
News / Blog: #kontaktaufnahme

Order acquisition for solo self-employed & freelancers

01/29/2024 | By: FDS

As a solo self-employed person or freelancer, acquiring orders is a key task. If you are still new in the industry and have not yet built up a large network, the acquisition of orders can be a challenge. Therefore, it is important to think about your target group and your offer in advance.

First, you should make a list of your target audience. This includes potential customers as well as partners with whom one can collaborate. It is important to be aware of the needs of the target group and to understand what kind of offer might be interesting for them.

Then, you should consider where you can best present your offer. This includes not only social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but also industry forums and communities. Trade shows and events that one can attend are also a good way to present one's offering and make new contacts.

Once one has presented one's offer, one can start contacting them directly. To do this, one can send personal emails to potential customers and partners, but one can also make cold calls. It is also important to keep drawing attention to oneself and promoting one's services.

In order to be successful in the long run, it is important to keep developing and updating one's knowledge about the industry and one's clients. This way, you can always create new contacts and expand your clientele.

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Find journalists and approach them correctly

12/21/2023 | By: FDS
How do I find the contact details of editors and journalists without spending thousands of euros a year on PR software or a journalist database? To find journalists and contact them properly, you should first research which journalists report in your subject area. You can then look up which newspaper or news service they work for and try to contact them. It can be helpful to get the journalists' contact information by referring to social networks such as Twitter or LinkedIn or to press releases. When contacting them, be clear and concise with the information you want to share. If you are proposing a face-to-face meeting, you should write a brief introduction introducing the idea you are passionate about and an explanation of why you think it could make a meaningful story. It's also important to include a contact person who can provide the journalist with more details and quotes.
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Contacting potential customers on LinkedIn: What you should consider

11/28/2023 | By: FDS

Contacting potential customers on LinkedIn can be an effective strategy for lead generation and building business relationships. However, there are some important things to consider to ensure that your outreach is successful and leaves a positive impression. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Thorough Research:

Before reaching out, it's crucial to research your potential customers. Carefully read their profiles to learn more about their professional backgrounds, interests, and needs. The better you understand your target audience, the more precisely you can tailor your message.

2. Personalize Your Message:

Avoid generic messages. Ensure that your messages are tailored to the specific recipient. For example, mention common interests or experiences to establish a personal connection.

3. Emphasize the Benefits:

Your messages should clearly communicate the benefits of your product or service to the potential customer. How can your offering help solve their specific challenges or improve their business?

4. Use Polite Language:

Be respectful and polite in your messages. Avoid aggressive sales tactics or pressure. Express interest in potential collaboration without applying undue pressure.

5. Provide Value:

Your messages should offer more than just a sales pitch. Share relevant resources, information, or insights that could be useful to the recipient. This demonstrates your expertise and commitment to customer success.

6. Clear Call-to-Action:

At the end of your message, place a clear call-to-action. For example, ask the recipient for a conversation, a demo, or further contact if they express interest.

7. Patience and Follow-up:

Not every contact will respond immediately or express interest. Give potential customers time and space to react. After some time, you can send a friendly follow-up message to check for interest.

8. Quality Over Quantity:

It's more important to address high-quality potential customers than to send a large number of messages. Focus on those who truly fit your offering and are most likely to be interested.

9. Privacy and Consent:

Ensure that you comply with LinkedIn's privacy policies and applicable data protection laws. Also, consider the recipient's consent, especially if you intend to send regular marketing messages.

10. Professional Follow-up:

If a potential customer shows interest, ensure that you respond to their inquiries professionally and promptly. Quick and competent communication can make a difference.

Contacting potential customers on LinkedIn requires care and attention to detail. By sending personalized, valuable, and respectful messages and aligning your message with the recipient's benefits, you can build successful business relationships and expand your network.

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The most common mistakes in LinkedIn cold calling

11/27/2023 | By: FDS

LinkedIn is an excellent platform for cold outreach, but only if done correctly. Unfortunately, many companies and professionals make some common mistakes that diminish their chances of success. Here are the most common errors in LinkedIn cold outreach and how to avoid them:

1. Impersonal Messages

A significant mistake is sending messages that are not tailored to the recipient. Generic messages sent to dozens or hundreds of contacts are not very effective. Instead, take the time to craft personalized messages that consider the interests and needs of the recipient.

2. Lack of Value

Your messages should provide clear value to the recipient. Illustrate how your products or services can solve their specific challenges. Avoid exclusively talking about your company in your messages without addressing the benefit to the recipient.

3. Mass Connection Requests

Indiscriminately sending connection requests to hundreds of people can be seen as spam. Before sending a connection request, ensure that the person is genuinely part of your target audience and may have an interest in your offering.

4. Lack of Research

Before reaching out, research your potential leads. Look at their profiles to learn more about their professional backgrounds and interests. This allows you to craft personalized messages that better address their needs.

5. Impatience

LinkedIn cold outreach requires patience. It's unlikely that you'll see immediate results. Give your contacts time to read and respond to your messages. Avoid pushing too hard or repeating outreach at short intervals.

6. Lack of Follow-ups

After the initial contact, sending follow-up messages is crucial. This demonstrates your interest and commitment. Remind the contact about your offering and how it can help them.

7. Ignoring Rejections

Not every contact will be interested in your offering, and that's okay. Respect rejections and don't take them personally. You can reach out again with a new message at a later time if circumstances change.

8. Excessive Self-Promotion

Avoid overly promoting yourself in your messages. Focus instead on the needs and interests of the recipient. Ensure that your offering is presented subtly and is relevant.


LinkedIn is a valuable tool for cold outreach when used correctly. Avoid the above mistakes by sending personalized, valuable, and respectful messages.

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Unsolicited application as a freelancer by e-mail - Prohibited or permitted in Germany?

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

In Germany, the question arises as to whether it is permitted to send unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email. While freelancers offer their services independently, there are still legal and data protection-related aspects to consider. This article sheds light on the situation.

In a changing world of work, more and more people are turning to self-employment as freelancers. Acquiring work themselves is often essential, and speculative applications are a common method of reaching potential customers or clients. But what happens when these applications are sent by email?

Legal basis for unsolicited applications as a freelancer

The good news is that unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany. Freelancers are self-employed and are not bound by the same labour law regulations as employees. This means that they are largely free to offer their services and contact potential clients.

However, it is important to bear certain legal aspects in mind:

1. Data protection: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also relevant for freelancers. When contacting us by email, the data protection regulations must be observed. This means that personal data (e.g. the recipient's contact details) may only be used for the stated purpose (the application) and the recipient's consent to the processing of their data may be required.

2.Opt-out and objection: Every unsolicited application by email should include an option to simply unsubscribe (opt-out). The recipient must be able to refuse to continue receiving messages. It is important to respect these wishes in order to avoid legal problems.

3. Imprint: The email should include a full legal notice that complies with legal requirements. This includes details such as the sender's name and address as well as a contact option.


Initiative applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany as long as the legal provisions and data protection regulations are observed. Self-employment offers freelancers the opportunity to proactively search for new assignments and offer their services. Nevertheless, it is advisable to find out about the current laws and regulations and seek legal advice if necessary in order to minimise potential risks.

Freelancers should take care to appear serious and professional, as first impressions are often crucial. A well-thought-out unsolicited application can pave the way to new business opportunities and make self-employment a success.

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