
News / Blog: #sales

Achieve more sales with little effort

02/15/2024 | By: FDS

1. Use different sales channels: Don't just sell your products the traditional way, but also use online marketplaces, social networks or apps to reach more customers.

2. Don't forget upselling strategies: Offer your customers more products that match the one they already bought or have more features.

3. Customer loyalty: increase customer loyalty by offering customer loyalty programs, sending regular newsletters and responding to customer feedback.

4. Offer discounts and special offers: Use discounts and special offers to entice customers to buy and increase your sales.

5. Make shopping easy: A simple and user-friendly shopping experience will help you generate more sales. Make sure your website is easy to navigate and displays all the necessary information.

6. Use online advertising: use strategies like SEO, Google Ads and Social Media Ads to reach more customers.

7. Provide good customer service: Good customer service is an important factor to attract customers and increase sales. Make sure your customers are served quickly and professionally.

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Product Price, Sales, Advertising Costs & Conversion Rate - A Sample Calculation

02/14/2024 | By: FDS

The world of E-commerce is dynamic and constantly evolving. Companies face the challenge of not only successfully selling their products but also maximizing the efficiency of their marketing efforts. In this article, we take a closer look at the interplay between product price, revenue, advertising costs, and conversion rate through an example calculation.

Product Price as a Starting Point

The product price is a crucial factor for the success of an E-commerce business. It should not only cover production costs but also ensure a reasonable profit for the company. Let's assume a company sells a product for $50.

Revenue as a Measure of Success

Revenue is the cornerstone of every business. It is derived from the number of products sold multiplied by the product price. In our example, with a selling price of $50 and the sale of 100 products, the company achieves revenue of $5000.

Advertising Costs as an Investment

To generate revenue, effective marketing is essential. This is where advertising costs come into play. Assuming the company spends $1000 on online advertising, these costs need to be considered in relation to revenue to assess the profitability of the advertising investment.

Conversion Rate as a Success Indicator

The conversion rate measures the percentage of website visitors who actually become customers. Assuming the company's website has a conversion rate of 2%, meaning 2 customers for every 100 visitors, this directly influences revenue.

The Example Calculation

  1. Revenue: 100 products * $50 = $5000
  2. Advertising Costs: $1000
  3. Conversion Rate: 2%

Now we can calculate the profitability of advertising expenses:

Revenue per Visitor: $5000 / 100 visitors = $50/visitor

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS): Revenue / Advertising Costs = $5000 / $1000 = 5

A ROAS of 5 means that for every dollar invested in advertising, $5 in revenue is generated.


The example calculation illustrates the importance of a balanced relationship between product price, revenue, advertising costs, and conversion rate. An appropriate product price coupled with effective conversion rate optimization can increase revenue and maximize the profitability of advertising investments.

Companies should continually analyze these metrics and adjust their strategies accordingly to remain competitive in the ever-changing E-commerce market.

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Tax aspects of starting a business: sales tax, income tax and trade tax

02/08/2024 | By: FDS

Founding a company is an exciting step, but it also requires tax considerations. When starting a business, founders need to consider a variety of tax issues, including VAT, income tax and trade tax. In this article, we take a closer look at these tax aspects and how they affect budding entrepreneurs.

Sales tax: when is it relevant?

Sales tax, also known as VAT, is a consumption tax levied on the sale of goods and services. In Germany, the general VAT rate is currently 19%, while the reduced rate is 7%. When setting up a company, founders must decide whether they want to be liable for VAT or not.

The VAT liability can be relevant for companies that offer goods or services that are subject to VAT. If a company is liable for VAT, it must collect VAT on its sales and pay it to the tax office. At the same time, it can claim the input tax it has paid for business expenses.

Income tax: personal tax liability

Income tax concerns the personal tax liability of the founders and owners of a company. In Germany, income from self-employment and entrepreneurial activity is generally subject to income tax. The amount of income tax depends on the income and the personal tax rates.

It is important to note that in Germany the Income Tax Act makes a distinction between tradespeople and freelancers. Freelancers, such as doctors, lawyers and engineers, are subject to different tax rules than tradespeople who produce goods or provide services.

