
News / Blog: #advisor

The most common problems of solo self-employed and how to solve them

03/02/2023 | By: FDS

Solo self-employed people are often on their own and can face challenges that affect their ability to succeed. Here are some of the most common problems solo self-employed people face and how to solve them:

Lack of client acquisition

A common problem for solo self-employed people is a lack of client acquisition. Many solo self-employed people struggle to find enough customers to sustain their business.

Solution: solo self-employed professionals should develop a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at getting the word out about their business and attracting quality customers. This includes creating high-quality content, using social media platforms, and attending industry events.

Difficulty with pricing

Another common problem for solo self-employed professionals is difficulty with pricing. It can be difficult to find the right price for products or services that are attractive to customers while also being profitable for the business.

Solution: Solo self-employed professionals should develop a comprehensive pricing strategy based on market demand, costs, and the value the business provides. It is important to find the right price that keeps the business profitable while being attractive to customers.

Time management problems

Another common problem for solo self-employed workers is time management issues. It can be difficult to find a balance between work and other commitments, especially when working alone.

Solution: solo self-employed workers should develop an effective time management strategy to help them use their time effectively and find a balance between work and other commitments. This includes scheduling breaks, setting priorities, and using tools such as to-do lists and calendars.

Difficulties with bookkeeping and tax returns

Another common problem for solo self-employed workers is difficulty with bookkeeping and tax returns. It can be difficult to keep on top of finances and file the right tax returns.

Solution: solo self-employed individuals should make sure they have an effective accounting strategy that allows them to manage their finances effectively and file all required tax returns on time. It is also important to consult a tax advisor to ensure that all tax requirements are met.

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How do I become successful as a self-employed person / in self-employment?

01/02/2023 | By: FDS

1. Define your goals: The first and most important requirement for success as a self-employed person is that you define clear goals and follow through on them. Think about what kind of success you want to achieve and make sure your goals are realistic and achievable.

2. Create a business plan: a business plan will help you define your goals and provide a clear path to achieve them. In doing so, you should create a detailed plan for your finances, marketing strategy, customer service and cost structure.

3. Familiarize yourself with all legal and financial aspects: as a self-employed person, you must be aware that you have to comply with various legal and financial requirements. Educate yourself on all aspects and be in regular contact with a tax advisor to ensure that all of your business is conducted correctly and in a legally compliant manner.

4. Engage with your competitors: to be successful, you need to know what your competitors are doing and how you can stand out. Be creative in developing services and products that meet your customers' wants and needs.

5. Use social media: social networks offer you a unique opportunity to promote your services and products. Use the platforms to communicate with your customers, get feedback and spread your brand.

6. Be patient and stay on top of things: Success as a self-employed person requires patience and good planning. Set short and long term goals, check your progress regularly and make sure you are on the right track.

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What is consulting / advisory?

12/05/2022 | By: FDS
Advisory / Consulting is the professional provision of services to help businesses solve problems and achieve their goals. Consultants provide a variety of services including strategic planning, project management, organizational structure and design, financial advice, legal advice, and more. Consulting is a profession in which consultants seek to help clients solve their problems and help them achieve their goals.
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