
News / Blog: #applicant

How do you find skilled workers these days?

08/04/2023 | By: FDS

Searching for professionals these days can be challenging, but there are several ways to find potential candidates. Here are some common methods:

Online job postings: Post your job openings on job portals, career websites or social media. Many professionals are actively looking for jobs online.

Professional networks: use platforms like LinkedIn to actively search for and connect with professionals. LinkedIn offers specific features for recruiting.


Recruitment agencies: work with recruitment agencies that specialize in recruiting professionals. These agencies often have access to a pool of qualified candidates.


Employee referrals: Ask your current employees to recommend potential professionals from their network. Employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Current employees often know qualified individuals who are looking for new opportunities.

Career fairs and job fairs: Attend industry events to connect directly with potential candidates. Trade shows provide an opportunity to introduce yourself in person and answer questions.

Universities and colleges: partner with educational institutions to find graduates or students with the skills you need. Internship and apprenticeship programs can also be a way to identify potential professionals early on.

Social media: Use platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter to share your job openings and reach out to potential applicants. Social media groups and forums that focus on your industry or specific areas of expertise can also be useful.

Social Media.

Company website: Make sure your company website has current job openings and information on how to apply. Many professionals specifically search for career opportunities on company websites.

Make sure your company website contains current job openings and information on how to apply.

It can also be helpful to build an attractive employer image to attract professionals. This includes aspects such as competitive salaries, good working conditions, development opportunities, and a positive working environment.

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Why IT intermediaries or recruiters ghosted applicants or rejected them without stating a reason

07/27/2023 | By: FDS

In the world of IT recruiting, applicants as well as IT intermediaries and recruiters face a variety of challenges. One of the most frustrating phenomena that many applicants face is so-called "ghosting" or receiving rejections without clear reasons. While this behavior may seem unacceptable, there are still some reasons that could explain why IT intermediaries or recruiters resort to such practices. In this article, we will shed some light on some of these reasons.

Large number of applicants: especially in the IT industry, the number of applicants to a job can be overwhelming. The flood of resumes and applications can lead to recruiters struggling to provide individualized feedback to each applicant. This sometimes leads to an impersonal approach where applicants are rejected without a specific reason.

Lack of time: recruiting is a time-intensive process that includes screening applications, interviewing, checking references, and arranging interviews. The heavy workload can lead to some IT recruiters or hiring managers taking shortcuts and ghosting applicants instead of taking the time to turn them down in person.

Uncertainty and caution: In some cases, IT intermediaries or recruiters are unsure how to evaluate an application or candidate. Instead of having a potentially awkward conversation, they may choose the easier route of ghosting or a meaningless rejection to avoid confrontation.

Job changes: Sometimes the requirements of a position change during the recruiting process. A position for which a candidate originally seemed well suited might suddenly require different criteria. In such cases, IT intermediaries or recruiters might be inclined to ghosted or reject applicants without justification to avoid having to deal with the complex changes.

Company policies: Some companies have policies that govern how they handle applicants. These might dictate that a certain number of applicants must be rejected without providing reasons. These guidelines could lead to ghosting behavior, which is considered inevitable by recruiting managers.

Regardless of the reasons, it is important to emphasize that ghosting or impersonal rejections can be a frustrating experience for applicants and can also damage a company's or recruiter's reputation. It is advisable for IT intermediaries and recruiters to rethink their processes and strive to maintain respectful and transparent communication with applicants.

In turn, it is helpful for applicants to realize that ghosting behavior is not always personal. It's challenging, but attempts to ask for feedback could shed light on the reasons for rejection in some cases.

Ultimately, the IT industry and its recruiting processes should strive to create a fair, respectful, and transparent environment for all parties involved to get the most out of the talent pool while promoting the reputation of the company and the industry as a whole.

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The importance of PR and press releases for companies in attracting qualified applicants

07/22/2023 | By: FDS

In today's highly competitive business environment, qualified employees are key to a company's success. Companies face the challenge of attracting talented and committed candidates to ensure their growth and competitiveness. In this context, it is clear that public relations (PR) and press releases play a crucial role in attracting qualified applicants. In the following article, we highlight the reasons why PR and press releases are essential for companies today to attract top-notch talent.

Strengthening the employer brand: A solid PR strategy allows companies to positively shape and publicize their employer brand. Press releases about awards, innovations, social commitment, and positive developments within the company give potential applicants:inside the impression of an attractive working environment. A strong employer brand attracts talent looking for companies that share their values and offer long-term career opportunities.

Increased visibility: Press releases reach not only applicants:inside who are actively looking for jobs, but also passive candidates:inside who may not be actively looking for new opportunities. By publishing relevant and interesting information about the company, visibility and awareness is increased, resulting in potential candidate:s becoming aware of the company.

Building trust: An effective PR strategy helps to gain the trust of potential Bewerber:innen. Through regular press releases about corporate culture, employee development and employee success stories, the company conveys transparency and credibility. This strengthens applicants' trust in the company and makes it more attractive for them to apply.

Targeting: The targeted distribution of press releases enables companies to address their target groups in a targeted manner. By selecting suitable media channels and platforms, companies can address their messages directly to professionals in relevant industries and occupational fields. In this way, they increase the likelihood that qualified applicants:inside will become aware of their job offers.