Trade tax: For companies with commercial operations

Trade tax is a municipal tax levied on companies that operate a trade. The amount of trade tax depends on the amount of trade income and the assessment rate of the respective municipality. Founders must check whether their activity is classified as commercial and whether they are subject to trade tax.

Crowdfunding and legal provisions: Financing for start-ups

Crowdfunding has become a popular financing method for start-ups. It allows founders to raise capital from a variety of investors, often via online platforms. Despite its appeal, start-ups must observe certain legal provisions when using crowdfunding:

1. Crowdfunding platforms: Start-ups should ensure that the crowdfunding platform they select meets the legal requirements and has a valid license.

2. Type of company: The type of company can have an impact on the legal requirements for raising capital. Some forms require the publication of certain information for investors.

3. Transparency: Start-ups must be transparent about their business, financial position and risks. This is crucial to gain the trust of investors.

4. Contracts and agreements: It is advisable to seek professional legal assistance to properly draft the contracts and agreements with investors and ensure that they comply with applicable laws.

Proper advice and compliance with the law are crucial to running successful crowdfunding campaigns and avoiding legal issues.


Tax considerations and legal regulations are key aspects of starting a business and raising capital via crowdfunding. Founders should learn about tax obligations early on and consult legal experts to ensure that their business operations comply with applicable laws and regulations. With the right preparation and advice, founders can maintain their financial integrity and build their business successfully.

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Handling objections - solving objections for more deals

02/01/2024 | By: FDS

Handling objections in a sales conversation is an essential part of a successful sales process. The salesperson must be able to resolve objections from the customer before they can close the deal. Objections are a natural part of the sales process as the customer tries to get a better price or a better product. It is therefore important that the salesperson has a strategy to handle objections professionally and resolve them in his or her favor.

Objection handling in a sales call starts with immigration recognition. The salesperson must recognize and understand the customer's objection in order to resolve it. To recognize the objection, the salesperson must listen carefully and pay attention to the customer's nonverbal communication. The salesperson must also be willing to ask questions to obtain more information and clarify the objection.

After the salesperson has identified the objection, he or she can begin to address the objection. To resolve an objection, the salesperson must offer a solution that meets the customer's needs. To do this, he must develop an understanding of why the objection exists and how to resolve it. The salesperson must convince the customer that the solution he offers is to his advantage.

Objection handling in a sales conversation also requires that the salesperson have an appropriate and professional response to objections from the customer. This includes the salesperson never being aggressive or rude. The salesperson also does not need to engage in a heated discussion, but instead should try to resolve the objection without arguing.

Handling objections in a sales call is an important part of a successful sales process. The salesperson must be able to recognize, understand, and resolve customer objections in order to achieve a successful close. The salesperson must respond professionally and appropriately to customer objections and offer a solution that meets the customer's needs to achieve a positive outcome.

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B2B Sales - How to win more customers

01/22/2024 | By: FDS

1. Define your target customers: First, it's important to define your target customers in terms of their industry, size, region, and other characteristics. This will help you better focus on those customers who will benefit the most from your product or service.

2. Create a strong brand: By building a strong brand, you can stand out from the competition. Invest in designing a professional logo, a memorable website and other marketing activities to make your brand known.

3. Use social media: social media is an effective way to connect with your customers and keep them updated on news and offers. Create a presence on the major platforms and use them to connect with your customers.

4. Focus on customer service: B2B customers are interested in quality customer service that provides quick answers and solutions to problems. Invest in a good customer service team and make sure they respond to all inquiries quickly and professionally.

5. Build a network: By building a network of industry leaders, experts and other relevant people, you can promote your brand and expand your customer base. Create a list of potential contacts and build these relationships by keeping them informed and sending them information about your products and services on a regular basis.

6. Make use of inbound marketing: Inbound marketing is one of the most effective ways to attract new customers. Create interesting content such as blogs, whitepapers, videos and infographics to drive visitors to your website and get them to sign up for your newsletter.

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