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The study of marketing: A look at the course contents

11/16/2023 | By: FDS

In an increasingly competitive business world, marketing has become a decisive factor for the success of companies. The marketing degree programme prepares students for the challenges and opportunities in this dynamic field. But what content can prospective marketing experts expect to learn? This article takes a closer look at the marketing degree programme and provides insights into the exciting topics that students explore.

Introduction to marketing

Marketing studies often begin with a basic introduction to the concepts and principles of marketing. Here, students learn the basic terms, theories and strategies that are important for the development of marketing campaigns and strategies.

Market research

A central component of marketing is the ability to understand the market and target groups. Students learn how to conduct market research to gather information about customer preferences, competitive landscapes and market trends. This data forms the basis for informed marketing decisions.

Consumer behaviour

Understanding consumer behaviour is of crucial importance for successful marketing. Students study the psychological, sociological and economic aspects of consumer behaviour to understand why people buy certain products and how they respond to marketing messages.

Advertising and promotion

Advertising is a key element of marketing. Students learn to develop creative advertising campaigns, plan media strategies and communicate marketing messages effectively. This may also include the study of digital advertising methods and social media.

Brand management

The development and maintenance of brands is of central importance for many companies. In the marketing degree programme, students learn how to build, position and protect brands. This includes identifying the unique characteristics of a brand and designing brand messages.

Digital marketing

In today's digital era, digital marketing is essential. Students are introduced to the use of online marketing strategies, search engine optimisation (SEO), content marketing, social media marketing and email marketing. They learn how to plan, analyse and optimise online campaigns.

Marketing strategies and management

A central focus of the programme is the development of marketing strategies that ensure the long-term success of a company. Students learn how to create marketing plans, manage budgets and measure the success of marketing initiatives.

Internships and career preparation

Many marketing programmes offer the opportunity for internships at marketing agencies, companies or non-profit organisations. This practical experience is crucial for entering the professional world and applying the knowledge acquired during your studies


The marketing degree programme is diverse and offers a wide range of course content. It enables students to understand the dynamic world of marketing and prepare them for various career opportunities in companies, advertising agencies, consultancies and other organisations. From market research to advertising campaign development, this degree programme provides a solid foundation for a successful career in marketing.

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Venture capital and private equity: finding investors for your start-up

11/14/2023 | By: FDS

Funding a start-up is often one of the biggest challenges for budding entrepreneurs. While some founders can use their savings or resort to crowdfunding, many look for external investors to turn their ideas into reality. In this article, we take a look at two key funding options for start-ups: venture capital and private equity, and how you can find investors for your business.

Risk capital (venture capital):

Venture capital investors invest in start-ups with high growth potential. They are often willing to take higher risks in order to potentially achieve higher returns. Here are some steps to finding investors for your start-up:

1. Create a business plan: Before you start looking for venture capitalists, you should create a detailed business plan. This should include your business idea, the market, your competitive advantages and your growth strategy.

2. Networking: Networking is crucial to finding potential venture capitalists. Attend industry events, conferences and investor meetings to make contacts.

3. Online platforms: There are also online platforms and marketplaces where start-ups and investors are brought together. These platforms enable founders to present their company and find investors.

4. Pitching: Prepare for the pitch. A convincing pitch is crucial to attract the interest of venture capitalists. Present your idea clearly and concisely and show how your company can grow.

Private equity:

Private equity (PE) refers to investing in established companies to finance their growth or restructure them. Here are some steps to finding investors for your company:

1. Legal preparation: Make sure your company fulfils all legal requirements and is open for investment. This may include restructuring your business and preparing business valuations.

2. Investment bankers and advisors: Investment banks and advisory firms can help in the search for PE investors. They often have access to a broad network of investors and can assist in negotiating transactions.

3. Maintain confidentiality: Private equity investments are often confidential. Make sure you enter into appropriate non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to protect sensitive information.

Business angels and their role in start-up financing:

Business angels are wealthy individuals who invest capital in start-ups. They play an important role in start-up financing and can make the decisive difference for up-and-coming companies.

1. Networking: Business angels are often organised in investor networks. By networking in such groups, founders can meet potential business angels.

2. Industry focus: Business angels often have experience in specific industries and look for investment opportunities that match their expertise. Find a business angel who is familiar with your market.

3. Personal relationships: Business angels not only invest money, but also time and experience. It is important to build personal relationships and establish a good working relationship.

Finding investors for your start-up takes time and commitment. It is important to carefully consider which funding route best suits your business and find investors who share your vision and goals. With patience, a convincing business plan and a strong network, you can find the right investors for your start-up and pave the way to success.

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Incubators, accelerators and start-up centers: support for aspiring entrepreneurs

11/08/2023 | By: FDS

The journey from idea to successful business start-up is often fraught with challenges. For budding entrepreneurs, especially in today's competitive business world, having the right support and resources available can be crucial. This is where incubators, accelerators and business incubators come into play. In this article, we look at the role and benefits of these organisations for aspiring founders.

Incubators: Incubating business ideas

Incubators are facilities that provide start-ups and founders with a physical space in which to develop and realise their business ideas. Here are some of the key features of incubators:

Infrastructure: Incubators often provide offices, workspaces and resources such as internet access and conference rooms. This enables founders to work cost-effectively without having to invest in expensive office equipment.

Advice and mentoring: Many incubators offer advisory services and mentoring programmes. Experienced entrepreneurs and experts are on hand to help founders with strategic decisions and challenges.

