
News / Blog: #austria

Starting a business in Austria: A guide for aspiring founders

01/04/2024 | By: FDS

Austria is not only known for its picturesque landscape and cultural diversity, but also for its burgeoning start-up ecosystem. More and more people in Austria are dreaming of starting their own businesses and turning innovative ideas into reality. In this article, we offer a guide for aspiring founders in Austria and take a look at the hotspots for start-ups in this country.

Step 1: Develop the business idea

The first step in founding a company is to develop a clear business idea. This should be based on a solid market analysis and offer unique solutions to existing problems or needs.

Step 2: Choose the legal form

There are various legal forms for companies in Austria, including sole proprietorships, limited liability companies (GmbH) and stock corporations (AG). Choosing the right legal form depends on your individual goals and needs

Step 3: Formalize the formation

Founding a company in Austria requires the fulfillment of certain legal and bureaucratic requirements. These include registering the company with the commercial register and registering with the tax office

Step 4: Obtaining financing and resources

Funding is crucial to the success of a start-up. In Austria, there are various options for financing, including government funding programs, bank loans, investors and crowdfunding.

Step 5: Conquer the market

The market launch is a crucial step for the success of a company. An effective marketing strategy and identifying the target group are crucial.

The hotspots for start-ups in Austria:

Vienna - The capital of entrepreneurship: Vienna is the largest start-up hub in Austria and offers a wealth of co-working spaces, incubators and accelerators. The city is particularly known for its thriving technology and creative scene.

Graz - innovation in the south: Graz, Austria's second largest city, is characterized by its strong research and innovation culture. Here, founders find access to highly qualified talent and first-class universities.

Linz - Up-and-coming start-up scene: Linz, in the north of Austria, is developing into an up-and-coming start-up hotspot. The city promotes collaboration between start-ups and established companies.


Starting a business in Austria can be a rewarding and exciting experience. With a solid business idea, the right support and the choice of the right location, founders can be successful in Austria. The hotspots for start-ups offer a thriving ecosystem that encourages the development of innovative ideas and the creation of successful businesses.

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Where can I get a press card in Austria?

09/11/2023 | By: FDS

In Austria, journalists can usually obtain a press card from a variety of sources. Here are some of the main sources where you can apply for a press card:

Austrian Journalists Club (ÖJC): The Austrian Journalists Club is one of the main places for journalists to apply for a press card in Austria. You usually need to be a member of the ÖJC to use this service. The ÖJC offers members assistance with the application process and issues the press card.

Your employer or media organization: If you work for an established media organization in Austria, you can also contact your employer directly, as many media companies take care of issuing press cards for their employees.

Press Club Concordia: The Press Club Concordia is an important institution in Austria that promotes freedom of the press and freedom of expression. They also offer assistance in applying for press cards.

Freischreiber Österreich: Freelance journalists can contact Freischreiber Österreich for information on applying for a press card. The association provides support for freelance journalists in Austria.

Association of Foreign Press in Austria (ACF): The ACF is an association of foreign correspondents and journalists in Austria. It also offers assistance in applying for press cards for foreign media representatives.

The exact requirements and conditions for issuing a press card can vary from organization to organization. In most cases, you must be able to prove that you are a journalist, for example by providing samples of your work or other documents. Membership in a journalists' association such as the ÖJC can make the process easier, as these organizations often provide the necessary evidence and support. It is advisable to contact the respective body you wish to apply to directly for the press card in order to receive detailed information and instructions on how to apply.

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What journalists' associations are there in Austria?

09/07/2023 | By: FDS

In Austria, there are also various journalists' associations and organizations that represent the interests of journalists and provide support and networking opportunities. Here are some of the most important journalists' associations and organizations in Austria:

Austrian Journalists Club (ÖJC): The Austrian Journalists Club is one of the most prominent journalists' associations in Austria. It represents journalists from various media sectors, including print, broadcast and online. The ÖJC advocates for the interests of media professionals and provides support and resources to members.

Presseclub Concordia: The Presseclub Concordia is an influential institution in Austria and advocates for press freedom and freedom of expression. It promotes ethics in journalism and provides venues for events and discussions.

Verband der Zeitschriftenverlage Österreichs (VÖZ): The VÖZ represents the interests of magazine publishers and plays an important role in the Austrian media landscape. It provides information and resources for publishers and journalists.

Association of Austrian Online Media (VÖZ): This association represents online media companies in Austria and advocates for the interests of the digital media industry.

Verband Österreichischer Zeitungen (VÖZ): The VÖZ represents the interests of newspaper publishers and newspaper companies in Austria.

Gewerkschaft der Privatangestellten, Druck, Journalismus, Papier (GPA-djp): This union represents the interests of journalists and media employees and campaigns for better working conditions, fair pay and social security.

Union of Foreign Press in Austria (UNPA): The UNPA is an association of foreign journalists working in Austria. It provides support and networking opportunities for foreign correspondents and media representatives.

There are also regional journalists' associations and organizations in different parts of Austria that specialize in the interests of journalists in specific regions. Membership in one of these associations can provide journalists with access to training, resources and a network of colleagues to further their professional development. Choosing an association often depends on individual interests and the type of journalistic work.

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Blog directory - The blogs with the widest reach in Austria by topic

07/05/2022 | By: FDS
Our Media & PR Database 2022 now also includes the best-known and widest-ranging blogs. Are you looking for thematically relevant bloggers with collaborations and placements? You will find them here,
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06/25/2022 | By: FDS

Are you looking for an inexpensive way to acquire current editorial addresses for your press releases? Our Media & PR Database 2022 is the inexpensive alternative to expensive PR software in German-speaking countries to quickly get a comprehensive overview of the media landscape. Forget weeks of research and benefit from a constantly expanding coverage and data.

Included media outlets in total: 15,982 media in DACH (thereof 12,202 in Germany) with the following types:

- 326 Blog, thereof 305 in Germany

- 242 Forum / Community, thereof 214 in Germany

- 5,291 Scientific Journal, thereof 3,840 in Germany

- 5,344 Magazine, thereof 4,066 in Germany

- 1,849 Newspaper / Online Newspaper, thereof 1,472 in Germany

- 80 Podcast, thereof 59 in Germany

- 44 News Agency / Press Portal, thereof 36 in Germany

- 1,784 Publisher, thereof 1,427 in Germany

- 599 Radio Station, thereof 447 in Germany

- 242 TV Station, thereof 174 in Germany

- 181 Web Portal, thereof 162 in Germany

In addition, direct links to the media data are already included for over 3,500 media.

We currently offer access to editorial data starting at €379. You can find all information on scope and functions of our Media- & PR Database 2022 can be found here.

Do you have questions/comments/suggestions? Please use our contact form

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