Differentiating from competitors: In a market where many companies offer similar products and services, a targeted PR strategy can make a difference. Companies that communicate their strengths, successes, and vision for the future through press releases stand out from their competitors and attract applicants who are drawn to the company's culture and career prospects.

Conclusion: In today's environment, it is essential for companies to use a strategic PR strategy and press release issuance to attract qualified Bewerber:innen. A strong employer brand, increased visibility, trust building, targeted audience outreach and differentiation from competitors are some of the key benefits that PR and press releases can provide. By communicating their strengths and successes, companies can attract top-notch talent that will contribute to their long-term growth and success.

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07/10/2023 | By: FDS

The shortage of skilled workers in information technology (IT) has been a serious problem for companies around the world for years. The demand for highly qualified IT professionals is enormous, while the supply of suitable applicants is scarce. But there are solutions to counteract this problem and find the perfect employees for your company.

One way to address the IT skills shortage is to recruit talented and qualified candidates abroad. Due to globalization and the digital age, finding and hiring international talent is easier today than ever before. With the right resources and tools, companies can search candidate profiles and identify candidates with the skills and qualifications they need.

Another effective solution is to increase collaboration with educational institutions. By building close relationships with universities, colleges and technical schools, companies can establish early contact with promising young talent. Internships, mentoring programs, and scholarships are all ways to attract young talent and get them excited about a career in IT.

In addition to recruiting from abroad and working with educational institutions, companies should also invest in the training and development of their existing employees. Targeted training and education can help employees expand their skills and adapt to new technologies and trends. This not only helps to alleviate the shortage of skilled workers, but also strengthens employee loyalty to the company and increases employee satisfaction.

In addition, companies should use innovative ways to reach out to potential applicants. This includes using online job boards, social networks and professional networks such as LinkedIn. Creating an attractive employer brand and highlighting the benefits and development opportunities your company offers are important factors in attracting qualified IT professionals.

Another approach is to work with third-party recruitment agencies that specialize in the IT industry. These agencies often have access to a broad network of IT professionals and can assist in identifying and selecting qualified candidates. By taking over the entire recruitment process, companies save time and resources.

Overall, addressing the IT skills shortage requires a comprehensive and holistic approach. Companies must proactively search for talent, develop their workforce and explore new ways to recruit. By combining these measures, companies can find their dream applicants and strengthen their IT team with highly skilled professionals.

The skills shortage in IT is undoubtedly a challenge, but there are ways to overcome it and find your dream applicants. One strategy that has proven successful is creating attractive working conditions and incentives for potential applicants.

Flexible working hours, the option of a home office, attractive salaries and benefits such as continuing education opportunities or company pension plans are just some of the factors that can attract professionals to the IT industry. A pleasant working environment, a good work-life balance and the opportunity to work on interesting and challenging projects are also important aspects that applicants take into account.

Another way to find your dream applicant is to be actively present at networking events and professional conferences. There, you can meet potential applicants in person, make contacts and promote your company. In addition, you can be active in the IT community by participating in open source projects, publishing professional articles or participating in discussion forums. This will increase your visibility and attract talented professionals.

Collaborating with IT experts and recruiters can also be helpful. These professionals have extensive industry knowledge and a wide network of IT professionals. By working with them, you can make your search for qualified candidates more focused and effective.

In addition to sourcing candidates externally, companies should also strengthen their internal talent management. Identify promising talent within your own company and encourage their further development. Through targeted training and promotion opportunities, you can encourage your employees to develop their skills and commit to your company for the long term.

Another option is to work with educational institutions to develop the next generation of skilled workers. Through internships, dual study programs or cooperation with universities, companies can establish contact with promising IT talent at an early stage and retain them in the long term.

Not least, companies should review their own corporate culture and values. A positive corporate culture that promotes innovation, creativity and teamwork can help attract and retain talented IT professionals over the long term.

The IT skills shortage is a challenge that companies should not ignore. However, through a combination of targeted recruitment strategies, attractive working conditions, internal talent management and an active presence in the IT community, you can find your dream applicants and strengthen your company with highly skilled IT professionals.

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What's a no-go when looking for a job?

06/26/2023 | By: FDS

A job search "no-go" is a behavior or action that is viewed negatively by potential employers and reduces the likelihood of a successful application. Here are some examples of no-go's in the job search:

Unprofessional appearance: Dressing inappropriately or behaving rudely and disrespectfully toward hiring managers can leave a bad impression.

Inadequate preparation: If you have not done enough research on the company or have no idea about the position you are applying for, this shows a lack of interest and commitment.

Poor application documents: spelling mistakes, unclear CV or an unsuitable application photo can lead to the application being sorted out before the potential employer even has a chance to get to know the candidate better.

Lies or exaggerations: Honesty is critical in application processes. Playing up qualifications or making up experience will usually come to light sooner or later and can lead to a loss of trust.

Unprofessional online presence: employers these days often search online for information about applicants. Sharing inappropriate or unprofessional content on social media or posting negative comments about previous employers or colleagues can hurt an applicant's reputation.

Lack of communication: not responding to messages or calls from the potential employer or not meeting deadlines shows disinterest or a lack of reliability.

Arrogant behavior: Acting arrogant or overbearing during the job application process, such as by belittling other applicants, is rarely well received.

It is important to behave professionally, honestly and respectfully during the job search in order to have the best chance of a successful application.

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