
News / Blog: #pressreleases

How press releases can increase your media visibility

03/15/2024 | By: FDS

People often wonder why some companies get frequent mentions in the media, while others rarely get press coverage or interviews.

The key, besides the relevance of your story in terms of time, lies in press contacts.

Press releases are an important way to get visibility in the media. If you write good press releases and send them to the right media, you can significantly increase your media visibility.

A good press release should be clear, informative and tell an interesting story. It's important to send your press releases to the right media. Target editors and journalists who are interested in your topic and who can spread your message.

It's also important to update your press releases regularly. For example, if you are launching a new product line, you should draft a press release and send it to the media to cover it.

Social media campaigns are also a great way to get visibility in the media. Create interesting content and share it through your social media channels. This is a great way to gain new followers and increase your visibility.

In conclusion, press releases are an important part of any media campaign. If you write good press releases, send them to the right media and create social media campaigns, you can significantly increase your media visibility.

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Send out press releases - What are the alternatives?

03/11/2024 | By: FDS

1. Use social media channels: Using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social networks, companies can send news and announcements to a wide audience quickly and inexpensively.

2. Email marketing: email marketing can be an effective and inexpensive way to send press releases. It allows companies to send their news directly to a list of subscribers.

3. Publications in trade journals: publishing a press release in a trade journal allows the company to reach a large audience. Trade journals allow companies to send their message to a specific audience.

4. Press offices: A press office can help a company send its press release to a wide audience. Press offices can also help establish contacts with media representatives and identify appropriate media channels through which to send the press releases.

5. Online press releases: Online press releases allow companies to post their news on a variety of websites to reach a wide audience.

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Press Releases and Media Relations: Effective PR Techniques

12/18/2023 | By: FDS

Press releases are a tried and tested tool in the world of public relations (PR). They allow companies, organizations and individuals to effectively share news, information and stories with the media. In this article, we will discuss the importance of press releases and proven PR techniques to get your message out to the media.

The importance of press releases in PR:

Media placement: press releases offer the opportunity to place news in newspapers, magazines, online media and broadcasters.

Increasing visibility: Press releases help to increase the visibility of companies and organizations by making their stories and news accessible to a wide audience.

Crisis communication: In the event of crises or emergencies, press releases can be used to inform the media and the public about the situation and protect the image.

Effective PR techniques when writing press releases:

Clear and concise headline: The headline should summarize the most important information and grab the reader's interest.

Inverse pyramid structure: Place the most important information at the beginning of the press release and work your way to the less important details.

Clear message: Formulate a clear message that is understandable and appealing. Avoid jargon and complicated expressions.

Use quotes: Include quotes from relevant people to strengthen the credibility and authenticity of the press release.

Facts and statistics: Back up your message with facts and statistics when relevant.

Contact details: Provide contact information at the end of the press release for further information or inquiries.

Distribution of press releases:

Media contacts: Distribute your press releases to journalists, editors and relevant media contacts. Make sure your press releases are sent to the right recipients.

Online platforms: Use online PR platforms and distribution services to make your press releases accessible to a wider audience.

Social media: Share your press releases on your social media platforms to increase reach and encourage interactions.

Website: Publish your press releases on your own website so that interested parties can easily access them.

Success stories in press release work:

Tesla: Tesla has used press releases to communicate product announcements, milestones and developments in the electric car industry. These press releases attracted media attention and helped increase Tesla's visibility.

WHO (World Health Organization): During the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO issued regular press releases to keep the public informed of the latest developments and guidelines.

Press releases are a valuable tool in PR work to effectively communicate news, information and stories to the media and the public. By using proven PR techniques and targeted distribution, companies and organizations can increase their visibility and communicate important messages.

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Distribute press releases & news up-to-date, effectively and with high reach

09/13/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, the effective dissemination of press releases and breaking news is critical to achieving the desired reach and attention. Companies, organisations and individuals are looking for innovative ways to get their messages out to a wide audience. Below, you will learn how to distribute press releases and news with high reach.

