
News / Blog: #public-relations

What are the basic principles of public relations?

11/08/2023 | By: FDS

The basic principles of public relations (PR) refer to the fundamental concepts and approaches that should be considered when designing and implementing PR strategies and activities. Here are some of the most important basic principles of PR:

Public Orientation:

PR is based on the understanding that organizations should focus on different audiences or "publics," such as customers, media, employees, investors, and the general public. PR activities should be designed to build and maintain positive relationships and communications with these audiences.

Open and honest communication: transparency and openness are key principles in PR. It is important to communicate honestly and authentically in order to gain the trust of target audiences and remain credible.

Targeted messages: PR involves developing clear and targeted messages that convey an organization's desired information, values and goals. The messages should be tailored to the needs and interests of the specific target audiences.

Media Relations: Maintaining good relationships with the media is another important principle of PR. By building relationships with journalists and other media outlets, an organization can achieve greater reach and visibility of its messages.

Crisis communication: Another principle of PR is effective crisis communication. It is important to be prepared for crises or negative events and to respond appropriately and in a timely manner to protect an organization's reputation and standing.

Long-term perspective: PR should be focused on a long-term perspective to build and maintain relationships with target audiences. It's about building long-term trust and positive perceptions of an organization, rather than just focusing on short-term gains.

These basic principles form the foundation for effective PR and help organizations improve their relationships with various audiences, protect their reputation and promote their image.

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What is the difference between internal and external public relations?

11/07/2023 | By: FDS

Internal public relations (PR) and external public relations refer to different aspects of an organization's or company's communications.

Internal public relations refer to the communication and management of relationships between a company and its internal stakeholders, particularly employees. The focus is on informing employees about the company's goals, values, activities, and changes, and ensuring that they have a positive attitude toward the organization. Internal PR activities include providing information on company news, training, employee communications, and promoting a positive corporate culture. The goal is to foster a shared understanding and commitment of employees to the company.

External public relations, on the other hand, refers to the communication and management of relationships between an organization and its external audiences, such as customers, investors, the media, governments, and the public in general. External PR aims to improve the organization's public image and reputation, build and maintain a positive relationship with customers, gain the trust of investors, cultivate media relationships, and promote a positive perception in society. External PR activities include media relations, press releases, crisis communications, events, sponsorships, social media management, and other activities to strengthen relationships with external stakeholders.

Overall, both internal and external PR serve to enhance an organization's reputation and standing by facilitating positive communication and interaction with relevant audiences. Internal PR focuses on communication within the organization, while external PR focuses on communication with external parties. Both aspects are important and closely linked in shaping and maintaining the overall image of an organization.

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Free Press Release & Press Relations Guide

11/03/2023 | By: FDS

We have summarized the most important tips and tricks for successful press work in 2022 for you in a free guide "Successful Press & Public Relations 2022" and will be happy to send it to you by e-mail on request. Simply request it now using our contact form.

Press Release & Press Relations Guide


Press releases and press relations are an important part of any successful marketing campaign, whether it’s for a product, service, or organization. Press releases can be used to generate media coverage and attract attention to your business. Press relations can help you develop relationships with media outlets and build a positive public image.

This guide will provide an overview of press releases and press relations, as well as some tips for getting the most out of your efforts.

What is a Press Release?

A press release is a document containing newsworthy information about an organization, product, or service. It is typically distributed to media outlets and journalists for the purpose of generating publicity.

Press releases can be used to announce a new product or service, announce a change in executive leadership, announce a new partnership, or even announce a special event.

Press releases should be written in a clear, concise, and professional manner. They should be fact-based and include all relevant information in an easy-to-read format. The press release should also include contact information for the organization or individual issuing the release.

What is Press Relations?

Press relations is the process of developing relationships with media

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Jobs in PR/Public Relations - Tips on finding a job and choosing the right employer

10/27/2023 | By: FDS

The world of public relations (PR) and public relations offers a wide range of exciting career opportunities for creative and communicative people. If you are interested in a career in this field or are already working in PR and want to change employers, here are some valuable tips on how to find a job and choose the right employer.

