
News / Blog: #problems

What are the most pressing problems faced by founders?

10/23/2023 | By: FDS

Founders often face a variety of challenges that can vary by industry, business model and location. However, here are some of the most pressing issues that founders often face:

Missing capital: Funding is often one of the biggest hurdles for founders. It can be difficult to raise enough capital to launch the business and sustain it through the early stages before it becomes profitable.

Market Validation: It is critical to ensure that there is demand for the product or service the business is offering. Validating the market and identifying potential customers are important steps to ensure that the business can succeed.

Team Building: Assembling a competent and dedicated team can be a challenge. Finding the right team that shares the founder's vision and brings the necessary skills to move the business forward is critical.

Competition: in most industries, there are already established competitors. Founders need to find a way to stand out from the competition and create a unique offering to attract customers.

Scaling: After a business is launched, the question of scaling arises. How can the business grow without compromising quality and overstretching resources?

Legal and regulatory challenges: Founders must deal with legal and regulatory requirements that can vary by industry and location. This can range from business formation to intellectual property protection to regulatory compliance.

Marketing and Customer Acquisition: Attracting customers is often a major challenge, especially in an increasingly competitive business environment. Effective marketing strategies and sales channels are essential to drive growth.

Time Management: Founders often wear many hats and have numerous responsibilities. Effectively managing one's time and priorities is critical to avoid getting into undue stress.

Lack of experience: many founders operate in areas where they may not have extensive experience, such as accounting, law, human resources management, etc. Overcoming the lack of experience in key business areas can be challenging.

Insecurity and Risk: A founder's journey is often one of uncertainty and risk. There is no guarantee of success, and the ability to manage uncertainty and take risks is critical.

These challenges can vary depending on individual circumstances, but they are some of the most common issues founders face. Thorough planning, flexible approaches and a willingness to learn from mistakes can help overcome these challenges.

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The Dark Side of Online Coaching: Why Fake Business Gurus Are a Problem

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

Online coaching has created the opportunity for people from all over the world to learn and work from home. However, as in any industry, there are black sheep in online coaching: fake business gurus who promise to make people rich and successful, but in reality are only out for their own financial interest.

What are fake business gurus?

Fake business gurus are people who claim to be experts in certain business fields and share their knowledge and experience with others. They pretend to help people take their careers and businesses to the next level, but in reality they often have no experience or success in the areas they claim to be experts in.

Why are fake business gurus a problem?

Fake business gurus are a problem for several reasons:

They deceive people: Fake business gurus deceive people by making them false promises and creating unrealistic expectations. They promise that they can make people rich and successful if they just buy their services. In reality, the promises are often empty and the results unattainable.

They are greedy for money: fake business gurus are often only out for their own financial interest. They sell expensive courses and coaching services that often don't deliver what they promise.

They harm the online coaching industry: Fake business gurus harm the online coaching industry as a whole by undermining people's trust in reputable online coaches and courses. People who have had bad experiences with fake business gurus are often suspicious of other online coaches and services.

How do I recognize a fake business guru?

It can be difficult to distinguish a fake business guru from a reputable online coach. However, here are some signs to look out for:

Promises of quick wealth: if someone claims they can bring you wealth and success in a matter of weeks or months, you should be skeptical. Success and wealth require hard work and time.

Lack of experience or success: If someone claims to be an expert in a particular business area, but has no experience or success in that area, you should be wary.

Overpriced courses or coaching services: If someone is selling overpriced courses or coaching services, you should consider whether the price is reasonable and whether it is worth investing the money.


Fake business gurus are a problem in the online coaching industry because they deceive people, are money hungry, and damage the reputation of the industry. It is important for people who want to use online coaching services to be attentive and discerning in order to avoid fake business gurus and instead find reputable and experienced online coaches. When you're looking for an online coach, look for signs of respectability, such as references, recommendations, transparent pricing, and a clear description of services. By carefully checking who you are putting your money and trust in, you can ensure that you are benefiting from an experienced and qualified online coach and not falling for a fake business guru.

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What are typical problems when using Scrum or agile methods?

05/15/2023 | By: FDS

Although Scrum and agile methods have become very popular in software development and other projects, there are still some typical problems that can occur when using them. Here are some of the most common problems:


A common problem with using Scrum and agile methods is that the team and stakeholders may not be sufficiently familiar with the methodology, which can lead to delays and misunderstandings.