The importance of press releases and news distribution

Press releases are a valuable tool to share relevant information about companies, products, events or developments. They make it possible to attract the attention of the media, potential customers and stakeholders. However, even the best press releases only reach their full potential if they are disseminated effectively.

Key strategies for the dissemination of press releases and news

Use online press portals: There are numerous online press portals where you can publish your press releases. These platforms often have a wide readership and are an easy way to get your news out.

Social media: The power of social media should not be underestimated. Share your press releases on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to get your message out to a global audience.

Share your press releases on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to get your message out to a global audience.

In today's digital era, the effective dissemination of press releases and breaking news is critical to achieving the desired reach and attention. Companies, organisations and individuals are looking for innovative ways to get their messages out to a wide audience. Below, you will learn how to distribute press releases and news with high reach.

The importance of press releases and news distribution

Press releases are a valuable tool to share relevant information about companies, products, events or developments. They make it possible to attract the attention of the media, potential customers and stakeholders. However, even the best press releases only reach their full potential if they are disseminated effectively.

Key strategies for the dissemination of press releases and news

Use online press portals: There are numerous online press portals where you can publish your press releases. These platforms often have a wide readership and are an easy way to get your news out.

Social media: The power of social media should not be underestimated. Share your press releases on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to get your message out to a global audience.

Share your press releases on platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram to get your message out to a global audience.

Use email distribution lists: Create a list of contacts, including journalists, bloggers and stakeholders, and send them your press releases directly. Make sure your emails are concise, informative and engaging.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO): Use relevant keywords and phrases in your press releases to ensure they are highly visible in search results. This increases the likelihood that your news will be found by prospects.

Include multimedia: Add images, videos or infographics to your press releases to increase interest. Multimedia content is shared more often and gets more attention.

Services for maximum reach

There are also services and platforms that specialise in press release distribution. These companies can distribute your news to a wide range of media, news agencies and online platforms to maximise the reach of your press releases. They often offer customised packages that take into account your goals and budget.

The importance of timing and timeliness

In addition to choosing the right distribution channels, it is crucial to carefully plan the timing of your press releases. Up-to-date news often has a higher news value and is more likely to be picked up. Make sure your releases are published on time to stay relevant.


Disseminating press releases and breaking news with high reach requires a strategic approach and the use of multiple channels. In today's digital world, there are many ways to get your messages out to a wide audience. By using the strategies and services mentioned above and always keeping an eye on timeliness, you can ensure that your news gets the maximum attention.

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How to optimize press releases for different social media?

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

When it comes to optimizing press releases for various social media, there are some important points to keep in mind. Here are some tips that can help:

Shorten the text: On social media, attention spans are often very short. Therefore, try to keep the text of your press release concise and to the point. Use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easier for readers to grasp the content.

Add an appealing title: a good title is crucial to catch readers' attention. Use short, punchy, and compelling headlines that pique readers' interest.

Use hashtags: Hashtags help make your press release more accessible to a wider audience. Research relevant hashtags that are popular in your field and include them in your posts. This will increase the visibility of your release and make it easier for users to find the content.

Use visual elements: Images, videos or infographics can help make your press release visually appealing. Visuals attract users' attention and make your post more interesting.

Tailor the content to the platform: Each social media platform has its own features and specifics. Adapt your press release to the particular platform you want to share it on. For example, short, concise posts are in demand on Twitter, while longer texts may work better on Facebook.

Provide a clear call-to-action: Give readers clear instructions on what to do next. Whether it's to click a link, sign up, or leave a comment, make sure your call-to-action is clearly worded.

Consider the time zone and time of day: publish your press release at a time when your target audience is most active. Also consider the time zone where your main target audience is located.

Interact with readers: Track and respond to comments, likes and shares on your press release. Show interest in user feedback and use the opportunity to build a relationship.

Analyze performance: use social media analytics data to see how well your press release performed. Identify what content performed best and use these insights to improve future releases.

By following these tips, you can optimize your press releases for different social media and spread your message more effectively.

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