companies also use a press distribution service that offers a comprehensive list of media contacts and email templates to send out press releases and other PR content.

By creating and maintaining a list of relevant media contacts, you can ensure you're getting your message across to the right people and increase your chances of being featured in the media. However, it is important to ensure that you always provide personalized and relevant information to capture journalists' interest and attention.

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What's a no-go when looking for a job?

06/26/2023 | By: FDS

A job search "no-go" is a behavior or action that is viewed negatively by potential employers and reduces the likelihood of a successful application. Here are some examples of no-go's in the job search:

Unprofessional appearance: Dressing inappropriately or behaving rudely and disrespectfully toward hiring managers can leave a bad impression.

Inadequate preparation: If you have not done enough research on the company or have no idea about the position you are applying for, this shows a lack of interest and commitment.

Poor application documents: spelling mistakes, unclear CV or an unsuitable application photo can lead to the application being sorted out before the potential employer even has a chance to get to know the candidate better.

Lies or exaggerations: Honesty is critical in application processes. Playing up qualifications or making up experience will usually come to light sooner or later and can lead to a loss of trust.

Unprofessional online presence: employers these days often search online for information about applicants. Sharing inappropriate or unprofessional content on social media or posting negative comments about previous employers or colleagues can hurt an applicant's reputation.

Lack of communication: not responding to messages or calls from the potential employer or not meeting deadlines shows disinterest or a lack of reliability.

Arrogant behavior: Acting arrogant or overbearing during the job application process, such as by belittling other applicants, is rarely well received.

It is important to behave professionally, honestly and respectfully during the job search in order to have the best chance of a successful application.

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What should be considered when starting a business?

06/21/2023 | By: FDS

There is a lot to consider when starting a business. Here are some important points:

Business idea and market research:

A good business idea and a thorough market analysis are the first steps to starting a successful business. It is important to ensure that there is a demand for your product or service and that you have a meaningful strategy to differentiate yourself from the competition.

Business Plan: A well-thought-out business plan is essential to attracting investors, obtaining loans, and keeping your business strategy on track. A business plan should include a summary of your business idea, market analysis, finances, marketing and sales strategies, and your goals and plans for the future.

Business Plan.

Legal Form: The choice of legal form in which you start your business will affect your liability, tax obligations and other legal matters. There are several options, including sole proprietorships, partnerships, limited liability companies, or corporations.


Finance: Solid financing is critical to the success of your business. You need to carefully calculate how much start-up capital you will need, what your ongoing costs will be, and how you can make your business profitable. You should also develop an accounting and tax strategy.

Permits and licenses: Depending on your business and legal form, you may need permits and licenses to operate legally. These can vary widely by location and industry, so it's important to do your research in advance.

Permits and Licenses.

Personnel: If you are looking to hire employees, you will need to learn about labor laws, social security, insurance, and other legal issues. You should also develop an application process and create clear job descriptions and employment contracts.


Marketing and sales: to attract customers and make your company known, you need a strong marketing and sales strategy. Here you should consider which target group you want to address, which channels are best suited for this and how you can stand out from the competition.

Marketing and Sales: To attract customers and make your company known, you need a strong marketing and sales strategy.

There are many more aspects to consider when starting a business, but these seven points should give you a good overview. It's important to do your research thoroughly and, if necessary, seek professional help from tax advisors, lawyers or business consultants to maximize your chances of success.

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What is a Lean Startup?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

A Lean Startup is an approach to business creation and development that focuses on rapid prototyping, iterative development, and customer centricity.

The concept of Lean Startup was developed by Eric Ries and is based on the idea of Lean Manufacturing, which focuses on optimizing production systems. The goal of the Lean Startup is to minimize the risks of starting a business by quickly and cost-effectively testing whether the business model works.

A Lean Startup uses a combination of scientific method and agile principles to quickly get feedback from customers and improve the business model. This often involves developing and testing prototypes or minimal versions of a product or service to quickly learn what customers want or what works and what doesn't.

Through this iterative development and continuous feedback from customers, lean startups can quickly make adjustments and adapt their business model before investing too much time and resources in something that doesn't work. This allows them to get to market quickly, save costs, and increase their chances of success.

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