
News / Blog: #freelancer

Order acquisition for solo self-employed & freelancers

01/29/2024 | By: FDS

As a solo self-employed person or freelancer, acquiring orders is a key task. If you are still new in the industry and have not yet built up a large network, the acquisition of orders can be a challenge. Therefore, it is important to think about your target group and your offer in advance.

First, you should make a list of your target audience. This includes potential customers as well as partners with whom one can collaborate. It is important to be aware of the needs of the target group and to understand what kind of offer might be interesting for them.

Then, you should consider where you can best present your offer. This includes not only social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, but also industry forums and communities. Trade shows and events that one can attend are also a good way to present one's offering and make new contacts.

Once one has presented one's offer, one can start contacting them directly. To do this, one can send personal emails to potential customers and partners, but one can also make cold calls. It is also important to keep drawing attention to oneself and promoting one's services.

In order to be successful in the long run, it is important to keep developing and updating one's knowledge about the industry and one's clients. This way, you can always create new contacts and expand your clientele.

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Where do you earn 5000 Euro net or more?

12/13/2023 | By: FDS

There are many ways to earn 5000 euros net or more. Some examples are:

- Managers, directors or executives in large companies

- Experienced engineers or technical experts

- Successful freelancers such as programmers and designers

- Sales representatives and salesmen in the automotive industry

- Bankers and financial experts

- Lawyers and tax consultants

- Doctors and other medical professionals

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Part-time job during studies - Become a freelancer in sales

12/12/2023 | By: FDS

Finding a part-time job in college as a freelance sales associate is a great way to earn more money while gaining valuable sales experience. As a freelance sales associate, you will work directly with a company to market their products and services. Depending on how much time and energy you put into the project, you can earn between 12 and 20 euros per hour.

Starting as a freelancer in sales can be done through an agency or directly through the company itself. First, you need to consider some basic things, such as your personal skills, your skills in dealing with customers, your knowledge of the sales market and your skills in dealing with different sales strategies. After you build your experience and skills, you can become a successful freelancer in sales.

An important aspect of being successful as a freelance salesperson is that you need to constantly expand your knowledge of the company's product and services. It's important that you keep up with the latest trends and developments in sales so that you can effectively advise clients and provide them with the best possible solutions. It is also important that you have a positive attitude and try to satisfy your customers.

Taking a part-time job in college as a freelance sales associate is an excellent way to earn more money while gaining valuable sales experience. It's a great way to improve your sales skills while marketing the company's products and services. If you are willing to work hard, you can become a successful freelance sales associate.

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Unsolicited application as a freelancer by e-mail - Prohibited or permitted in Germany?

11/22/2023 | By: FDS

In Germany, the question arises as to whether it is permitted to send unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email. While freelancers offer their services independently, there are still legal and data protection-related aspects to consider. This article sheds light on the situation.

In a changing world of work, more and more people are turning to self-employment as freelancers. Acquiring work themselves is often essential, and speculative applications are a common method of reaching potential customers or clients. But what happens when these applications are sent by email?

Legal basis for unsolicited applications as a freelancer

The good news is that unsolicited applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany. Freelancers are self-employed and are not bound by the same labour law regulations as employees. This means that they are largely free to offer their services and contact potential clients.

However, it is important to bear certain legal aspects in mind:

1. Data protection: The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is also relevant for freelancers. When contacting us by email, the data protection regulations must be observed. This means that personal data (e.g. the recipient's contact details) may only be used for the stated purpose (the application) and the recipient's consent to the processing of their data may be required.

2.Opt-out and objection: Every unsolicited application by email should include an option to simply unsubscribe (opt-out). The recipient must be able to refuse to continue receiving messages. It is important to respect these wishes in order to avoid legal problems.

3. Imprint: The email should include a full legal notice that complies with legal requirements. This includes details such as the sender's name and address as well as a contact option.


Initiative applications as a freelancer by email are generally permitted in Germany as long as the legal provisions and data protection regulations are observed. Self-employment offers freelancers the opportunity to proactively search for new assignments and offer their services. Nevertheless, it is advisable to find out about the current laws and regulations and seek legal advice if necessary in order to minimise potential risks.

Freelancers should take care to appear serious and professional, as first impressions are often crucial. A well-thought-out unsolicited application can pave the way to new business opportunities and make self-employment a success.

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What must a speculative application as a freelancer contain?

11/15/2023 | By: FDS

A speculative application as a freelancer should be carefully prepared, as it is often the first step in attracting the attention of potential clients or customers. Here are the most important elements that should be included in a speculative application as a freelancer:

Solicitation letter:

Start with a polite salutation that includes the name of the potential client or customer, if possible. Otherwise, you can start with "Dear Sir or Madam"

Introduce yourself briefly and explain what area you work in as a freelancer (e.g. web design, writing, graphic design, programming, etc.).

Give a brief overview of your qualifications, experience and skills that qualify you for the potential job.

Explain why you are interested in working with the company and what benefits you can offer the company.

Resume (CV):

Attach your current CV, which includes your professional experience, qualifications, education and relevant projects.

Emphasise particularly relevant experience and skills that may be of interest to the potential client.


If your work is visual or project-based (e.g. graphic design, web development, writing), include links to your portfolio or samples of your work in your cover letter. You may also attach some samples of your work directly if appropriate.


If possible, provide references from previous clients or customers who can attest to your work and professionalism.

Quotation and availability:

State what type of projects you are looking for and what services you offer. Clarify your availability and any time constraints.

Contact details:

Make sure your contact details are easy to find. Include your email address, phone number and website (if available)


Thank them politely for their attention and express your interest in further communication or a personal meeting.

Indicate how the potential client can best reach you. Remember that your speculative application as a freelancer should be professional, well-structured and adapted to the needs of the company in question. Tailored applications have a higher chance of success. You should also make sure that your application is free of spelling and grammatical errors, as this gives a professional impression.

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