
News / Blog: #programming

Earn money on the Internet - What are the options?

02/05/2024 | By: FDS

1. Online surveys: many market research institutes pay for participation in their online surveys.

2. Product testing: sometimes you can earn money by testing products and then giving a review or feedback.

3. Affiliate marketing: you can earn money by promoting other products or services through your own websites, blogs or social media channels.

4. Freelancing: There are a variety of freelance jobs one can do online, such as programming, web design, writing, video editing, or data entry.

5. Selling digital products: Again, it is possible to earn income online by selling your own digital products such as e-books, software, music or videos.

6. Online sellers: with platforms such as eBay and Amazon, it is possible to sell products online and thus earn money.

7. Dropshipping: here, too, one can earn money by selling products via platforms such as eBay and Amazon. However, you don't have to store and ship the products yourself.

8. Investing: One can invest in various investment products, stocks or cryptocurrencies and thus earn income online as well.

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Data Science: Which tools and methods you should know about

12/22/2023 | By: FDS

1. Python: Python is one of the most widely used programming languages for Data Science. It is a powerful open source language that can be used for many applications, including machine learning.

2. R: R is a programming language used for statistics, data mining and visualization. It is also an open source language that is easy to learn and has many applications for Data Science.

3. SQL: SQL is a standard programming language used for querying and manipulating databases. It is an essential tool for Data Scientists as it provides a way to store and retrieve data.

4. Machine learning frameworks: machine learning frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-Learn provide developers with extensive machine learning libraries. These frameworks can be used to create algorithms that learn on data to perform specific tasks.

5. Data Visualization Tools: Data Visualization Tools such as Tableau, Matplotlib, and Seaborn help Data Scientists present data in an appealing and informative way. With the right tools, data can be easily interpreted to discover trends and other important insights.

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The study of computer science and programming: A look at the course content

11/17/2023 | By: FDS

Computer science and programming are crucial in today's digital era and offer a wide range of course content. This article takes a closer look at studying computer science and programming and provides insights into the exciting topics that students explore.

Basics of computer science

The study of computer science often begins with a comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of the discipline. Students learn about the history of computer science, basic concepts and principles, algorithms and data structures.


Programming is a central component of the degree programme. Students learn how to master various programming languages such as Java, C++, Python and JavaScript. They develop skills in software development, coding, debugging and creating applications.


Databases are crucial for storing and managing information. Students learn how databases are designed and managed. They learn SQL (Structured Query Language) and other techniques for querying and managing data.

Operating systems and networks

Students deepen their understanding of operating systems such as Windows, Linux or macOS. They also learn the basics of computer networks, network protocols and security concepts.

Software development

Software development is a central component of the degree programme. Students learn how to plan, develop and test software projects. Agile development methods and project management are also covered.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

The fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are becoming increasingly important. Students deal with these topics and learn about ML algorithms and techniques as well as their application in various fields of application.

Security and data protection

In view of the growing threats in the field of cyber security, security and data protection are of great importance. Students study techniques for securing computer systems and data protection regulations.

Web development and front-end and back-end programming

In the age of the internet, web development is an important focus. Students learn how to create modern web applications, both in the frontend (user interface) and in the backend (server and databases).

Practical projects and internships

During their studies, students often work on real projects to apply their knowledge in practice. Internships in software development companies or IT departments offer the opportunity to gain practical experience.

Professional preparation and certifications

Many computer science programmes integrate vocational preparation courses and offer the opportunity to acquire certifications in relevant areas. This facilitates the transition into the professional world and shows employers the qualifications of graduates.


The Computer Science and Programming degree programme offers a wide range of course content that enables students to explore and shape the world of technology. Graduates are well placed to succeed in areas such as software development, IT management, data analysis, cyber security and many other IT and technology-related careers. As digitalisation progresses, computer science knowledge and programming skills are invaluable and offer a wide range of career opportunities.

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What is statistical programming?

08/25/2023 | By: FDS

Statistical programming refers to the application of statistical methods, techniques, and concepts using programming languages to analyze data, build models, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions. It combines the world of statistics with the world of programming to perform statistical analysis efficiently and flexibly.

In essence, it is about manipulating, visualizing, and analyzing data using programming skills. This allows for greater control and customizability than using pre-built statistical software solutions. Statistical programming can be used in a variety of applications, including:

Data manipulation:The ability to import, clean, and transform data from various sources is an important step in statistical analysis. Programming allows for precise and automated data manipulation.

Statistical modeling: complex statistical models can be created and fitted by writing code. This ranges from linear regressions to more advanced techniques such as time series analysis or machine learning.

Hypothesis testing and inference: statistical programming allows you to test hypotheses and draw conclusions about populations or data sets.

Data visualization: Displaying data in the form of graphs and charts is often an important step in understanding patterns and relationships. Programming can be used to make the visualization precise.

Reproducible research: writing code for statistical analysis makes research more transparent and reproducible for others, as they can follow the exact steps.

Common programming languages for statistical programming include R, Python, and Julia. These languages offer extensive libraries and packages designed specifically for statistical analysis and data science.

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Programming with GitHub Copilot - What programmers should look out for

08/24/2023 | By: FDS

GitHub Copilot is an advanced development environment developed by GitHub in collaboration with OpenAI. It is based on artificial intelligence and offers programming-related suggestions, automatic code completion and even whole blocks of code based on the code you write and the comments. When using GitHub Copilot, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

Understanding suggestions: Copilot generates suggestions based on the code you write and the comments. It is important to understand the suggested code snippets before committing to them. Make sure the generated code is correct and meets your needs.

Security and privacy: Copilot generates code from a wide range of public sources. Ensure that the code generated is secure and does not contain any sensitive information. Review the generated code before incorporating it into meaningful projects.

Learn and adapt: ​​Copilot learns from your usage and feedback. The more you work with Copilot, the better it gets at understanding your writing style and preferences. Take the time to review the generated code and adjust if necessary.

Contextual Comments: Using comments in the code to explain context helps Copilot understand what you're trying to accomplish. This results in more concise and relevant code suggestions.

Programming languages ​​and frameworks: Copilot supports a variety of programming languages ​​and frameworks, but the quality of the suggestions generated varies depending on the language and framework. Be prepared to adjust the generated code if necessary.

Quality Control: The code generated by Copilot is not always bug-free or optimal. Always conduct testing and verification to ensure code is working correctly and conforms to best practices.

Avoid distractions: Copilot can be very helpful, but it can also lead you to rely on "click-and-apply" code instead of really understanding what you're doing. Use Copilot as a support tool, but don't rely solely on it.

Licensing: The code generated by Copilot may draw on sources from public repositories. Make sure you understand and comply with the license terms for the code you are using.

Give Feedback: GitHub encourages users to give feedback to improve the quality of Copilot. If you encounter inaccurate or inappropriate suggestions, please provide feedback to help further development.

Note the cost: GitHub Copilot is paid and requires a subscription. Make sure you understand pricing and how using Copilot may affect your costs.

Overall, GitHub offers Copilot an exciting way to speed up the development process and make it more efficient. By critically evaluating the generated suggestions and adapting them to your needs, you can get the most out of this technology.

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