Financial support: Some incubators also offer financial support in the form of grants or investments. This can help to secure start-up funding.

Accelerators: Accelerating growth

Accelerators are programmes that focus start-ups on rapid growth and expansion. Here are some of the key features of accelerators:

Intensive training: Accelerators often offer training and workshops on various aspects of entrepreneurship, from business model development to sales techniques

Financing: In return for a stake in the company, accelerators often offer financing support in the form of investment and capital.

Limited in time: Accelerator programmes are usually limited in time, often to a few months. During this time, the founders work intensively on advancing their company.

Demo Day: Many accelerator programmes end with a "Demo Day", where founders present their companies to investors and potential partners.

Business incubators: community and resources

Business incubators are often independent organisations or facilities within universities that offer a wide range of resources and support for founders. Here are some of the benefits of business incubators:

Education: Business incubators offer training, seminars and educational resources to educate entrepreneurs in various aspects of entrepreneurship.

Access to expertise: Business incubators allow founders to access the expertise of professors, industry experts and consultants.

Fostering collaboration: These facilities encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas between founders, which can lead to innovative solutions.

Facilities and resources: Some incubators also provide office space, laboratories and access to specialised equipment.

Incubators, accelerators and business incubators play a crucial role in supporting and promoting start-ups and business founders. They offer not only resources and expertise, but also a supportive environment that enables founders to realise their full potential and successfully implement their business ideas. At a time when innovation and entrepreneurship are crucial, these organisations are valuable players in the start-up landscape.

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What is online coaching?

11/03/2023 | By: FDS

Online coaching is a form of face-to-face coaching or mentoring where communication and interaction between coach and client takes place via the internet. This type of coaching uses digital technologies such as video calls, phone calls, emails, chat messages or online platforms to facilitate coaching sessions and information exchange between coach and client. Here are some important features and aspects of online coaching:

Flexibility and accessibility: Online coaching offers a high degree of flexibility as coach and client do not need to be in the same physical location. This allows people to find a coach regardless of their location or time zone.

Various coaching formats: Online coaching can be offered in different formats, including video coaching sessions, phone coaching, email coaching or chat coaching. The choice of format often depends on the preferences and needs of the client.

Various coaching areas: Online coaching is offered in a wide range of areas, including life coaching, career coaching, health coaching, personal development, leadership development, and more.

Written communication: email and chat coaching allow clients and coaches to communicate with each other in writing. This can be particularly useful for expressing and recording thoughts and feelings.

Privacy and confidentiality: Online coaching platforms and services often place a strong emphasis on privacy and confidentiality to ensure that personal information and conversations are protected.

Time management: Online coaching allows clients to fit coaching sessions into their schedule without taking up additional travel time or waiting.

Global reach: Both coaches and clients can collaborate from around the world, providing the opportunity to access a wide range of expertise and experience.

Results orientation: The main goal of online coaching is usually personal development and the achievement of specific goals or changes in the client's life. Coaches work closely with their clients to define and achieve those goals.

Online coaching can be offered to individuals as well as groups. It has become a popular form of coaching in recent years due to its flexibility and effectiveness. However, it is important to choose a qualified and trustworthy coach in order to best reap the benefits of online coaching.

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The Business Information Systems degree programme: A look at the course content

11/02/2023 | By: FDS

Business informatics is a multidisciplinary field that studies the interface between information technology and business processes. In this article, we take a closer look at the study of business informatics and the exciting topics that students explore.

Fundamentals of computer science and programming

The study of Information Systems often begins with a solid introduction to the fundamentals of computer science, including programming, data structures, algorithms and software development. These skills are critical to developing technology solutions to business problems

Business fundamentals

To understand the business aspects, students study business fundamentals such as marketing, financial management, accounting and organisational management. This enables them to develop technology solutions in the context of business needs

Data management and databases

Since data is crucial in businesses, students learn how to manage, store and analyse data efficiently. This includes working with databases, data modelling and data analysis.

Business Process Management

The optimisation of business processes is at the heart of business informatics. Students learn how to analyse, improve and automate business processes to increase the efficiency and profitability of companies

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems

ERP systems are software solutions that help companies integrate various business processes. Students learn how to implement and manage ERP systems to increase business efficiency.

Information security and privacy

The security of information systems is of great importance. Students study the basics of information security, cybersecurity and data protection policies to protect corporate data.

Project Management

In Information Systems, project management skills are crucial as many projects involve the implementation of new technology solutions in businesses. Students learn project management methods and tools

E-business and e-commerce

The Information Systems degree also covers the various aspects of e-business and e-commerce. Students learn how to develop online marketing strategies, create e-commerce platforms and implement digital business models.

Practical projects and internships

During their studies, students often work on real projects to apply their knowledge in practice. Internships in companies offer the opportunity to gain practical experience in the implementation of technology solutions for business processes.

Professional preparation and certifications

Many business information systems programmes integrate career preparation courses and offer the opportunity to earn certifications in relevant fields. This eases the transition into the professional world and demonstrates graduates' qualifications to employers


The Business Information Systems degree combines technical knowledge with business expertise and offers a wide range of study content. Graduates are well-positioned to succeed in a variety of positions in corporations, government agencies or consulting firms. With a strong focus on the integration of information technology into business processes, business informatics graduates are sought-after professionals in an increasingly digital world.

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