
Glossary / Lexicon

What is a Lean Startup?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

A Lean Startup is an approach to business creation and development that focuses on rapid prototyping, iterative development, and customer centricity.

The concept of Lean Startup was developed by Eric Ries and is based on the idea of Lean Manufacturing, which focuses on optimizing production systems. The goal of the Lean Startup is to minimize the risks of starting a business by quickly and cost-effectively testing whether the business model works.

A Lean Startup uses a combination of scientific method and agile principles to quickly get feedback from customers and improve the business model. This often involves developing and testing prototypes or minimal versions of a product or service to quickly learn what customers want or what works and what doesn't.

Through this iterative development and continuous feedback from customers, lean startups can quickly make adjustments and adapt their business model before investing too much time and resources in something that doesn't work. This allows them to get to market quickly, save costs, and increase their chances of success.

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