
News / Blog: #seo

How to properly optimize your website or online shop

11/30/2023 | By: FDS

1. Create a clear and memorable design.

2. Use search engine optimization (SEO) and make sure that your website is user-friendly for search engines.

3. Add an interactive component, such as a forum, blog or newsletter.

4. Offer a live chat to provide immediate assistance to visitors.

5. Add a social media component to expand your audience.

6. Publish and promote new content on a regular basis.

7. Create a user-friendly interface that is easy to use.

8. Add a search function to make navigation easier.

9. Integrate a customer feedback system to improve the user experience.

10. Use a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce your page load times.

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Agency comparison - Find and compare agencies now

11/13/2023 | By: FDS

Are you looking for an agency for your company? With our agency comparison, you can quickly and easily find the right agency for your purposes. We offer you a wide selection of agencies from different areas like web design, SEO, app development, digital marketing and many more.

Our database contains many agencies from different countries and regions. With our search and filter functions, you can narrow down the results according to your needs. Take your time and compare agency profiles to make the best choice for your business.

We also offer you the possibility to compare agency profiles directly. Simply select two or more profiles and compare prices, services, experience and other factors. This way you can be sure that you have found the right agency for your business.

Try our agency comparison now and find the right agency for your business. We are sure that you will make the right choice and enjoy a successful cooperation with your selected agency.

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The best lead sources in B2B 2023 at a glance

09/14/2023 | By: FDS

1. Google Ads: With Google Ads, companies can reach their target audience directly through search and display ads.

2. LinkedIn Ads: LinkedIn now provides a powerful platform for B2B companies to connect with their ideal customers.

3. Content marketing: content marketing remains one of the most effective ways to generate leads in B2B markets.

4. Social media: social media campaigns are an important part of the lead generation process in B2B.

5. Email marketing: email marketing is another effective lead generation strategy that B2B companies can use.

6. SEO: SEO is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website to generate more leads.

7. Webinars: Webinars are a very effective lead generation method in B2B.

8. Referral Programs: Referral programs are an excellent way to generate more leads.

9. Trade shows and conferences: Trade shows and conferences are a great way to attract new customers.

10. Networks: a good network can be a valuable source of leads in B2B.

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Effective press & media relations - from hidden champion to well-known brand

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

The path to greater visibility and recognition

Effective press and media relations is an important investment for any company to make its brand known and increase customer recognition. But how do you go from being a "hidden champion" to a well-known brand?

The first step is to develop a clear and appealing corporate brand. A strong brand will enable you to stand out from competitors. This includes defining a memorable brand, developing a brand image, brand strategy and brand identity.

After your company has established a strong brand, it's time to begin press and media relations. It's important to define a clear goal, such as more brand awareness, more customers or more sales. To achieve this goal, you need to have a good understanding of who your target audience is and how best to address them.

Good press and media relations requires an effective communications plan that will help you access known channels. This includes issuing press releases, attending events and trade shows, reaching out to journalists and bloggers, setting up a social media account, and participating in industry forums and webinars.

To achieve the greatest possible success, you should also invest in search engine optimization (SEO). This will help you appear on the front pages of search engines when your target audience searches for your business.

Finally, you should also consider your approach to negative reviews. It is important to respond to negative comments in order to maintain a positive image of your business.

By following the above steps, you can transform your company from a "hidden champion" to a well-known brand and increase your customers' recognition.

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What role does SEO play in PR?What role does SEO play in PR?

09/04/2023 | By: FDS

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plays an important role in public relations (PR) and can help improve the visibility and reach of PR content. Here are some ways SEO and PR can work together:

Improving Visibility: By applying SEO practices, PR content, such as press releases, articles or blog posts, can rank better in search engine results. Optimizing relevant keywords, using meaningful meta tags, and improving page structure can increase visibility in search results.

Increasing organic reach: when PR content is optimized for relevant keywords, there is a greater chance that it will be deemed relevant by search engines and displayed in organic search results. This allows more people to access the content and increases the reach of the PR message.

Backlink building: SEO and PR can also work together to generate high-quality backlinks. When PR content is interesting and relevant, the likelihood that other websites will link to it increases. These backlinks not only contribute to search engine optimization, but can also strengthen the credibility and authority of PR content.

Keyword research for PR campaigns: SEO can help with keyword research for PR campaigns. By identifying relevant keywords and trends, PR professionals can target their content to the interests and needs of the target audience.

Content Optimization for PR Campaigns.

Content optimization: By applying SEO techniques, PR content, such as press releases or online articles, can be optimized to be better recognized and indexed by search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, improving readability, optimizing headlines, and using structured data.

It is important to note that while SEO and PR are related, they have different goals. While SEO aims to improve search engine visibility, PR focuses on building relationships with target audiences, strengthening brand reputation and generating media coverage. Nevertheless, both disciplines can benefit from each other and complement each other to increase the online presence and success of a brand or organization.

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