1. Be clear about your career goals:

Before you start your job search, you should be clear about what your goals are in your PR career. What specific aspects of PR excite you the most? Is it media relations, crisis communication, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or another niche? Your clear career goals will help you to look for job opportunities in a more targeted way.

2. Build and maintain network:

Relationships are crucial in the PR industry. Build your professional network by attending PR events, conferences and networking events. Cultivate contacts with colleagues, superiors and industry experts. Personal relationships can help you not only in your job search, but also in your professional development.

3. Update your portfolio:

Your portfolio is your business card. Make sure it contains your best PR work and projects. Show how you develop stories, cultivate media contacts and implement successful PR campaigns. A compelling portfolio will impress employers.

4. Research potential employers:

Thorough research of potential employers is crucial. Investigate the PR agency or company you want to apply to. Find out more about their clients, projects, culture and reputation. Online reviews and conversations with current or former employees can provide valuable insights.

5. Tailor applications:

Each application should be tailored to the specific requirements of the job and the company. Emphasise your skills and experience that match the advertised position. Be specific and demonstrate how you can contribute to solving the company's PR challenges.

6. Prepare for interviews:

Prepare thoroughly for interviews by deepening your knowledge about the company and the position. Think about possible questions and practise your answers. Demonstrate your skills in communication and your passion for PR.

7. Ask for references:

If you are shortlisted, don't be afraid to ask for references. This can give your potential employer confidence in your abilities.

8. Match the company culture:

The company culture is crucial to your satisfaction and success in a company. Consider whether the company's culture fits your personality and way of working. A good fit is often as important as the job itself.

Summary: Find your dream job in PR/public relations

Public relations offers exciting career opportunities for talented communicators. With careful planning, preparation and a strong professional network, you can find your dream job in PR/public relations. Remember that choosing the right employer is just as important as the position itself, and make sure you feel comfortable in the company culture. With these tips, you'll be well equipped to advance your career in this exciting field.

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Public Relations Jobs - How to find the right one for you

10/24/2023 | By: FDS

The world of public relations (PR) offers a variety of exciting and challenging career opportunities. From press officers to social media managers to PR consultants, PR jobs are in demand like never before. But how do you find the right job in this dynamic and diverse field? In this article, you will learn how to find your way into the world of PR.

1. Education and qualifications:

A good first step on the path to a career in public relations is to invest in the right education and qualifications. A bachelor's degree in communications, journalism, public relations or a related field is often the starting point. In addition, relevant further education, certificates and internships can strengthen your qualifications.

2. Identify your interests:

PR is a broad field that covers many specialties. Consider which aspects of PR interest you most. Do you want to manage media relations, do crisis communications or work in digital PR? Identifying your interests will help you in your job search.

3. Networking:

In the PR industry, networking is crucial. Join trade associations, PR organisations and networking groups. Attend conferences and events to network and keep up to date with current trends and opportunities.

4. Practical experience:

Practical experience is key to finding a job in PR. Complete internships, freelance assignments or volunteer work at PR agencies, companies or non-profit organisations. These experiences will help you develop your skills and expand your professional network.

5. Online presence:

In today's digital world, a strong online presence is essential. Create a professional LinkedIn profile and showcase your expertise on social media. Potential employers appreciate applicants who are actively engaged in the online PR community.

6. Applications and interviews:

Apply specifically for jobs that match your interests and skills. Tailor your application documents to each position and prepare for interviews. Emphasise your practical experience, skills and commitment to PR.

7. Industry knowledge:

Keep up to date with the latest developments in the PR industry. Read trade journals, blogs and books to expand your knowledge and improve your skills.

8. Be patient and persistent:

Job hunting in PR can be competitive and it can take some time to find the right position. Stay patient and persistent, and use feedback from rejections to help you move forward.

Conclusion: Discover the world of PR

The world of public relations offers diverse and exciting career opportunities for creative, communicative people. With the right education, hands-on experience, networking and commitment, you can find your way to your dream job in PR. Take advantage of the many resources and opportunities available to you to find your place in this dynamic industry.

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