
News / Blog: #influencer

Influencer marketing: Collaborations with influencers to increase awareness

11/02/2023 | By: FDS

Influencer marketing has become one of the most effective strategies for increasing brand and product awareness. For start-ups, working with influencers can be a quick and efficient way to reach their target audience. In this article, we will discuss why influencer marketing is important and how start-ups can build successful partnerships with influencers.

Why is influencer marketing important for start-ups?

Access to the target group: Influencers already have an engaged following, which often consists of your target group. Working with them allows you to effectively target this audience.

Trustworthiness: Influencers have built up the trust of their followers. If they recommend your product or service, this can increase trust in your brand.

Increasing brand awareness: Through social media presence and the reach of influencers, start-ups can quickly increase their brand awareness.

Steps to successful collaboration with influencers:

Identify the right influencers: Research influencers that fit your industry and target group. Consider the size of their following and the quality of their engagement.

Make contact: Find a way to get in touch with the selected influencers. This can be via social media, email or influencer platforms.

Provide clear added value: Explain how the collaboration can be beneficial for both the influencer and your start-up. Offer clear benefits such as product samples, commissions or sponsorship.

Prioritise authenticity: Let the influencer convey the message in an authentic way. Compulsive or inauthentic advertising can damage the trust of followers.

Collaboration agreement: Create a written agreement that sets out the expectations of both parties. This should include details of the collaboration, compensation and timeframe.

Encourage creativity: Give the influencer room to be creative. The best collaborations are often those in which the influencer can contribute their own voice and personality.

Success stories in influencer marketing:

Daniel Wellington: The watch brand Daniel Wellington has significantly increased its brand awareness by collaborating with Instagram influencers. They encouraged influencers to share pictures with their watches and offer a unique discount code to appeal to their followers.

Fashion Nova: The clothing brand Fashion Nova has built up a huge fan base by collaborating with influencers from the fashion industry. These influencers wear the latest Fashion Nova collections and share their looks on their social media platforms.

Influencer marketing offers start-ups the opportunity to quickly attract attention and build trust with their target group. By choosing the right influencers, maintaining authenticity and communicating clearly, start-ups can create successful partnerships that support their growth.

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How can you identify influencers who fit your brand?

10/31/2023 | By: FDS

To identify influencers who fit your brand, there are several steps you can take. Here are some helpful tips:

Define target audience: Think carefully about who your target audience is. What are the age group, interests and demographics of your customers? This will help you find influencers whose audiences are similar to your target audience.

Set brand values and goals: clarify your own brand values and goals. What is your message? What do you want to achieve with your brand? Identify influencers whose values and goals align with your brand

Do your research: search for influencers in your industry or product segment. Use social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube or TikTok to find relevant influencers. Look at their content, engagement rates, and follower counts.

Analyze content: Take a close look at potential influencers' content. Is their content high-quality and professional? Do they match your brand image and products? Also pay attention to whether they have already collaborated with similar brands.

Check engagement rates: Check influencers' engagement rates to find out how well they interact with their audience. High engagement rates indicate an engaged and loyal following.

Check reach and target audience: Check the influencers' reach and whether their target audience matches yours. Consider the number of followers, but also pay attention to the quality of interactions and whether they are reaching the desired audience.

Evaluate authenticity: authenticity is an important factor when choosing influencers. Check to see if influencers come across as honest and authentic, as this can positively impact your brand's credibility.

Initiate collaboration: Once you've identified potential influencers, you can make initial contact. Write them a personal message expressing your interest in working with them and explaining why you think they're a good fit for the brand.

Set measurable goals: make sure you set clear goals for working with influencers. Do you want to increase brand awareness, boost sales or grow your social media presence? Define KPIs to measure the success of the collaboration.

Build long-term relationships: If the collaboration is successful, think about building long-term relationships with influencers. Ongoing collaborations can increase your brand's credibility and influence in the long run.

Remember that it's important to choose influencers who are an authentic fit for your brand and whose audience overlaps with your target audience. Quality often comes before quantity, so make sure you choose the right fit instead of just high follower counts.

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What are the key best practices for a successful PR campaign?

10/27/2023 | By: FDS

A successful PR campaign requires careful planning and implementation. Here are some key best practices that can help:

Set clear goals: Define clear goals for your PR campaign. Would you like to increase awareness, improve your image or win new customers? Setting concrete goals allows you to measure and adjust the success of the campaign.

Target group analysis: Understand your target group exactly. Research who your potential customers or stakeholders are, what media they use, and what type of messages appeal to them. This helps you to develop targeted messages and choose the right communication channels.

Consistent Messages: Define clear and consistent messages that reflect your core messages and values. Make sure your messages are consistent across all communication channels including press releases, social media, interviews, etc.

Use Storytelling: Tell a story that makes your company, product or service interesting and relevant. Use storytelling techniques to present your messages in a vivid and engaging way. A good story can engage your audience emotionally and grab their attention.

Build media relations: Maintain good relations with relevant media representatives. Identify journalists, bloggers and influencers who matter to your target audience and build a personal relationship with them. Offer them exclusive information, interviews, or guest posts to grab their attention.

Take a multi-channel approach: Use different communication channels to spread your messages. Use classic media such as press releases, interviews and trade journals, but also digital channels such as social media, company blogs and influencer marketing. A multi-channel approach allows you to reach a broader audience.