Lack of commitment: another issue is that the team may not be fully committed to using the agile methodology, which can cause them to fall back into old ways of working.

Complexity: Scrum and agile methodologies are meant for complex projects, which means they are not always appropriate for simple or small projects. In such cases, they can add unnecessary complexity.

Ineffective meetings: Scrum is based on regular meetings, which are essential for effective collaboration. However, when these meetings are ineffective or take too long, they can waste more time than they save.

Lack of flexibility: Agile methods rely on flexibility and adaptability to respond to changes in the project. However, if the team is too rigid in its approaches, it can result in not implementing changes quickly enough.

Missing planning: although Scrum and agile methods rely on an iterative and incremental way of working, it is still important that the team and stakeholders have an idea of where the project is going. Lack of planning can cause the team to stray from the goals of the project.

Inadequate communication: agile methods rely on open and effective communication between the team and stakeholders. If there are problems with this, it can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.

However, these problems are not insurmountable, and there are many ways to solve or avoid them. Careful planning, training, and open communication are critical to working successfully with Scrum and agile methods.

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Customer acquisition in B2B: the most common problems and how to solve them

05/03/2023 | By: FDS

Customer acquisition in B2B is a complex matter and can be challenging for many companies. Here are some of the most common issues B2B vendors face and how to solve them:

Unclear target audience

A common problem with B2B customer acquisition is an unclear target audience. Companies often struggle to define their target audience and align their marketing and sales activities with it. This leads to ineffective campaigns and low ROI.

Solution: Companies should precisely define their target group and align their marketing and sales activities accordingly. This includes developing buyer personas, describing the ideal customer, analyzing the market and conducting market research.

Lack of lead qualification

Another common problem is the lack of lead qualification. Companies often have many leads, but only a few are actually ready to buy or establish a business relationship. This leads to an ineffective sales process and low ROI.

Solution: companies should ensure they qualify their leads before passing them on to sales. This includes verifying contact information, identifying decision makers, and assessing leads' interest and readiness to buy.

Lack of personalization

Another common problem is the lack of personalization in marketing and sales activities. Companies often use generic approaches to target potential customers, resulting in low relevance and response rates.

Solution: Companies should ensure that they personalize their marketing and sales activities to address the needs and interests of their potential customers. This includes the use of personalized emails, targeted advertising campaigns and a customized approach.

Lack of follow-up processes

Another common problem is the lack of lead follow-up and customer relationship management. Companies often lose touch with potential customers and existing customers, resulting in a loss of business opportunities and customer loyalty.

Solution: companies should ensure they have follow-up processes in place to nurture potential customers and strengthen existing customer relationships. This includes using CRM systems, scheduling follow-up activities, and communicating with customers and prospects on a regular basis.


Customer acquisition in B2B can be challenging, but with a clear target audience definition, qualified leads, personalized marketing and sales activities, and a well-designed follow-up process, companies can improve their customer acquisition and drive business growth. By identifying and addressing these common issues, B2B vendors can optimize their marketing and sales strategies and achieve more successful results.

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Fix web page load time problems - This may be the cause

03/03/2023 | By: FDS

A fast load time is crucial for a positive user experience and the success of a website. When a website loads slowly, there are several reasons why this can happen. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

Large file sizes: If a web page contains a lot of images, videos, or other media files, this can significantly slow down the load time. Solution: reduce the file size by compressing images, optimizing videos, and removing unused media files.

Server problems: a slow or overloaded server can affect the website loading time. Solution: choose a hosting provider with high performance and scalability or optimize your server to achieve better performance.

Too many HTTP requests: If a website sends too many HTTP requests to retrieve resources such as images, scripts, or stylesheets, it can slow down the loading time. Solution: combine files, minimize CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Slow DNS server: A slow DNS server can cause the browser to take longer to connect to the website. Solution: Use a faster DNS server or improve the performance of your DNS server.

Browser cache: If the browser cache is full or not configured correctly, this can affect the website loading time. Solution: enable browser cache and configure it properly to cache frequently used resources.

Plugins and scripts: Too many plugins and scripts on a website can slow down the loading time. Solution: remove unneeded plugins and scripts or combine them to reduce the number of HTTP requests.

Mobile devices and networks: a slow mobile connection or outdated devices can affect the loading time of a website. Solution: optimize your website for mobile devices and slow connections.

By identifying and fixing these issues, you can improve your website load time and provide a better user experience.

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