
News / Blog: #ads

The best lead sources in B2B 2023 at a glance

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

1. Google Ads: With Google Ads, companies can reach their target audience directly through search and display ads.

2. LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn now provides a powerful platform for B2B companies to connect with their ideal customers.

3. Content marketing: content marketing remains one of the most effective ways to generate leads in B2B markets.

4. Social media: social media campaigns are an important part of the lead generation process in B2B.

5. Email marketing: email marketing is another effective lead generation strategy that B2B companies can use.

6. SEO: SEO is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website to generate more leads.

7. Webinars: Webinars are a very effective lead generation method in B2B.

8. Referral Programs: Referral programs are an excellent way to generate more leads.

9. Trade shows and conferences: Trade shows and conferences are a great way to attract new customers.

10. Networks: a good network can be a valuable source of leads in B2B.

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Fresh Leads Every Day - How to Generate More Inquiries for Your Business

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a landing page: Create a landing page where you encourage prospects to sign up for your offer. This is an important first step in generating leads.

2. Start an email marketing program: an email marketing program is an effective way to get new leads. Use an email marketing program to reach your target audience by sending specific emails and newsletters to them.

3. Use social media: Use social media to generate new leads. Create campaigns on different platforms to attract new prospects.

4. Publish content: Publish relevant content regularly to increase your company's visibility and generate more leads.

5. Run sweepstakes: Sweepstakes are a great way to generate new leads. Create a sweepstakes where prospects have to register for your offer to have a chance to win.

6. Build a network: A strong network is another effective way to generate new leads. Look for people who are active in your industry and make contacts. You can also create different networking groups to reach more people.

7. Advertise on search engines: search engine advertising is an effective way to generate more leads. Create ads that promote your offer and place them on different search engines.

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Customer acquisition - Why your sales force is the most important element for their success

09/11/2023 | By: FDS

Customer acquisition is a key element to the success of your business. With a successful sales force, you can increase your sales, generate more leads, and achieve higher customer retention. With effective customer acquisition, you can increase your reach and attract new customers that will help you expand and grow your business.

A strong sales force is not only important for new customers, but also for existing customers. It helps you provide a better customer experience and helps you retain your customers and keep them informed about new products and services. Effective sales also helps you increase your brand awareness and market your products and services.

A professional sales force can also help you reduce your costs. With a professional sales force, you can generate more revenue by making your advertising and marketing more efficient. You can also negotiate better with your customers and increase your sales by setting the right prices.

Sales also helps you improve the way you work. You can streamline your processes and procedures to achieve greater productivity and efficiency. A professional sales force can also help you improve your customer service by responding to and taking care of customer needs.

Sales is an important part of any business, and an effective sales force is central to your company's success. It can help you increase sales, attract new customers, and improve customer retention. With a professional sales force, you can succeed and grow your business.

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What are the biggest mistakes when placing Youtube ads?

08/29/2023 | By: FDS

When placing YouTube ads, there are several mistakes that can be made that can negatively impact the effectiveness and success of the campaign. Here are some of the biggest mistakes that can be made:

Missing targeting: if targeting is not configured properly, ads may be served to the wrong audience. This can lead to low engagement and low conversion rates.

Inadequate ad preparation: Poor design or uninteresting content in the ads may fail to capture viewers' attention. It is important to create engaging and relevant ads to capture viewers' interest.

Missing Call-to-Action (CTA): A clear and compelling call-to-action in the ad is critical to getting viewers to respond to the ad. Without a clear CTA, the ad may miss its mark.

Missing monitoring and optimization: continuous monitoring and optimization of ad campaigns is important to maximize success. Failure to make adjustments to respond to ad performance can result in wasted budgets and ineffective advertising.

Ignoring Analytics Data: YouTube provides detailed analytics data for ad campaigns. If this data is not regularly reviewed and analyzed, it can be difficult to measure campaign success and make necessary adjustments.

Wrong message or tone of voice: It is important to understand the target audience and choose a message and tone of voice that matches. A poorly chosen or inappropriate message can deter audience interest.

Advertisements that are too long or too short: The length of the ad is critical. If the ad is too long, it can bore viewers and make them skip it. On the other hand, an ad that is too short may not convey enough information to keep viewers interested.

It is important to avoid these mistakes and conduct thorough planning, monitoring, and optimization of YouTube ad campaigns to achieve the best possible results.

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Click fraud with Google Ads, YouTube & Co: How clickbots eat up your advertising budget

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, online advertising is an essential tool for businesses to reach their target audiences and promote their products or services. Platforms such as Google Ads and YouTube are particularly popular because they offer a wide reach and allow ads to be targeted to specific audiences. Unfortunately, the growing popularity of these platforms is also attracting unwanted attention from scammers who use click fraud to eat up advertising budgets and harm advertisers.

The Rise of Click Fraud: A Threat to Advertisers

Click fraud refers to the intentional generation of clicks on online ads with the aim of financially harming the advertiser or eliminating competitors. So-called "clickbots" are often used, automated scripts or programs that behave like real users and click on ads. As a result, the advertiser's advertising budget is quickly used up without actually reaching potential customers.

Platforms such as Google Ads and YouTube are particularly susceptible to click fraud, since the cost per click (CPC) plays a central role here. If an advertiser pays for every click on their ad, this creates an incentive for scammers to use clickbots and thus quickly pull money out of the budget.

The Impact on Advertisers: Lost Resources and Credibility

The impact of click fraud on advertisers is diverse and can be severe. Not only does the scam waste the budget earmarked for legitimate marketing efforts, but it can also result in false data that affects analysis of campaign performance. Advertisers may mistakenly believe their ads are getting high click-through rates, even though they are caused by clickbots. This could lead to wrong decisions when adjusting and optimizing campaigns.

In addition, click fraud can undermine advertisers' confidence in the overall effectiveness of online advertising. If advertisers get the impression that their ads are being clicked by bots and not by real potential customers, they may hesitate to continue investing in digital advertising.

Fighting Click Fraud: Prevention and Technology

To protect against click fraud, advertisers need to be proactive. Here are some proven strategies:

Monitoring and Analysis: Continuous monitoring of click patterns and activities in the advertising campaigns. Noticeable anomalies could indicate click fraud.

Use of security measures: Platforms like Google Ads offer protections against click fraud, including IP address bans and detection of suspicious activity.

Filtering Technologies: The implementation of filtering technologies to weed out suspicious traffic and only allow genuine interactions.

Partnership with trusted providers: Working with trusted advertising networks and platforms that take active measures against click fraud.

Conclusion: vigilance is key

Click fraud is a serious threat to advertisers investing in Google Ads and YouTube. It is crucial to be aware that this type of scam exists and to take proactive steps to protect yourself from it. By combining monitoring, analytics and technology, advertisers can leverage the full potential of their advertising budgets while ensuring their ads are reaching real prospects.

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