Monitoring and Analysis: Continuously monitor the success of your PR campaign. Use media monitoring tools to track coverage of your business. Also measure quantitative metrics like reach, engagement, and conversion rates. Based on the results, you can adjust and optimize your strategy.

Prepare crisis communication: Plan in advance how you will deal with possible crisis situations. Create a crisis communication plan that defines clear responsibilities and courses of action. Responding to crises quickly and effectively can protect your company's reputation.

Build lasting relationships: PR campaigns shouldn't be limited to one-off events. Strive to build lasting relationships with your audiences, including media, customers, employees, and influencers. Ongoing communication and interaction helps build trust and credibility for your business.

Evaluation and Learning: After completing the PR campaign, take the time to evaluate and analyze the results. Identify what worked and what didn't to learn for future campaigns. Continuous improvement based on feedback and experience is crucial to the success of your PR activities.

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How can you use customer reviews and testimonials in PR?

10/16/2023 | By: FDS

Customer reviews and testimonials are extremely valuable tools for gaining the trust of potential customers and strengthening a company's image. Here are some ways you can use customer reviews and testimonials in your PR:

Press releases: Use customer reviews and testimonials in your press releases to emphasize the credibility and value of your business. Quote positive testimonials from satisfied customers and share them with journalists and members of the media.

Website and landing pages: place customer reviews and testimonials on your website and specifically on landing pages to give visitors a positive impression. Show real customer experiences to persuade potential buyers and build trust.

Social Media: Share customer reviews and testimonials on your social media platforms to make them accessible to a wider audience. Use quotes, images or short videos from customers praising your products or services.

Case studies: create detailed case studies that highlight your customers' experiences and results. Describe how your company helped solve their problems and how they benefited. These case studies can be used in your PR efforts to demonstrate your success.

Influencer marketing: Work with relevant influencers who review your products or services and share their experiences. Authentic reviews from influencers can achieve great reach and build trust with your target audience.

Customer testimonials: Ask satisfied customers to be available as references for potential clients. These customers can be contacted by prospects to answer their questions and share their first-hand experiences.

Media coverage: send customer reviews and testimonials to members of the media to get your company mentioned in industry publications or other relevant media. Journalists can use positive experiences from customers in their articles, adding credibility.

It is important that customer reviews and testimonials are authentic and not manipulated or fabricated. Make sure that testimonials come from real customers and are used with their consent.

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The Power of Viral Marketing: Success Strategies and Examples

10/11/2023 | By: FDS

In today's digital era, viral marketing has become one of the most sought-after and effective tools to attract attention, gain customers and increase brand awareness. Viral marketing refers to the creation of content that people voluntarily share, causing it to spread like a virus across the internet. In this article, we will explore the power of viral marketing, highlight proven strategies and present some inspiring examples of viral marketing.

The Magic of Viral Marketing

Viral marketing offers businesses the opportunity to achieve a wide reach at comparatively low cost. If a viral campaign is successful, it can reach thousands or even millions of people. The mechanics of viral marketing are based on social sharing and recommendation. When people find a viral piece of content appealing, they share it with their network, which in turn leads to further shares.

Success Strategies for Viral Marketing

1. Creative and engaging content

The key to viral marketing lies in the creativity and originality of the content. Make sure your content is eye-catching, entertaining, inspiring or informative. People share content that impresses or touches them.

2. Connect emotionally

Content that triggers strong emotions has a higher chance of going viral. This can be positive emotions such as joy or inspiration, but controversial or humorous content can also generate strong reactions.

3. Easy sharing

Make it easy to share your content by including share buttons and social sharing options in your website or campaigns. The easier it is, the more likely people are to share the content.

4. Target audience understanding

Understand your target audience and what appeals to them. Create content that is targeted to your audience's interests and needs

5. Timing is critical

Publish your content at the right time. There are often trends or events that can be used for viral campaigns. Current and relevant content is more likely to be shared

6. Influencer collaborations

Collaborating with influencers can significantly increase your reach. Influencers often have a loyal following willing to follow their recommendations

Examples of viral marketing

1. ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014 was a groundbreaking example of viral marketing. People around the world poured a bucket of ice water over their heads and shared their videos on social media to raise awareness of ALS. The campaign resulted in millions of donations and massive awareness raising.

2. Old Spice "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like"

Old Spice's "The Man Your Man Could Smell Like" campaign went viral in 2010. The series of humorous commercials featuring actor Isaiah Mustafa caused a stir and were shared on social media. The campaign led to a dramatic increase in sales.

3. Dove "Real Beauty Sketches"

Dove's "Real Beauty Sketches" campaign was released in 2013 and provoked discussions about beauty standards. In the campaign, women were asked to describe themselves and then drawings were made of them by a stranger. The women's emotional responses and the campaign's message were shared extensively on social media.

4. Burger King "The Whopper Detour"

Burger King's "The Whopper Detour" campaign from 2018 offered customers to buy a Whopper for a penny when they were near a McDonald's. The app-based promotion went viral as it took advantage of the competition between the two fast-food giants.


Viral marketing remains one of the most exciting and effective ways to attract attention to your brand. Through creative, engaging content, triggering emotions, using influencers and a thorough knowledge of your target audience, you can harness the power of viral marketing. However, viral marketing also requires a willingness to take risks and try innovative approaches. If implemented successfully, viral marketing has the potential to make your brand a global talking point.

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