
News / Blog: #reviews

Advertising psychology - How to convince your potential customers to make a purchase decision

09/13/2023 | By: FDS

1. Offer a solution to a problem: If you want to convince your potential customers, you need to offer them a solution to a specific problem. For example, this can be a product that solves a specific problem or a service that saves them time and money. By understanding the problems and needs of your target audience, you can create a product or service that offers them real value.

2. Convey trust: Customers need to feel confident that they are supporting a high-quality and trustworthy brand. Convey to your potential customers that you stand for quality and service. Be transparent and offer guarantees to make your customers feel secure.

3. Create an emotional connection: customers need to make an emotional connection with your product or brand. Try to understand the emotional needs of your target audience and address them directly. Tell a story that resonates with your customers and appeals to them.

4. Use social proof: social proof is a very effective way to convince potential customers. When customers see other people buying and using your product, they will be more willing to purchase it. Show your potential customers reviews, testimonials and success stories to strengthen social proof.

5. Focus on the benefits: Remember to focus on the benefits of your product or service instead of focusing on the features. Explain to your customers how they can benefit from your product or service.

6. Make an offer: If you make an attractive offer, potential customers will be more willing to make a purchase decision. Think about special offers, discounts, gifts and other perks to incentivize your customers.

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Effective press & media relations - from hidden champion to well-known brand

09/12/2023 | By: FDS

The path to greater visibility and recognition

Effective press and media relations is an important investment for any company to make its brand known and increase customer recognition. But how do you go from being a "hidden champion" to a well-known brand?

The first step is to develop a clear and appealing corporate brand. A strong brand will enable you to stand out from competitors. This includes defining a memorable brand, developing a brand image, brand strategy and brand identity.

After your company has established a strong brand, it's time to begin press and media relations. It's important to define a clear goal, such as more brand awareness, more customers or more sales. To achieve this goal, you need to have a good understanding of who your target audience is and how best to address them.

Good press and media relations requires an effective communications plan that will help you access known channels. This includes issuing press releases, attending events and trade shows, reaching out to journalists and bloggers, setting up a social media account, and participating in industry forums and webinars.

To achieve the greatest possible success, you should also invest in search engine optimization (SEO). This will help you appear on the front pages of search engines when your target audience searches for your business.

Finally, you should also consider your approach to negative reviews. It is important to respond to negative comments in order to maintain a positive image of your business.

By following the above steps, you can transform your company from a "hidden champion" to a well-known brand and increase your customers' recognition.

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Why is no one signing up for my lead form?

07/17/2023 | By: FDS

There are several reasons why no one is signing up for your lead form. Here are some possible causes and solutions:

Too many fields: If your form has too many required fields, it can deter potential customers. Try to ask for only the essential information and keep the form short and simple.

Unclear message: if the benefits of your offers or information about your products or services are not presented clearly enough, it can be difficult to capture the interest of potential customers. Review your landing page and ensure that key benefits and information are presented clearly and compellingly.

Lack of credibility: if your landing page doesn't appear trustworthy, it may cause potential customers to avoid filling out the form. Make sure your landing page is professionally designed, emphasizes the trustworthiness of your brand, and includes customer reviews and third-party ratings.

Technical issues: If your form has technical issues or doesn't function properly, customers may be prevented from completing it. Verify that the form is loading smoothly and that it is working correctly.

Incorrect offer: If the offer on your landing page is not relevant or attractive enough to potential customers, it may prevent them from filling out the form. Check if the offer on your landing page is relevant and appealing, and adjust it if necessary.

Lack of reach: if your landing page is not getting enough traffic, this can lead to no one filling out the form. Improve your reach by using targeted online marketing to drive more traffic to your landing page.

By considering these factors and making adjustments to your lead form where necessary, you can increase the likelihood that more potential customers will sign up.

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What are typical mistakes in customer acquisition?

07/14/2023 | By: FDS

There are some typical customer acquisition mistakes that companies can make. Here are some examples:

Lack of target group analysis: if companies do not know exactly who their target group is, it can be difficult to understand their needs and requirements. Therefore, a thorough audience analysis is essential in order to target marketing efforts to the right customers.

Unclear or wrong message: If the marketing message is unclear or wrong, it can cause potential customers to lose interest or not take the company seriously. A clear and compelling message that highlights the benefits and added value of the offering is therefore essential.

Poor customer experience: A poor customer experience, for example due to slow or unfriendly customer service, can lead to potential customers not recommending the company or even giving it bad reviews. A positive Customer Experience is therefore important for gaining customer trust and building long-term customer relationships.

Incorrect priorities: If companies invest too much time and resources in marketing activities that are not focused on the needs of the target group, this can lead to waste. A targeted marketing strategy that is focused on the needs of the target group is therefore necessary.

Lack of continuity: a one-off marketing campaign may attract potential customers, but long-term customer relationships require a continuous and consistent marketing strategy. Companies should therefore conduct marketing activities on a continuous basis to build long-term customer relationships.

Lack of analysis and optimization: Without regular analysis and optimization of marketing activities, it can be difficult to make improvements and measure the success of the marketing strategy. Companies should therefore regularly analyze and optimize their marketing activities to ensure that they are aligned with the needs of the target group and achieve positive results.

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Build a landing page - What you should pay attention to

05/23/2023 | By: FDS

A landing page is a web page that users reach after clicking on an ad or link. The landing page should provide users with relevant information and a clear call-to-action to motivate them to take a specific action, such as registering, making a purchase, or getting in touch. Here are some tips on what to look for when creating a landing page:

Target audience and objective: Before you start creating the landing page, you should be clear about your target audience and your objective. What do your users expect from the landing page? What do you want to achieve with the landing page?

Clarity and clarity: the landing page should be designed in a simple and clear way to allow users to quickly find their way around. Use clear and simple language, structure the content in short paragraphs and use meaningful headings and bulleted lists.

Responsive design: the landing page should display well on all devices, i.e. desktop computers, tablets and smartphones. Use a responsive design to ensure that the page displays optimally on all devices.

Call-to-action: The landing page should contain a clear call-to-action that makes it clear to users what they should do next. Use engaging buttons or links to make it easy for users to contact you or make a purchase.

Build trust: To gain users' trust, display testimonials, customer reviews or certifications on the landing page. This way, you can show users that your offer is reputable and reliable.

Conversion tracking: to measure the success of your landing page, you should set up conversion tracking. This way, you can track how many users actually performed the desired action.

Test and optimize: Test your landing page regularly and optimize it continuously to improve the conversion rate. Use A/B testing to test different variations of the landing page against each other to get the best results.

A successful landing page requires time, patience and a certain amount of experience in online marketing. However, by considering the above tips, you can create a landing page that will delight your users and lead to conversions.

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